Rush Limbaugh: America’s
political barometer
Left wing media continues to
condemn Rush Limbaugh for explaining and defining the perversions Democrat
operatives spew daily. Rush’s sensibilities enable him to quickly douse the malicious
fires set by a group that lost its moral center decades ago. With a climate of
hate generated by President Obama and inflamed by his minions in Congress Rush’s
huge audience receive a quick response to the profound inaccuracies scripted by
these demoralized individuals. Lying has been brought to the level of an art
form under the present administration with the truth always trailing its
perpetrator. Rush pulls from his stacks news that portends to be topical for
that day. Harry Reid’s mystifying announcement from his Senate pulpit that Mitt
Romney has not paid any taxes in the last ten years deserved an immediate
response from the master of verbal karate. Reid’s unsubstantiated comments were
in character for a man Rush had pointed out numerous times was a fraud. A sharp
rebuke from EIB headquarters shook the very foundation of the Senate chambers.
Cleverly planted callers try to entrap this golden tongued individual to no
avail. Rush can sense a liberal before he/she gets passed the first sentence. Conservatism
is Rush’s brand and he is very good at delineating its component parts. Long before
the ink was dry on Obama’s piece de resistance, Obamacare, Rush smelled the
stench of backdoor politics maneuvering to pass this monstrosity, though the
majority of Americans were against it. Over two years later that stench has
only become worse as this newest entitlement heads towards fruition. Twenty
four years after he uttered his first conservative thought over the airways
Rush’s message is now amplified by over six hundred affiliates who are eager to
be part of the EIB team. Controversy has done little to dent his listenership
or wallet. He utters the truth each weekday afternoon setting the stage for the
nighttime crawlers who inhabit the left. These vermin in turn provide us a
glimpse of a mindset full of hate and insecurity which Rush reconfigures for
our amusement the next day. Rush is the bellwether of ideas that can make
America whole again. His Ph.D in honesty, with a minor in decency, causes
shudders through a community full of miscreants, anti-traditionalists and
anarchists whose sole purpose in life is to undermine America. Rush Limbaugh is
truly America’s political barometer and his predictions could not be more
accurate. Do America and yourself a favor vote conservative this November and
relieve the pressure on all of us. Mark Davis MD, author of Demons of
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