Traditional marriage
versus gay marriage
Long before the closet
opened releasing the demons that are now plaguing traditional marriage, the
union of a man and woman ritualized into a ceremony had a solid foundation for
its existence. Millennia ago the natural pairing of the opposite sexes became
the norm to replenish and rear the next generation. Civilizations depended on
this basic social unit to allow their societies to thrive. Presently the
concept of traditional pairing is the basis by which most American institutions
are founded. Those who look to redefine marriage to include the pairing of the
same sex confront obstacles embedded in biology, religion and history that they
are willing to ignore to satisfy their own perverse desires. Complexities of
civilized society by nature require order to maintain their ability to function
at maximum levels of efficiency. Heterosexual marriage fully satisfies the
needs of a society not only for its procreating ability but as anchor to
instill morality into those brought forth by this union. Gay marriage fails at
all levels to fulfill these needs therefore it should not be condoned in the same
sense of its traditional counterpart. Recently an eruption of hostility has
occurred against a restaurant chain for consistently upholding traditional
values including marriage. Mayors of large cities claim they will block any
attempt to bring more of these units into their jurisdictions. Chicago’s mayor
claims the values of Chick-fil-A are not those of its citizens. Rahm Emanuel
reigns over a city that has the highest murder rate in the world when measured
per hundred thousand of population. His ludicrous statement that Chicago has a
higher index of morality than the conservative God fearing ownership of this
restaurant chain is absurd. Mayor Emanuel’s own religion precludes gay marriage
but he sold his soul long ago for power and celebrity. Baseless reasoning
provided by the gay community to allow them to marry falls short on analysis.
Sufficient laws are on the books to protect money transactions amongst them
including property transfer a death. Civil unions would fulfill the rest of
their legal and social needs, so why do they want to debase traditional
marriage? Perhaps it is not about marriage but undermining the structure of
society as a whole. Reviewing the cadre of folks who want to degrade
traditional marriage reads like an anarchist’s who’s who, Hollywood’s socially unenlightened, left wing media
elites and of course politicians who have no moral centers. Societies must make
decisions to assure their continued survival, gay marriage deviates from this
goal. Most sad is the Courts have overridden the desires of the people to
exclude gay marriage from their states because the gay agenda has infiltrated
the minds of those who preside on the bench. Chick-fil-A’s stance is the
correct one and the people who support them understand the detriment any other
form of marriage can bring about. Mark Davis author of Demons of Democracy and
the forthcoming book Obamacare: Dead on Arrival.
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