Monday, November 27, 2017

SPEX Course: Concentrating on Questions Answers and Content

SPEX Course: Concentrating on Questions, Answers and Content

One of the most difficult and unfair exams a physician will ever be requested to take is the Special Purpose Examination (SPEX). State Boards’ of Physicians request this exam when a physician has been away from practice for a time period and or there is a question of competency. The spread of information is so vast that comprehending the complete subject matters involved in the exam’s questions is nearly insurmountable.

Literature published by the Federation of State Medical Boards, the originator of this unfair test, is elusive at best. Books sold on the open market are generally antiquated or out of sync with the current exam. Therefore a course was needed to concentrate on potential questions offered, answers to the questions and general content the test taker may encounter.

Passing the exam is possible with proper preparation and guidance. Doctor Mark Davis tutors specifically in the Special Purpose Exam. His experience with numerous physicians who have encountered the SPEX test is invaluable when applied to tutoring future examinees.

To contact Dr. Mark Davis for an appointment, fees or general questions please use the following email: Do not enter this exam without knowledge of its contents which Dr. Davis can provide to you. Thanks.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Judge Roy Moore Faces Leftwing vile

The case of Judge Roy Moore and the sexually explicit representations made in the Washington Post are highly suspicious, both for the timing of their release and content. In Alabama, where these so-called sexual events occurred, a boy or girl can marry with parental consent at 16 years of age. The circumstances of the sexual innuendos aim at Moore with these teenagers decades ago are extremely superficial and circumstantial at best. With that stated I agree with Moore that the Democrat machine dug to the deepest part of the proverbial barrel to find this crap. IMHO Moore should fight back. You know the rest.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Democracy in a Can

Democracy in a Can

Democracy faded in America when political ideologues put party before country. Enervated by egregious forces which sought to displace American Idealism with corrupt policies the nation moved into an abyss that stifled free enterprise and will. Under “their” plan only a few would profit over the many who are subjugated by impenetrable legislative disasters. Presently taxes and health care initiatives oppress a population with a burden which gridlocks our wallets and our personal safety. In order to see the light once more cultivation of a mindset is needed to unify and not divide a nation which had eight prior years of catastrophic reign. Those who lost their way in the 2016 election are touring with a nonsensical rationale that something bad happened on that day. From this perch an intervention took place, whether divine or terrestrial, which moved us out of our stagnated environment. The swamp is being drained but the shadows of prior alligators are ever so present. There are two ends to the tunnel. Let us hope the nation moves to the end that invigorates and enlightens our future.

Mark Davis MD,

Monday, November 6, 2017

Richard Branson's Political Acumen Questioned

Richard Branson has been all over the media recently. The admirable billionaire, ever present on LinkedIn, recently has been spewing out epithets about life, wealth and culture. His distaste for Trump is well-known. Branson's ability to pick and or create winning companies has made him very wealthy. Yet he chose Hillary over the current occupant in the White House. Apparently his political intuition does not match his business savvy. Point being too many follow this icon who supported a person that sold out America. Should we continue to lavish praise on such a person?

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Rush Limbaugh Out of Touch with Reality

to ELRushbo
Mark Davis MD
RE: Tax, blue states and your being out of touch with reality

Dear Mr. Limbaugh:
     I heard your diatribe on the potential tax plan today (11/2/2017). With respects you are living in another reality. The middle class will be hard hit by the mortgage deduction abatement no matter where they live. Blue states, reds states or green states it doesn't matter. As conservative, living in Maryland, most of us are middle class. A minimum of 40% vote for Republicans here. The governor is a Republican. To sit in your studio and pontificate that people in high taxed states should move is an absurdity wrapped in stupidity. You will benefit greatly from this tax plan, most of us will not. After listening to you today I am extremely disappointed in your presentation. We are the same age. You went into the media accumulating a great fortune. I was in the Public Health Service and other practices serving mostly the poor. You are too detached from reality to continue this discussion. With great disappointment Mark Davis MD 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Terrorism versus Political Correctness

Terrorism versus Political Correctness

Yesterday's events in New York City, as horrific as they were, could have been much worse except for the quick actions of a heroic police officer. Quickly New York's finest moved in to secure the area and protect tens of thousands who pass through the streets in lower Manhattan. Accolades to them, their brothers in the local FBI field office and those in Homeland Security. As a person who was near the mass shooting area in Las Vegas on October 1 ( our plane had just arrived) I have a sense what went through the minds of those exposed to this incredible situation. More laws and regulations will not solve problems as noted here. Instead political correctness and social sensitivities must be reevaluated to protect large swaths of the public from the cruelty in a few peoples' minds. God bless our country and those who protect us 24/7