Thursday, December 28, 2017

Drugged up Maryland

Drugged up Maryland

Drug addicts abound everywhere in this corrupt state of Maryland. Opioid addiction is everywhere. Deaths from opioids in Maryland are at record highs. Some hospitals cannot keep up with the flow of addicts through their doors. The corrupt Maryland Board of Physicians allows so-called pain clinics to flourish with the most minor of regulations to control their prescribing methodologies. Now Maryland has Medical Marijuana dispensaries whose licenses were given to those who are politically well connected. Added to the hundreds of thousands of alcoholics in Maryland and the extreme amount of psycho active drugs prescribed here and one can see why there are so many deaths on our streets. The argument that Marijuana is now medicinal is nothing but a bunch of crap. Enter this state at your own risk. More to come.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting versus Fat Burning Diets

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting versus Fat Burning Diets

Complexity of human physiology does not permit fat to be burned over protein and carbohydrates unless the body is under extreme stress. Starvation and high performance exercise are two possibilities which can stress our anatomy to increase lipid metabolism. In the event you were snookered into following a diet which guaranteed fat loss only and or fat loss in excess of carbs/proteins I sadly regret you were taken for the proverbial ride. There are several programs which I reviewed that do not result in their stated intentions of high fat loss in a short time interval. Programs professing weight loss of x amount of pounds over a number of weeks by burning fat preferentially cannot be supported by current studies. Glucose will be utilized by the body initially under most circumstances. Fat loss during a diet, not starvation, comes later.

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting utilizes a mix of foods within its menus to reduce weight in an expedited fashion without harm to the body. The body takes several days to adjust itself to a decrease in calories then weight reduction begins. Body fat, as lipids, will burn in conjunction with other materials stored in the liver and muscle to move your weight down.  Fat burning diets are questionable in nature and should be challenged by those whose expertise lies in those areas.

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting is being noticed by the health industry as a safe effective alternative to diets which make bogus claims in their programs. Written in e-book format The Fat Zone can be downloaded to any electronic device and utilized immediately. All major book sellers have access to this e-book. Priced to sell you cannot miss with this diet program.

Mark Davis MD, 

Monday, December 18, 2017

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting takes on the Obesity Crisis

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting takes on the Obesity Crisis

In America every other person is overweight or obese. Defining obesity as a disease has not always been the case. In the last several decades more minds in the health care industry have accepted this concept and now recognize why obesity should be a national priority to cure. Heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and many other infirmities can be directly attributed to weight issues. Cute weight loss programs promising the sky but delivering muck will not reduce weight to significant levels needed to control its impact on the body. The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting is the key to successful, safe and rapid weight loss.

As a companion to the very popular book: The Millenium Diet, The Practical Guide for Rapid Weight Loss its menus have been updated to achieve the results every dieter is seeking. The Fat Zone does not require expensive foods, equipment or trainers. Utilizing its well-researched menus The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting delivers on its promise of safe rapid weight reduction.

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting is adaptable under most conditions. Whether at work, in a restaurant or on the go this is the program for you. Adaptable diet menus allow variance in eating styles not seen in most diet regimens.

The Medical Profession has already taken note of this new generation of dieting and we suspect The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting will be on the top of their list of recommended diets. Do not be surprised if this program is copied by others.

This reasonably priced e-book can be downloaded to any electronic device and utilized immediately. Mark Davis MD, the author, brings the latest in nutrition and dieting information to the reader. This is one diet book that will be around for many years. The Fat Zone 21st Century dieting is sold by most e-book venders in the United States and abroad.

Mark Davis MD,

Monday, December 11, 2017

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting the Next Generation in Dieting

Quickly becoming the newest standard in dieting. The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting is safe, extremely effective and within everyone's grasp. Sold by Amazon and all major e-book retailers.  Mark Davis MD is an author, journalist and media consultant. for interview requests or enhanced contact concerning this diet. 

Sunday, December 10, 2017

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting versus Celebrity Diets

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting versus Celebrity Diets

There are an enormous number of celebrity diets on the market. They can be seen in book formats, infomercials and other media presentations. Taking a close look at these programs, some not all, appear neither healthy nor as weight reduction programs. Purporting one can eat pizza, chocolate cake, lasagna and other delectable dishes and lose weight is highly suspicious. Assuming the latter is true the health consequences of such foods, especially in diet mode, have weak foundations.

Enter The Fat Zone Diet into the mix. This unique diet utilizes the latest weight reduction techniques in its menus for rapid safe weight reduction. Utilizing The Fat Zone menus is simplistic and once learned can be used on any occasion. Dieters no longer have to worry about eating away from home. The menus allow for variation in food protocols allowing the dieter choices at his or her favorite local restaurant. Diets have two elements. The first is weight loss which is the essential reason for The Fat Zone’s creation. Second the diet should be extremely healthy which makes The Fat Zone especially attractive.

Physicians have begun to take note of this program and are recommending this diet to their patients. We encourage all in the health community to study our program closely. They will find well designed menus allowing the dieter to see quick weight reduction.

Before you spend “five times the price” for a diet displayed with a polished presentation try one designed by a physician for maximum effectiveness, The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting.

Mark Davis MD

Friday, December 8, 2017

Forensics of Medical Record Review

                  Forensics of Medical Record Review

In-depth medical record reviews are no different than hunting for the perpetrator or perpetrators of a crime. Attention to detail is a must to get the maximum benefit from the review. The review process is initiated long before the medical chart is sent to a reviewer. Reviews are requested for many reasons including gross negligence, reimbursement failures, overcharges for services rendered,  insufficient medical care, insurance issues and other suspected deficiencies. Once a problem is discerned a well-trained medical records’ reviewer is tasked with elucidating the issue. At this point we become involved.

Decades of experiences dealing with insurance companies, hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, medical boards and similar institutions have provided this author with the skill set necessary to ferret out facts leading to a resolution

of the initial problem. The reviewer is a detective for hire who works for those victimized by a system that has become too big for an individual to manage on his/her own.

Please contact Dr. Mark Davis at or through the review site in the event you are requesting a review. Our fees are competitive and the work is promptly performed.

Monday, December 4, 2017

The Fat Zone a Physician Recommended Diet

                              The Fat Zone a Physician Recommended Diet

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting embeds many areas of research into one weight reduction program. The food menus are designed for rapid safe weight loss. This diet program builds on its very popular predecessor The Millenium Diet, The Practical Guide for Rapid Weight Loss. The new menus offer a greater variety of food choices yet stays within the bounds of one of the healthiest diets on the market. This e-book is designed to be thorough yet concise. There is no long winded reading involved. The diet is easy to understand and can be varied to suit a person’s needs. A section on new concepts in weight loss is eye opener. The author has included a chapter on the most frequently asked questions by dieters. The reader will take away from this book a whole new perspective on weight reduction, nutrition and facts concerning lifespan extension through dieting. If your physician is not aware of this program please let him know so it can benefit others.

Mark Davis MD:  author, journalist, health advisor and medical records reviewer.

Friday, December 1, 2017

The Fat Zone 21st Century Dieting

The Fat Zone is the next generation of dieting. Losing weight has moved from the domain of celebrities to one based on science and clinical usage. Rapid weight loss can now be achieved by utilizing carefully chosen foods in the Fat Zone menus. Based on the extremely popular Millenium Diet, the Fat Zone moves ahead of its predecessor with a sharper diet plan allowing a more physiologic approach to weight reduction. This safe, effective and expeditious mode of dieting will be the standard bearer of diets for the next decade and beyond. This Fat Zone is available on Amazon's Kindle site and soon to be released by other retailers.  

Monday, November 27, 2017

SPEX Course: Concentrating on Questions Answers and Content

SPEX Course: Concentrating on Questions, Answers and Content

One of the most difficult and unfair exams a physician will ever be requested to take is the Special Purpose Examination (SPEX). State Boards’ of Physicians request this exam when a physician has been away from practice for a time period and or there is a question of competency. The spread of information is so vast that comprehending the complete subject matters involved in the exam’s questions is nearly insurmountable.

Literature published by the Federation of State Medical Boards, the originator of this unfair test, is elusive at best. Books sold on the open market are generally antiquated or out of sync with the current exam. Therefore a course was needed to concentrate on potential questions offered, answers to the questions and general content the test taker may encounter.

Passing the exam is possible with proper preparation and guidance. Doctor Mark Davis tutors specifically in the Special Purpose Exam. His experience with numerous physicians who have encountered the SPEX test is invaluable when applied to tutoring future examinees.

To contact Dr. Mark Davis for an appointment, fees or general questions please use the following email: Do not enter this exam without knowledge of its contents which Dr. Davis can provide to you. Thanks.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Judge Roy Moore Faces Leftwing vile

The case of Judge Roy Moore and the sexually explicit representations made in the Washington Post are highly suspicious, both for the timing of their release and content. In Alabama, where these so-called sexual events occurred, a boy or girl can marry with parental consent at 16 years of age. The circumstances of the sexual innuendos aim at Moore with these teenagers decades ago are extremely superficial and circumstantial at best. With that stated I agree with Moore that the Democrat machine dug to the deepest part of the proverbial barrel to find this crap. IMHO Moore should fight back. You know the rest.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Democracy in a Can

Democracy in a Can

Democracy faded in America when political ideologues put party before country. Enervated by egregious forces which sought to displace American Idealism with corrupt policies the nation moved into an abyss that stifled free enterprise and will. Under “their” plan only a few would profit over the many who are subjugated by impenetrable legislative disasters. Presently taxes and health care initiatives oppress a population with a burden which gridlocks our wallets and our personal safety. In order to see the light once more cultivation of a mindset is needed to unify and not divide a nation which had eight prior years of catastrophic reign. Those who lost their way in the 2016 election are touring with a nonsensical rationale that something bad happened on that day. From this perch an intervention took place, whether divine or terrestrial, which moved us out of our stagnated environment. The swamp is being drained but the shadows of prior alligators are ever so present. There are two ends to the tunnel. Let us hope the nation moves to the end that invigorates and enlightens our future.

Mark Davis MD,

Monday, November 6, 2017

Richard Branson's Political Acumen Questioned

Richard Branson has been all over the media recently. The admirable billionaire, ever present on LinkedIn, recently has been spewing out epithets about life, wealth and culture. His distaste for Trump is well-known. Branson's ability to pick and or create winning companies has made him very wealthy. Yet he chose Hillary over the current occupant in the White House. Apparently his political intuition does not match his business savvy. Point being too many follow this icon who supported a person that sold out America. Should we continue to lavish praise on such a person?

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Rush Limbaugh Out of Touch with Reality

to ELRushbo
Mark Davis MD
RE: Tax, blue states and your being out of touch with reality

Dear Mr. Limbaugh:
     I heard your diatribe on the potential tax plan today (11/2/2017). With respects you are living in another reality. The middle class will be hard hit by the mortgage deduction abatement no matter where they live. Blue states, reds states or green states it doesn't matter. As conservative, living in Maryland, most of us are middle class. A minimum of 40% vote for Republicans here. The governor is a Republican. To sit in your studio and pontificate that people in high taxed states should move is an absurdity wrapped in stupidity. You will benefit greatly from this tax plan, most of us will not. After listening to you today I am extremely disappointed in your presentation. We are the same age. You went into the media accumulating a great fortune. I was in the Public Health Service and other practices serving mostly the poor. You are too detached from reality to continue this discussion. With great disappointment Mark Davis MD 

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Terrorism versus Political Correctness

Terrorism versus Political Correctness

Yesterday's events in New York City, as horrific as they were, could have been much worse except for the quick actions of a heroic police officer. Quickly New York's finest moved in to secure the area and protect tens of thousands who pass through the streets in lower Manhattan. Accolades to them, their brothers in the local FBI field office and those in Homeland Security. As a person who was near the mass shooting area in Las Vegas on October 1 ( our plane had just arrived) I have a sense what went through the minds of those exposed to this incredible situation. More laws and regulations will not solve problems as noted here. Instead political correctness and social sensitivities must be reevaluated to protect large swaths of the public from the cruelty in a few peoples' minds. God bless our country and those who protect us 24/7

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Mandalay Bay in the Aftermath of Horror

Mandalay Bay in the Aftermath of Horror

      Horror came to a peaceful gathering of approximately 22,000 individuals as the sky rained down bullets on them from the 32nd floor of a very well-known casino in Las Vegas. Mandalay Bay played host to a country music festival on October 1st 2017. With a great lineup and tranquil weather patrons never would have thought the sounds music would be eclipsed by sounds of automatic gun fire. Stephen Paddock gained instant worldwide fame as he carried out his own personal holocaust. This day would be indelibly written on the psyches of millions.

     Unknown to those on Spirit flight 695 approaching McCarran Airport carnage was occurring less than a mile down the road. My fellow passengers and I received our first inkling of the events unfolding that evening when our cell phones finally caught signals on the ground. Thankfully Spirit and their great staff kept us on the tarmac for 90 minutes as the first responders finalized it was safe to disembark the plane. No one at the time knew how many shooters were participating in the slaughter. Courage and bravery abounded everywhere sometimes from the most unlikely sources.

     Once the extent of the evil was known a tide of emotion overwhelmed the faces of those you passed on the streets and vestibules in hotels. An astounding quiet pervaded the areas immediately around the death scene overshadowing the immense building in the background. First responders may have saved thousands. Left to his own devices Stephen Paddock would have continued his reign of terror to an nth point only God could conceive. Fortunately those who moved on this beast did it quickly and effectively.

     The death toll stands a 59 at this writing with more than 500 injured. Makeshift memorials have been established throughout the city. One of note, not far the death scene, displays a series of white crosses inscribed with the names of each victim and statements of regret. As we walked through this area a palpable sorrow and a state of mournfulness was ever present amongst the observers paying their respects. Sadly the media finds the killer more important than the victims.

      Extensive investigations are now underway to uncover the basis for this horror. Stephen Paddock was a misanthrope, no doubt. Yet his extreme actions take a leap no rational mind could envision. When the history of this event is finally penned let us pray no one tries to outdo this maniac. May God rest the souls of these individuals and settle the minds of those left behind.

Mark Davis MD

Monday, September 25, 2017

Maryland's Medical MarijuanaLaws a Mine Field for Physicians

             Maryland’s Medical Marijuana Laws a Mine Field for Physicians

One question physicians should ask themselves is: What civil and criminal penalties may I incur in the event I prescribe Marijuana? Neither Maryland’s inept and corrupt Medical Board nor its self-serving Medical Society have issued any statements concerning potential penalties. House Bill 881 signed by Governor Martin O’Malley in April of 2014 required the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and its Marijuana Commission to derive regulations governing the dispensing of medical Marijuana. Recently directives have been released concerning physician involvement in procuring Marijuana for potential patients. Physician liability was not addressed by these rules or prior statue. Worse, Marijuana is listed as a Schedule 1 substance along with Heroin, LSD and other potential abusive drugs. Under federal rules prescribing Marijuana is a felony unless given prior dispensation by authorities. In recent times federal prosecutors have turned away from charging physicians with Marijuana law incursions if their respective states legalized it. This could change at a moment’s notice. Maryland physicians who become involved in accommodating patients seeking “medical Marijuana” run many risks for few rewards.

Physicians will have to move through multi levels of paperwork to be allowed the privilege to certify individuals to obtain “medical Marijuana.” An unrestricted active medical license and a spotless record of compliance with state regulatory structure is a must. Being politically well connected, similar to those chosen to be dispensers of this drug, would not hurt either. Physicians contemplating being listed for medical Marijuana certification should review all available literature issued by state authorities with particular emphasis on any statements by the Attorney General’s Office and the Medical Board.

Maryland Board of Physicians has a habit of inventing rules and standards care after the fact. Never proactive this Board cherry picks which sections of its legal Title it will follow depending upon who is before it. With a lawyer as the Executive head of this administrative entity expectations were the Board would have created guidelines for implementing House Bill 881, since it had 3 years. Without protections from civil and criminal penalties lawyers will have a literal field day prosecuting cases. Worse incorrectly certifying a patient or a patient who crashes a vehicle, with this Schedule One drug in his or her system, the physician’s liability may be substantial. Point is prescribing Marijuana could be entrapment for physicians.

Lastly does malpractice insurance cover prescribing of Schedule One drugs and the resulting detriment this drug could cause to a patient? Approximately 23 states have legalized Marijuana in some form or manner. Each state manages the legalities and judicial responses to this psycho active drug differently. Maryland’s Board of Physicians is not managed as it should. Control has been given over to lawyers with minimal input from physicians. The unpredictability of this Board’s actions, lacking specific written guidelines and standards for physician involvement with this highly potent drug, may not be worth the risk for health care providers.

The author of this article cautions physicians to be wary of signing on to prescribing Marijuana until such time as the civil and criminal liabilities have been “totally clarified.” Maryland’s Board of Physicians and its attack dog the Attorney General’s Office will quickly blame doctors, not themselves, for prescribing mishaps related to Marijuana, even though they have promulgated no rules as of this writing. In the event you want to learn how corrupt your medical board is read a few of the articles at:

Mark Davis MD

Monday, September 18, 2017

Drugged Up Maryland

                                             Drugged Up Maryland

Drugs have found their way into every facet of Maryland life. Children are overdosed with amphetamines. While our aged population is controlled by third generation antidepressants. Those in between have alcohol, opioids, psychotropic drugs and now Marijuana. Controlling the masses has never been easier.

Marijuana industry is coming to the entitlement state. Initially 14 licensees have been chosen from a group of 140. Though the state’s Marijuana Commission notes the newly licensed were carefully picked evidence suggests many are politically well connected. Claiming “Medical Marijuana” will be of the purest variety by their choices the Commission needs to explain why not one pharmaceutical company was chosen. Yet someone from the casino industry was.

Decriminalization of Marijuana at the state level has been on the road to reality for years. In Maryland the drug epidemic, both legal and illegal, has gone beyond manageable levels. Adding Marijuana to the mix elevates the problem exponentially. As long as the drug is used in the privacy of one’s home who is to argue with its need and questionable medical necessity. Sense and sensibility dictates the latter will not be the norm. Instead people will mix Marijuana with the other drugs they utilize, including alcohol, resulting an increase in fatalities more expansive than currently is seen. Decriminalization absolutely, providing this drug through state approved outlets is extremely questionable and introduces a series of unknowns.

Physicians, who chose to prescribe Marijuana, must be on a state approved list. Once approved they must certify medical necessity to the patients seeking this drug. After approval the patient can take his or her Marijuana Identification card to a dispensary and receive a limited amount of this drug. Knowing most of the prescribed drug is not going to be used for its medically intended purpose who will be held responsible when irrationality of its use enters the picture? Will physicians be held responsible when a vehicular crash occurs by someone with excess drug in their systems (presently blood level excess has not been set)? If a physician approves too many requests will his or her license be impaired?  And the list of unknowns goes on.

Maryland Legislature pays lip service to those whose minds and bodies have been crushed by the never ending supply of drugs consumed by its residents. Marijuana should never have been criminalized. With that stated drug sales should not be supported by state mandate either. Enter a busy emergency and watch as the bodies of drug victims roll in. Marijuana may not be nearly as toxic as opioids. When combined with alcohol or other deadly substances bad results are inevitable. Does this reporter have the answers, no I don’t. Nevertheless neither does the Maryland hierarchy. I hope and pray that I am wrong. Yet experience outside Maryland should have taught those in power something. Apparently it hasn’t.

Mark Davis MD

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Strange Case of Doctor Nikita Levy and the Maryland Board of Physicians lack of Response

Strange Case of Doctor Nikita Levy and the Maryland Board of Physicians lack of Response

Doctor Nikita Levy, an Ob-gyn physician, purportedly photographed the vulnerable parts of thousands of women before his secret was outed in February 2013. A savvy John Hopkins Hospital employee noticed that Dr. Levy had a small device on his person resembling a camera. Soon after this revelation the unnamed employee reported Dr. Levy to Hopkins hierarchy who subsequently fired him. Investigations displayed Dr. Levy had a large cache of photos in his personal possession which allegedly contained those of both adult females and children. Dr. Levy was an employee of Hopkins for more than 2 decades. Indications are his photo spree started on or about 2005. There is no history of outrageous medical activity prior to this time.

Within 2 weeks of his disengagement from Hopkins Dr. Levy committed suicide reportedly by suffocation utilizing Helium as a catalyst to expedite his death. The horror to his family and the patients affected is insurmountable. In the month leading up to this article over 8,000 checks were mailed to Dr. Levy’s patients as part of a 190 million dollar malpractice settlement. Media sources note lawyers received 32 million of this amount. This case has more questions than answers.

1)    Why didn’t the Maryland Board of Physicians suspend Dr. Levy’s medical license under an emergency order immediately upon knowing the circumstances of this case? This is within their power

2)    Eight thousand women made claim to funds in the malpractice financial pool. Is the public supposed to believe not one of these women suspected Dr. Levy’s deviance during their exams?

3)    Doctor Levy was exposed to many John Hopkin’s employees during his tenure at this noteworthy institution. Only one employee noticed his deviance with a camera device. This is a stretch of credibility.

4)    Worse is the public to believe not one patient of the 8,000 complained to Hopkin’s hierarchy from 2005 until 2013 concerning the odd behavior of Dr. Levy.

5)    Did the Maryland Board of Physicians treat this case with special deference because Dr. Levy worked for Hopkins? Did Dr. Levy receive special treatment from the medical board for other reasons?

6)    Since Dr. Levy was not cited by the medical board prior to his untimely death his record with the Medical Board will never reflect the facts of this case and the malpractice settlement. Why?

7)    What did Hopkins know about Dr. Levy prior to its employee discovering his camera on or about February 4th 2013?

Maryland Board of Physicians is managed by lawyers. There appears to be purposeful intent on their part to look the other way in this case. Dr. Levy, as reported by local media, continued to have an active medical license at the time of his death. If true the Maryland Board of Physicians is hiding the truth of a former licensee by their silence. The final question is: Why?

Mark Davis MD

Manager of

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Trump will not Dance to Kim Jung-un's Tune

Trump will not Dance to Kim Jung-un’s Tune

Prior presidential administrations appeased North Korea with money and gifts hoping they would move down a civilized path. Ironically North Korea’s nuclear ambitions became more aggressive. America and its allies are inches from a thermonuclear showdown with a megalomaniac who is inviting war on himself and others. Diplomacy is fading as a tool to sedate Kim Jung-un. Since Dennis Rodman could not seduce Kim into compliance with international law perhaps a missile up his rear end will. President Trump is left with few options if Kim’s trigger finger gets itchy.

Newest in Kim’s arsenal purportedly is a Hydrogen bomb. Power in this type of weapon is exponential to the previous devices North Korea had developed. Allies of this isolated nation, including China and Russia, appear to have enabled the building of this horrific weapon. Nevertheless both countries approved sanctions in the United Nations after Kim set off a series of missiles recently. Guam may be the ultimate target of North Korea because of its proximity and American military base there.  President Trump must decide soon whether to continue failing diplomacy or bring the wrath of God down on North Korea’s military. The next few weeks will answer this question.

Mark Davis MD

Wednesday, August 30, 2017 Protecting Physicians from Medical Board Abuses Protecting Physicians from Medical Board Abuses is a website designed to provide support to physicians who are under the duress of a medical board intervention and or a malicious malpractice case. When targeted physicians become isolated, their stance in the community is diminished and the economic drain is potentially enormous. With the latter in mind this site seeks to connect physicians with others who have been down this road and appropriate people who can protect them. seeks lawyers who are extremely cognizant of administrative law that governs medical practice. Medical Boards have counsel well versed in this segment of the law and their targets should have equal representation.

Medical Boards have moved on from oversight of their flock to confrontational assaults with physicians. When targeted a physician should expect the worst from their medical colleagues who sit on these tribunals. With the misuse of standards of care and complex regulatory structure medical boards now entrap physicians with bogus compliance cases. These actions are performed to improve their sanction numbers amongst the states. Studies of the Arizona, Texas and Maryland Medical Boards display they have been politicized to a point that they lost the purpose of their original intent. Case after case reviewed displayed only strong legal representation by a lawyer who knew his/her way around the regulatory mind field had successful outcomes. This site should be a first step for accused physicians to discuss their cases before answering any letter from a medical board inquiring about their practice.

Mark Davis MD

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Maryland Board of Physicians from Bad to Worse

Maryland Board of Physicians: from Bad to Worse

Maryland Board of Physicians has touched many lives, unfortunately not in a positive manner. Coincident with several articles I wrote for the Baltimore Examiner, detailing the unscrupulous nature of this Board, the Maryland Legislature released a derogatory report against this entity in 2011. This report was entitled, Sunset Review: Evaluation of the State Board of Physicians and Related Health Advisory Committees. Embodied in its pages was supposed to be the framework from which the Board would improve its functions and effectuate processes that were honest and consistent with its written regulatory structure. Instead the Board went in another direction. In a series of deceptive reports to the Maryland Legislature over the years following the release of the Sunset Review the Board omitted its failures exemplifying a false front as stated in this article. Managed by lawyers, from the top down, due process has been cast into the fire as this Board cherry picks which laws it will follow.

Medical Boards have come under increasing scrutiny over the last decade. Both the Texas and Arizona Boards have assaulted physicians in merciless manners resulting in loss of licensure for hundreds of physicians who did nothing more than have an MD after their names. State Legislatures woke up and cleansed the slate of characters that managed these administrative entities. Maryland Board’s incessant misuse of standards of care to entrap physicians is a tragedy that needs correction too. In the author’s case the Maryland Board spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and an entire decade to rid the state of this physician over paper compliance issues. Time has come for the Maryland Legislature to investigate this corrupt entity and rid the Board of it’s over dependence on lawyers.

Maryland’s Legislature has taken a step back in its oversight of the Maryland Board of Physicians. Last time I looked physicians were also citizens of the state. Hence they deserved certain due process rights. Appearance of due process is not due process. The Board along with its attack dog the Attorney General’s Office have a routine they follow to keep physicians from their full rights. Through convoluted legalese physicians have had a rough time defending themselves in administrative hearings. The Board’s attorneys have developed strategies to keep physicians from presenting expert witnesses, exculpatory evidence and patient testimony. Case number DHMH SBP-71-07-05227 Mark Davis MD hearing before an administrative court exposes the outright suppression of a physician’s right to defend himself appropriately. The transcript should be read by any physician forced to participate in this Soviet style hearing before a state appointed judge.

With the failure of the Nikita Levy case, the failure to oversee excessive opioid prescribing and the misuse to standards of care to target certain physicians the Maryland Legislature should be compelled to take an independent review of the Board. This should be a review by people who are not friends or associates of the Board as the most recent review by its University connections. In a future article we will review why the Maryland Board of Physicians allowed Nikita Levy case to be hidden from view until it spilled over into the media.

Mark Davis MD

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Next Thousand Years

Questioned recently what will humanity achieve in the next thousand years in the event it does not destroy itself first. 1) Aging will be slowed if not arrested. 2) Humanity will spread out to the stars crossing space as quickly as we cross oceans presently. 3) All diseases will be cured 4) Money will become nonexistent. All our personal needs will be met. 5) Sex for pleasure not pregnancy. Birthing will be performed at central locations though people will choose if they want to birth personally. 6) ET's presence will finally be realized. 7) Teleportation will be a reality. 8) Intelligence will be magnified to heights only dreamed of in science fiction. 9) Physiques of humans will change such that all living will have Olympic abilities. 10) War becomes a distant memory.  Please add or challenge any of these thoughts. Thanks.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Maryland Medical Society A Self-Serving Entity

Maryland Medical Society: A Self-Serving Entity

In the course of time the original intent of the Maryland Medical Society has been lost. Predating the Maryland Board of Physicians and its multiple prior incarnations the Society, commonly called MedChi, has become a commercial entity with little regard for those who pay its bills. Claiming to represent all licensed physicians in Maryland its membership rolls are a fraction of the total practitioners statewide. Presently the Society’s website is designed for commercial ventures with sidebars stating how this quasi entity is protecting physicians. The Society is no longer a hedge against an adversarial medical board. Decades ago reviews of physicians’ practices were governed by The Peer Review Handbook generated by a cooperation between MedChi and the Board of Physicians. This is no longer the case as the Society stepped back to take a tertiary role selling insurance and deceptive enticement to bring unsuspecting physicians into the fold. Their targets have been younger physicians inexperienced in practice and the practices of the corrupt Board that licensed them. These doctors will learn quickly when they need this Society their cries for help will fall on deaf ears.

In recent decades the Maryland Medical Society has enabled the Board of Physicians to become the unscrupulous and corrupt Administrative government agency that is in force today. Hundreds of physicians are picked off every year by an effort between the Board and Maryland Attorney General’s Office. With absolute immunity the Board is able to escape retribution by their victims especially when the evidence goes against them. The Society looks the other way claiming it is the proverbial watch dog against this errant Board and legislative efforts against the medical profession. This could not be further from the truth. Both the Medical Board and Medical Society are managed by lawyers. This is not science fiction but a reality that physicians end up confronting when the Board turns its eyes towards them. The cooperative effort between these two entities is elaborated on in the next section.

In the early 1990s the Medical Society published a journal which displayed a cooperative effort with the Maryland Board of Physicians. In this journal the Society would publish raw data concerning physicians who were condemned by the Medical Board. The Journal editors refused to take any response to the data from the physician being victimized by the Board. In the author’s case over a dozen pages of raw data, later found to be false, were published in the Society’s rag. After being told, in the most literal sense to go screw myself by the Society when I complained, the author filed a lawsuit in Baltimore City Circuit Court. Known for its left leaning decisions the author won the case after the Society’s lawyers lied about their connections to the Board. Case number 24C93201023 the Court found the Society had no direct connection to the Medical Board. Therefore it had no right or responsibility to published unedited and or raw data about a physician in their Journal. This author presented this case pro se and remarkably the judge agreed with me. In the aftermath of this decision the Board began publishing quarterly publications of sanctions against physicians written in an abbreviated style.

Maryland Medical Society’s website is far from accurate. Yes, it owns an insurance company which has expanded from malpractice coverage to anything and everything that needs to be insured. Yes, it puts on social events for physicians. Yes, it tries to attract a crowd of newly minted doctors who are unaware how little the Society will give them in return. With that stated the Society has not restrained a medical board whose primary goal is to improve its sanction numbers amongst the states. The foolish notion this entity will help doctors by overseeing legislative efforts concerning medical practice is absurd. The onerous rules on physicians’ backs have increased exponentially under this so-called watch dog. Having an attorney as CEO guarantees there will be little effort to help physicians when the Board turns its eyes on them. In discussions with a multitude of physicians over several years my point of view is widespread. Maryland has a medical society that is self-serving, unwilling and or unable to help physicians through the sanctioning process and does not have physicians’ welfare at the center of its existence. For these reasons and more the Maryland Medical Society only has a sub-segment of Maryland physicians as members displaying how smart my colleagues really are.

Mark Davis MD victimized by this Society once but never again. presently under construction

This article will be posted on many sites so the maximum number of physicians will have the ability to read it.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Holywood on the Decline

Hollywood’s diminution arrives as its creativity leaves the scene. Revivals, reboots and sequels are the mainstay of this town’s current revenue stream. Faltering at the box office this summer ticket sales have slowed to a spurt of prior years. This town is full of mimicry not originality presently. Great directors need great scripts not redundancy that is currently being offered them. Entertainment magazines are fraught with previews of duplicates and triplicates of past titles. Star Wars has traveled further than any sequence of cinema presentations in history. Time to put his war horse to bed permanently. Jurassic Park has lived longer than the dinosaurs of old. This fossil too should find a museum for its aging bones. I enjoy a good flick like any other consumer looking for a few hours of suspended disbelief. Yet I will not spend my few quarters on titles that have been regurgitated more than a ruminant chews its curd.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Medical Boards' War against Physicians

                                  Medical Boards’ War against Physicians

Erratic behavior by state medical boards has come to light across a nation starving for health care. Physicians have become pawns in a game medical boards play to enhance their sanction numbers. Sick, twisted and disturbing medical practices have no place in the spectrum of health care. Yet the majority of physicians being sanctioned are for frivolous reasons. A review of medical board sanctions from several states displays the capriciousness of their interventions. Paper compliance is one scheme these administrative entities use to deprive physicians of medical licenses. Another is the use of the term standard of care. Embedded in Tort law this phrase has been abused beyond reason. Most repugnant is irrational regulatory structure legislated into law against physicians for the purpose of micromanaging a physician’s practice. Stepping outside the boundaries of one regulation ensnares a doctor into a system bent on destroying his career. 

When the assault on a physician begins it is indelibly imprinted on the mind of the victim. Generally the inquisition is initiated with a subpoena or a notice of inquiry concerning a patient or patients. The cause of the action could be a complaint or randomly generated. In either case the physician is at the starting gate of a long process which will either be confrontative, intensely adversarial or a combination of both. Do not make the mistake of giving these errant boards anything more than requested. A smarter move would be to engage an attorney cognizant of Board procedure and regulation. This is very specialized area of the law not known to many attorneys. To go to war against an adversary with a big hammer one must have a hammer of his or her own. A board intent on sanctioning a physician, especially when the evidence goes in the opposite direction, will be successful unless the target is properly protected.

Medical Boards have exceeded their legislative mandates by perpetrating fraud on one entire segment of society, physicians. Prosecutorial misconduct is common against physicians who do not fall in line. In many cases the prosecution of individuals is so baseless it is openly apparently. The author will post a series of articles concerning his adventures in the nether world of deceit incurred against him by the Maryland Board of Physicians. The purpose of this writing and others to follow is to open a dialogue which will lead to physicians having proper guidance when confronting an outright assault on their careers.

Mark Davis MD

Lawyers and expert witnesses who would like to advertise their services on please contact Dr. Davis at

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Terminal President

                                                The Terminal President

President Trump came to Washington with the best of intentions. The harsh reality he has confronted was not on the horizon when he set out to achieve the White House. Gridlock and obstruction have always been part of the liberal mantra. No one expected these impediments on the conservative end. Six months into Donald Trump’s historic term the left is falling all over itself attempting to finish Trump’s Presidency early. Utilizing Robert Mueller, as a special prosecutor to perform their dirty work, he is moving far outside the Russian probe for which he was engaged. In the event you cannot find ghost on your own hire a ghost hunter.

Media icons continue to push a theme that Trump’s legislative agenda is dead. Far from it. Mostly recently only three Republicans refrained from voting for a milder version of repeal and replace of Obamacare. Trump was able to corral the rest into his corner. Failure no, rejection no these three have a habit of voting in another direction. Nevertheless health care legislation has only been delayed.

Government operations now function more smoothly after Trump removed Obama era obstacles. Energy production is peaking after a cap placed on exploration was removed.  Military has been liberated from White House control leaving it to pursue its primary purpose, protecting American interests and people. One by one onerous Executive Orders from the past eight years are being nullified. Medias’ silence on these issues displays their imbued hatred for Trump and their left leaning bent.

Trump will triumph because the course he sets is focused, consistent with constitutional principles and is against those who want to see the nation fall. No matter how many roadblocks he encounters failure will not follow him.

Mark Davis MD

Sunday, July 30, 2017

When Liberals Fail

                                                      When Liberals Fail

Clownish behavior by liberal mongers to implicate the President in collusion with the Russians is nothing less than a travesty in the making. More than a year has gone by since the first whispers of foreign involvement in the American election process surfaced. Falling all over each other to see who can catch a Russian ghost first the left are diverting attention from their treasonous behavior. From Debbie Wasserman Schultz engaging Pakistani operatives to manage DNC computers to Hillary’s wheeling and dealing for funds to enhance the Clinton Foundation from foreign entities. As the Democrats search for answers to unanswerable questions the liberal slime moves freely amongst us with impunity or so they think. Prosecution of individuals selling out America for a buck or two should be a top priority for the judicial system. So far it hasn’t been. Donald Trump is correct when he stated that his Attorney General has veered too far from Hillary-Gate. Suspending his role in the Russian probe was no less a surprise to the President.  Time has come to replace the Sessions and put America’s house in order.

Mark Davis MD


Manager:    under construction

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Overzealous Medical Boards

Overzealous Medical Boards

Medical Boards have gone beyond policing of physicians to unconscionable intrusion into medical practice. Complexity of administrative law governing physician licensing and subsequent maintenance of licensure requires a knowledge beyond the ken of most physicians. Medical Boards employ their own attorneys and or utilize those from the Attorney General’s Office in the state from which medical licenses are derived. Without knowing the intricacy of medical board regulatory function a physician has no chance of obtaining an impartial hearing. Fair and balanced should not be expected from adversarial government entities. Medical Boards across the country have garnered more power as physicians blindly kowtowed to each and every edict they generated. Medical Societies, with few exceptions, no longer protect the flock that pay their way. Social and economic impact from a negative Board maneuvers against a physician can be devastating. Therefore the proper push back is a moral imperative.

As a former practicing physician I have seen the lengths a state board will go to prove a lie against you is true. Standards of Care may not be as standard as those empowered by us want you to believe. Through the use of hired guns, also called medical vigilantes, medical boards can make a case where none exists. Administrative courts, where your supposed impartial hearing is to take place, are nothing more than biased forums to cement the outcome the Medical Board is seeking. In the event a hearing goes your way most Boards have the right to flip the positive court outcome against you. The latter statement is factually true as this author has experienced. Medical Boards have moved far afield from their original intent. These administrative entities are self-serving meaning sanctioning is their reason for existence. By sanctioning as many physicians as possible the public perception is they are doing a fine job. Boards have forgotten physicians have rights too. Yet these entities cherry pick regulations to effectuate the preconceived outcome they want. Do not go before a Board or a Court without “appropriate” counsel. The end result could be devastating to your career.
Mark Davis MD

Friday, July 7, 2017

From Entitlement to Intolerance to Expectation

From Entitlement to Intolerance to Expectation

      Until recently I thought there was a specter of hope in the entitlement community where they would see the proverbial writing on the wall. Freebies may be coming to an end, as they know them. The welfare set has become too emboldened recently as though society owes them for past grievances. Collectively we owe them nothing. Through protest, violence, misrepresentation of facts and finally murder their words and deeds speak for themselves. In certain quarters the latter elements are actually forgiven and or given a pass.

College and universities have become the newest battleground to spew hatred from those who condemn work and scholarship. Diminished standards placed these radicals in institutions which formerly would have rejected them. Coincident with their intolerance to other subsets of civil society a truly emboldened crowd has manifest an unheard of anger towards those who keep us safe. Calling for the annihilation of police steps over any line that can be drawn. Time has come to resurrect policies that have a measured approach in silencing this hideous rhetoric. What should our approach be to these malevolent attitudes and actions? Mark Davis   

Monday, July 3, 2017

Betrayed, a novel by Elizabeth Devine

Betrayed is a novel which moves from the pleasures of the bedroom to the episodic politics of the boardroom. Set in the fictitious community of Lakeland, Taylor Long’s placid family life is interrupted by accusations she murdered two co-workers. Entrapped by circumstance the protagonist has more than enough reasons to want her employer dead, as mounting evidence points in her direction. Thematic throughout this well written novel are numerous events which prevent the main character from moving above the proverbial glass ceiling. Author Elizabeth Devine’s plot twists keep the reader on edge as the story plays out to its surprising conclusion. Betrayed kept me riveted to my chair chapter after chapter. This is one book that should be in your collection as it is in mine.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Unmasking the Maryland Board of Physicians

Unmasking of the Maryland Board of Physicians

Maryland Board of Physicians is managed by attorneys not physicians. This Board’s constituent members, physicians, are incidental to the administrative efforts and processes of this Board. Language descriptive to the type of people who partake in this Board’s management would be inappropriate in this article. Needless to state they are the bottom of the barrel. On or about 1992 the medical license of Mark Davis MD was revoked. The circumstances of this revocation were based on frivolous and illicit actions by this Board. An article is posted at:  describing their illicit actions along with supportive documents. Yes, Soviet style justice is practiced at the highest levels in Maryland. Reading further one will see how criminal they are.  

After being viciously debased in the media by former Maryland Attorney General J. Joseph Curran and the Board of Physicians with claims of poor patient care, that never occurred, Dr. Davis filed an unprecedented lawsuit. This case was filed on or about 1994 at the Anne Arundel County Maryland Circuit Court. As the plaintiff in the case, who represented himself, the court was uninterested in his legal filing and dispensed with the case quickly, though each and every fact stated was verifiable. All the defendants were given immunity and the case was dismissed. The Anne Arundel case and its appeal to the Court Special Appeals (in full) are both located at the link below this article to substantiate the factual nature of Dr. Davis’ assertions.

In 1994 Case number 1819, September Term was to be heard by a 3 judge panel in the Court of Special Appeals. The Appellant, Mark Davis MD who brought this case, was approached in the outer area of the courtroom by 2 members of the Maryland Attorney General’s Office. The exchange of verbiage that occurred was both illuminating and extremely outside normal legal processes. These 2 men prostituted themselves by stating in the event Dr. Davis dropped this case, before it was heard by the Court, the Maryland Attorney General’s Office would enable him to have his medical license reinstated. Dr. Davis’, who was representing himself, considered the offer and accepted it in good faith. Sadly this faith was misplaced. In the event this case was heard by the Court a scandal of extreme proportions would have rocked the state and potentially the State of Maryland would have had to pay out millions in retribution to those who were falsely accused. Worse the people of the State of Maryland would have found out how corrupt their Attorney General was. The profound level of deception, misrepresentation and misuse of government office was beyond belief. After Dr. Davis dropped the case he was invited to appear before the Maryland Medical Board to have his medical license reinstated.

In 1995 Dr. Mark Davis represented himself before 15 members of the Maryland Board of Physicians (now the Board has 21 members). Board members asked several questions yet avoided others which were more important. Dr. Davis told them there were no medical malpractice cases filed against him, the other physician staff members, the auxiliary staff or the nursing home where the so-called horrific patient care “never” took place. Dozens of medical records had been requested by attorneys. The nursing home had an umbrella malpractice insurance policy with maximum coverage. Each physician had maximum coverage for that time period (1989-1990). If you are suspicious that a false action occurred against Dr. Davis, you are correct. Quizzically none of the 15 members of the Board or Board’s assigned lawyers discussed any aspect of the Court of Special Appeals’ case. The 1995 Board knew they had been misled and had made a huge mistake against Dr. Davis. The good doctor was told to leave the room. Approximately 1 hour later he was called and told his license was reinstated unanimously by Board membership. In the event you believe this was a wrong made right, it wasn’t. Instead the Board through its attack dog, the Maryland Attorney General’s Office, had ulterior motives.

On or about June of 2001 Dr. Davis received a subpoena for medical records. This was immediately after Dr. Davis’ 5 year supervised probation by the Board was completed.  Ten charts requested were immediately sent to the quality assurance section of the Board. This was the beginning of a decade long assault on Dr. Davis’ medical license. After a series of legal encounters and the Medical Board’s disregard for its own written rules Dr. Davis received a document that accused him of violating the Medical Practices Act. Dr. Davis was being charged nearly 6 years after the initial request for medical records, though resolution usually occurs within one year by regulation. The charging document was a series of false allegations, innuendos and misrepresentations written by Robert Gilbert from the Maryland Attorney General’s Office.  Five charts were cited by two physician medical record reviewers in the document. Surprisingly one of the reviewers chosen by Mr. Gilbert, who was chief of a medical department at a local hospital, stated Dr. Davis did not transgress any standards of care. The second physician, Ira Kaplan, was engaged to review medical records from a company that Dr. Davis had sued nearly a decade before. Was this a coincidence, absolutely not.                                

To abbreviate this portion of the story Dr. Kaplan was not an expert in “diet medications” on which the charges was based though the judge reviewing the case accepted him as one. Dr. Kaplan’s only claim for being a medical records reviewer, in this case, was his background in Internal Medicine. Dr. Kaplan’s lack of knowledge of diet medications was obvious when he was cross examined. He might as well have been a carpenter. The Administrative Court found for Dr. Davis in the “majority”, though he was not allowed to present evidence, documents and bring in expert or patient witnesses (see forthcoming e-book Anatomy of a Medical License Revocation). The Board turned the administrative judge’s opinion around 180 degrees and gave Dr. Davis a 3 year revocation though Board members never heard the case directly themselves. After requesting reinstatement from the Board in a hearing during December 2016 they turned down his application. Additionally the Order from Board noted they would not entertain any further reinstatement applications. This case scenario sounds unbelievable yet it happened here in Maryland. This infamous case will be laid out in detail in the aforementioned e-book presently being written. One additional point is a Public Information Request was placed with the Board for all documents, recordings and paperwork related to the December 2016 hearing. The Board outright refused this request, hid behind regulations as the reason to refuse the request and then told Dr. Davis to seek judicial recourse knowing the courts generally side with Maryland Administrative entities. If they are innocent of collusion and corruption why hide information related to this request? It is ironic that the Board hides behind their regulatory authority to protect themselves yet they did not follow the same regulations in Dr. Davis’ case.

The Maryland Board of Physicians, it chief executive Christine Farrelly along with a member of the Maryland Attorney General’s Office Robert Gilbert should be investigated for the following; filing a false charging document, obstructing due process, violating the rights of a physician, violating written physician Board  regulations, lying to judicial officers and revoking a physician’s license based on zilch. Please review the attached document at the link noted below. Please allow a few seconds for this site to open. These are the documents that Maryland’s Attorney General J. Joseph Curran did not want the media to see.


Mark Davis MD,                       

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Donald Trump versus the Snake of Eden

With the artful movements of the snake in Eden former President Obama is bringing his venomous tones against Trump to whomever will listen. Charged with a single minded crusade to disrupt Trump, hence democracy, Obama’s deranged mind believes disorder and chaos work better in a world full of hate and religious intolerance. The inconvenience of order does not play well with someone who failed, in 8 years, to do little more than feed the coffers of his personal flock. Obama’s derangement does not stop at the frontiers of his mind it has infected many others. Slime never rises above the level in which it moves. Obama’s is exploiting his former position as he did when he held the presidency.  In neither case did it help the little girl with the lemonade stand on the corner or her father struggling to make the rent. When the political dust falls Trump will stand tall as history writes of a former President who was a shadow of the man who replaced him. God speed to Donald Trump for taking on the snake of Eden’s failures. Mark Davis MD. speaker, media consultant, author and a true patriot.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Elongating a Small Member The Science of Male Genital Enlargement

Thanks to science failure in the bedroom is no longer necessary to please your partner. Read this e-book, Elongating a Small Member The Science of Male Genital Enlargement sold on Amazon's Kindle and Smashwords. Failure should not be an option anymore. Mark Davis, MD For further advice contact Dr. Davis at Applicable fees may apply.