Tuesday, March 27, 2018



Special Purpose Examination is a complex test given by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB). This exam is designed to fail. Too many of our colleagues sit for this test two, three or more times. Antiquated literature on the market misdirects potential examinees with questions that do not come near the substance on this unfair exam.  SPEX is unfair because much of its subject matter is not incurred in daily practice or found in general medical readings as claimed by the FSMB. SPEX mentoring evolved to direct potential test takers towards the proper subject matter to study. Current question content is heavily reviewed enabling the potential examinee to direct his/her studies in a more efficieint matter. Dr. Mark Davis comes in contact with many who have recently taken this test to keep the information he provides current and up to date.

Please contact Dr. Davis to schedule time for SPEX test review at platomd@gmail.com. Dr. Davis' fee is based on an hourly rate.

Monday, March 26, 2018

SPEX is revenge from Medical Boards for Lapsed Licenses

SPEX is revenge from Medical Boards for Lapsed Licenses

Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) is a test constructed in hell to punish physicians who were either forced from practice or allowed their licenses to lapse. Constructed by the politically active Federation of State Medical Boards, this test’s contents covers more than a dozen subjects. Federation officials claim general medical reading should allow one to sit for this test and pass, untrue. The failure rate is extremely high with many examinees taking this test two, three or more times. Medical Boards provide no insights or preparation to enable physicians to pass this strenuous examination. Literature provided by the Federation concerning SPEX is misleading and provides minimal help to the potential examinee. Books, pamphlets and test question material on the market are out of date, as most physician find out after their first failing grade. This is where a SPEX tutor/mentor is very helpful.

SPEX tutors/mentors can guide the potential examinee in their studies, both by reviewing question content and current test subject matter. Studying for this exam takes much effort and preparation time. With the help of a SPEX tutor/mentor, such as the author of this article, those efforts will move in the proper direction. Looking for help to prepare for this arduous exam please contact Dr. Mark Davis, MD who has helped many physicians in their quest to pass SPEX.

Dr. Davis can be reached at: platomd@gmail.com  Dr. Davis fee is charged out by the hour and well worth the expense, as expressed by SPEX examinees who utilized his services.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Obesity's worst enemy The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting

Obesity’s worst enemy The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting

Move past brand name celebrity diets.  Now there is a great alternative, a diet which does not require you to purchase premeasured or prepared foods. No waiting for the doorbell to ring in expectations of your next meal. No writing large checks to cover food costs for products that you may find unappetizing. Finally no credibility problems having to believe a celebrity lost x amount of weight in y amount of time eating lasagna, pizza, chocolate cake and greasy meats. The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting has self-contained menus to enable the dieter to lose weight rapidly and in a very safe manner. This modern up to date program embeds the latest in the science of nutrition to allow your weight to melt off quickly. If you are considering a diet utilized by a caveman or one by a former sports figure, you can do better. No special foods to purchase, only nutritious foods from your local grocery. Give yourself a present by dieting with the The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting, obesity’s worst enemy.

Mark Davis MD

Author of the Millenium Diet.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Collusion Obstruction and now Confusion Mueller's Quest to Dethrone Trump

Collusion Obstruction and now Confusion Mueller’s Quest to Dethrone Trump

Robert Mueller should never have been appointed as special counsel. A very weak and timid Jeff Sessions, the current federal Attorney General, recused himself from investigations into perceived Russian meddling during the 2016 election. This opened the door for Mueller to walk through. With a limited mandate and an army of left wing lawyers the special counsel has turned up nothing of substance implicating President Trump’s complicity with those nasty Russians. Mueller took it upon himself to expand his limited mandate reviewing decades of Trump business activities and his associates. Several inconsequential indictments have been levied though nothing that touches the coat tails of Donald Trump. Democrats desire Robert Mueller to continue his trek to nowhere indefinitely, along with a few putrid Republicans. Mueller’s gestapo tactics must be limited and or permanently impaired. Time to disengage Mueller from this evidently fraudulent investigation otherwise the Democrats would have truly won the 2016 election.

Mark Davis MD



Monday, March 12, 2018

Maryland Board of Physicians Deceptive Unscrupulous and Dishonest

Maryland Board of Physicians
Deceptive Unscrupulous and Dishonest

Shadows of Soviet style judicial behavior have fallen once again on the corrupt Maryland Board of Physicians. Hiding behind its shield of legal immunity this Soviet era administrative authority destroys physicians’ careers without verifying the essence of the charges against their intended targets. Ironically the old maxim first we will give him a fair trial and then we will hang him applies here. In this case the trial was biased and the hanging predetermined. The level of corruption is so deep even the author of this piece has difficulty getting his mind around the following events.

In good faith the author filed a multiple page application with the Maryland Board of Physicians, in the latter half of 2016, for medical license reinstatement. The reinstatement document is fraught with requests for private information which arguably is none of this Board’s concern. Nevertheless the application was filed. On the final page a certification must be signed with several stipulations. Nowhere on this document does it state a third party, off the premises and outside the Board’s purview, will be sent this very private document to review. The Board’s administrative staff sent this application for reinstatement to the Attorney General’s Office without the applicant’s knowledge or written/oral consent. To make matters worse this document was given over Robert Gilbert Esq., who is part of the Maryland Attorney General’s Office, a person the applicant had sued twice in the past. Mr. Gilbert’s took it upon himself to exact his own brand of vengeful justice when he wrote two false reports to the Board in an effort to block the applicant’s reinstatement.

Mr. Gilbert’s reports contained erroneous, false and outright fabricated statements concerning the applicant, which the Board made no attempt to verify. Mr. Gilbert’s statements were unfounded and without merit. This corrupt Board went so far to have ex parte contact with Mr. Gilbert which displays the level of collusion between these two parties. In a Public Information Act (PIA) request the Board’s legal counsel and its administrative minions denied the existence of a transcript or other records of the December 21, 2016 reinstatement hearing. The cover up is intense to protect themselves from their fraudulent series of actions against Mark Davis, MD. Worse, a letter from this Board, in answer to the applicant’s PIA request, challenges him to go to court to obtain the documents for which he petitioned this corrupt Maryland State administrative entity. The Board’s counsel is well aware the immunity shield will be claimed in court to protect themselves from their illicit actions. A secondary technique will be employed stating information requested by the petitioner is privileged. Maryland’s left wing Circuit and Appellate courts are inclined to decide in favor of the Board of Physicians even when the information they send to a requesting party is patently false. In my own case and dozens of other physicians who had to tolerate the Board’s corrupt activities I watched in horror as Maryland State Courts blindly fell on the sword for this unethical, dishonest and patently unscrupulous agency.

Chief Executive of this abusive agency is not a physician. She is political appointee with a bankrupt mind and a vicious pen. Releasing a final opinion to the author, based on nothing more than hearsay and innuendo, this mentally destitute woman displayed why she needs to be shown the door. In this final opinion the rhetoric is so toxic I am embarrassed to release it in this first in a series of articles. Nevertheless the author is being framed as the worst physician on the planet and the lowest of human beings. After coming to Maryland on a Public Health scholarship and never having one penny paid out against him in a malpractice claim in forty years this physician became a target of an errant Board which denied him every level of due process. Under the tutelage of this offensive woman the Board has turned a blind eye to the toxins being spewed into Marylanders by so-called pain clinics. In the event a physician is from certain culture or works for a favored University the Board gives him/her a tap on the wrist if a complaint filed against them. With approximately 40,000 licenses under the auspices of the Maryland Board of Physicians a few hundred physicians’ careers destroyed by this entity are only considered collateral damage.

The Maryland Board of Physicians needs new leadership. Similar to a gunslinger   the Board’s hierarchy measures it successes in the number of physicians it can bring down. All physicians who are called before this massively corrupt Board should never ever appear there unless they have “counsel” well informed on the legal chicanery the Board’s Attorney General attack dogs utilize to destroy their careers. In the next article we will discuss who exactly are the miscreants perpetrating fraudulent practices on physicians and denying them due process.

Mark Davis, MD   platomd@gmail.com    medicalboardusa.com  

Monday, March 5, 2018



If you are seeking an inexpensive editor look somewhere else. Post Doctoral level editor edits everything from science and health care materials to business and legal documents. Those in high school through post doctoral studies who need help with their assigned written tasks you have come to the right person. Wide experience with science, medicine, legal and business editing. I am not cheap but I am thorough. Simply email me the document, I will price it for you and if you give me the go ahead I will start the work. All work is paid through Paypal before delivery of final product. Contact: platomd@gmail.com

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Ten Beliefs of Stupid People

                                         Ten beliefs of Stupid People

1) They believe voting for Democrats brings them more democracy though Democrats vote against their best interests.

2) They believe illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay in America though these illegals displace them from jobs, college admissions and commit record numbers of crimes.

3) They believe government, not self-reliance, is the key to a better life.

4) They believe poor people create jobs not the wealthy.

5) They believe working hard is for the other guy.

6) They believe the Kardashians are the smartest people on Earth.

7) They believe banning guns will make society safer.

8) They believe the Russians altered the outcome of the 2016 election.

9) They believe the moon landing was faked.

10) They believe entitlement not merit should move them up the food chain.