Sunday, July 30, 2017

When Liberals Fail

                                                      When Liberals Fail

Clownish behavior by liberal mongers to implicate the President in collusion with the Russians is nothing less than a travesty in the making. More than a year has gone by since the first whispers of foreign involvement in the American election process surfaced. Falling all over each other to see who can catch a Russian ghost first the left are diverting attention from their treasonous behavior. From Debbie Wasserman Schultz engaging Pakistani operatives to manage DNC computers to Hillary’s wheeling and dealing for funds to enhance the Clinton Foundation from foreign entities. As the Democrats search for answers to unanswerable questions the liberal slime moves freely amongst us with impunity or so they think. Prosecution of individuals selling out America for a buck or two should be a top priority for the judicial system. So far it hasn’t been. Donald Trump is correct when he stated that his Attorney General has veered too far from Hillary-Gate. Suspending his role in the Russian probe was no less a surprise to the President.  Time has come to replace the Sessions and put America’s house in order.

Mark Davis MD


Manager:    under construction

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Overzealous Medical Boards

Overzealous Medical Boards

Medical Boards have gone beyond policing of physicians to unconscionable intrusion into medical practice. Complexity of administrative law governing physician licensing and subsequent maintenance of licensure requires a knowledge beyond the ken of most physicians. Medical Boards employ their own attorneys and or utilize those from the Attorney General’s Office in the state from which medical licenses are derived. Without knowing the intricacy of medical board regulatory function a physician has no chance of obtaining an impartial hearing. Fair and balanced should not be expected from adversarial government entities. Medical Boards across the country have garnered more power as physicians blindly kowtowed to each and every edict they generated. Medical Societies, with few exceptions, no longer protect the flock that pay their way. Social and economic impact from a negative Board maneuvers against a physician can be devastating. Therefore the proper push back is a moral imperative.

As a former practicing physician I have seen the lengths a state board will go to prove a lie against you is true. Standards of Care may not be as standard as those empowered by us want you to believe. Through the use of hired guns, also called medical vigilantes, medical boards can make a case where none exists. Administrative courts, where your supposed impartial hearing is to take place, are nothing more than biased forums to cement the outcome the Medical Board is seeking. In the event a hearing goes your way most Boards have the right to flip the positive court outcome against you. The latter statement is factually true as this author has experienced. Medical Boards have moved far afield from their original intent. These administrative entities are self-serving meaning sanctioning is their reason for existence. By sanctioning as many physicians as possible the public perception is they are doing a fine job. Boards have forgotten physicians have rights too. Yet these entities cherry pick regulations to effectuate the preconceived outcome they want. Do not go before a Board or a Court without “appropriate” counsel. The end result could be devastating to your career.
Mark Davis MD

Friday, July 7, 2017

From Entitlement to Intolerance to Expectation

From Entitlement to Intolerance to Expectation

      Until recently I thought there was a specter of hope in the entitlement community where they would see the proverbial writing on the wall. Freebies may be coming to an end, as they know them. The welfare set has become too emboldened recently as though society owes them for past grievances. Collectively we owe them nothing. Through protest, violence, misrepresentation of facts and finally murder their words and deeds speak for themselves. In certain quarters the latter elements are actually forgiven and or given a pass.

College and universities have become the newest battleground to spew hatred from those who condemn work and scholarship. Diminished standards placed these radicals in institutions which formerly would have rejected them. Coincident with their intolerance to other subsets of civil society a truly emboldened crowd has manifest an unheard of anger towards those who keep us safe. Calling for the annihilation of police steps over any line that can be drawn. Time has come to resurrect policies that have a measured approach in silencing this hideous rhetoric. What should our approach be to these malevolent attitudes and actions? Mark Davis   

Monday, July 3, 2017

Betrayed, a novel by Elizabeth Devine

Betrayed is a novel which moves from the pleasures of the bedroom to the episodic politics of the boardroom. Set in the fictitious community of Lakeland, Taylor Long’s placid family life is interrupted by accusations she murdered two co-workers. Entrapped by circumstance the protagonist has more than enough reasons to want her employer dead, as mounting evidence points in her direction. Thematic throughout this well written novel are numerous events which prevent the main character from moving above the proverbial glass ceiling. Author Elizabeth Devine’s plot twists keep the reader on edge as the story plays out to its surprising conclusion. Betrayed kept me riveted to my chair chapter after chapter. This is one book that should be in your collection as it is in mine.