Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Donald Trump versus the Snake of Eden

With the artful movements of the snake in Eden former President Obama is bringing his venomous tones against Trump to whomever will listen. Charged with a single minded crusade to disrupt Trump, hence democracy, Obama’s deranged mind believes disorder and chaos work better in a world full of hate and religious intolerance. The inconvenience of order does not play well with someone who failed, in 8 years, to do little more than feed the coffers of his personal flock. Obama’s derangement does not stop at the frontiers of his mind it has infected many others. Slime never rises above the level in which it moves. Obama’s is exploiting his former position as he did when he held the presidency.  In neither case did it help the little girl with the lemonade stand on the corner or her father struggling to make the rent. When the political dust falls Trump will stand tall as history writes of a former President who was a shadow of the man who replaced him. God speed to Donald Trump for taking on the snake of Eden’s failures. Mark Davis MD. platomd@gmail.com speaker, media consultant, author and a true patriot.

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