Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Obama reneges on his oath of office

Obama reneges on his oath of office


America is under siege by its own president. Every official action by President Obama has diminished the country in some fashion or manner. The nation’s cultural identity has been wiped away by grossly misdirected Executive Orders and left of the left legislation. Worse, the President has betrayed the very people who elevated him to the Oval Office. With no intent to carry out the Presidential Oath, sworn during two inaugural events, Obama has crippled the nation’s institutions, industries and international efforts. The following is the contents of the oath he pushed aside for a darker agenda.  “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Evidence is crystal clear Obama has overstepped his constitutional authority. Worse he has fraudulently used his authorities to enable those external to the borders of the United States to threaten this nation’s sovereignty.


Consequences of Administrative policies can be viewed in the amassed toll they have taken on this nation. With the swipe of a pen our southern border disappeared. Poorly managed withdrawal of troops from the Middle East helped to give birth to ISIS. Obama’s hate for the military is so profound he ordered its dismemberment leaving the nation vulnerable to attack. The federal Attorney General’s office has been used to divide the races and circumvent established law. Blatant misuse of federal funds, deepening the nation’s debt by trillions, swamps future generations with enormous pay backs. A lame Congress has not checked Obama’s advances on our society. They sit on their hands as he continues his chaotic mismanagement of this nation. Time has come to rein in Obama’s assault on society. Any other person who previously held this office would have been brought before Congress with the portent of impeachment as an outcome. Disgustingly weak men and women inhabit the halls of the legislative branch of government. America can no longer afford the luxury of time as the country falls further into the pit of depravity. The nation is waiting for action from the new Congress. Let us hope the fire that brought them into power still exists, if not we will be in for rough waters ahead.


Mark Davis MD, President of Davis Writing Services.

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