Information and news that other media sources prefer not to report. MDreport will illuminate, educate and inform those who want complete coverage of their surroundings and the world
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
2016: the real story
2016: the real story
Expectations fell short
when I viewed the recently released movie 2016, Obama’s America. Ninety percent
of its themes and premises detailed a period prior to 2012. Obama’s second
assault on America would look much different than discussed at the end of this
pseudo-documentary. Every institution and tradition that made America strong
would be diminished to a point where America mirrors the country of Obama’s
origins. America’s Military, once capable of managing wars on multiple continents,
has been reduced to a shadow of its former size. Left vulnerable to our enemies,
Obama grants control of many government functions to the United Nations,
further reducing our capacity for self-defense. Medical care is no long on
demand, instead something as minor as a cold requires consent from a
functionary sitting in the heart of District of Columbia. Masses of people die
because access to diagnostics and therapeutics has been limited to pay for the
monstrosity called Obamacare. Initial cost estimates less than a trillion
dollars, as misrepresented by the President, now totaled ten trillion.
Inflation once a respectable 2% now runs over 10% a year with unemployment
reaching a consistent 15%. Obama’s intention to reduce our nuclear arsenal to
zero is finally realized as a dozen countries continue produce more weapons. Twelve
blue states seek bankruptcy protection because union thugs and liberal government
operatives raided treasuries to pay for extravagances they could not afford.
Obama still searches to bring unemployment down with his 5th
stimulus to nowhere. Government employees earn two to three times their private
counterparts under Obama’s last term. Continuing his promises to La Raza, Obama
has opened the southern border allowing free movements between Mexico and the
United States. Eric Holder continues in office with a trail of personal
criminality that continues to mount against him. Obama’s czars have come out in
the open releasing edict after edict pushing the country further into the
economic doldrums. Redistribution of wealth continues at a record pace where
the indolent and lazy receive more money that those who foot the bills. This
enumeration only touches upon the detriment Obama will bring in a second term.
Economic Armageddon, a demilitarized America, rampant union thuggery, a
centralized medical system that expedites patients into the next world, open borders, unprecedented gun control, food
and energy shortages and much more. This is Obama’s America not the one
projected in the movie. A vote for Obama is a vote for the latter. Vote right
in 2012 or don’t vote at all. Mark Davis MD author of Demons of Democracy.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Demons of Democracy: the book that lawyers hate
Demons of Democracy: the
book lawyers hate
Acquisition of legal
services is as close as your yellow pages. Thousands of advertisements by
suited individuals claiming expertise in a wide variety of subjects are
audaciously portrayed as saviors in this resource. Yet their portrayals as
self-redeemers contain an underlying deception that jumps off the page when you
review the gamut of expertise presented. The enumeration of qualifications is long
and very untrustworthy even to the superficial observer. Demons of Democracy
exposes that most of these ads are pure fiction and those behind them have
minimal abilities to perform the tasks presented. More than a million lawyers
roam the range of America’s legal landscape starving for the next case. Law
schools, except for a few, do not prepare the student for the realities of 21st
century America. Their minds are entrenched with basic subject matter, yet they
are never provided the depth of training they will misrepresent to the public a
few years later. Would you trust your life savings to someone with a 3 credit
course in estate planning or allow someone with a 2 credit course in tax
preparation to manage your portfolio of stocks? The answer to both of these
questions would be no if you knew better. Unfortunately lawyers mislead people
to believe they have a level of erudition which is not borne out by their education,
training or experience. Most are burnt out social science majors who had no
idea where to plant their feet after college. Law school or driving a cab was
the logical alternatives for these individuals. Demons of Democracy discusses
the profound ignorance of many who wear the badge as a member of a once
esteemed profession. Demons examines the methodologies that are employed by
tens of thousands of reprobates in suits to undermine every aspect of American
culture and the institutions that made it strong. This creative resource notes
that most functions performed by lawyers in the states are provided by
government functionaries in other countries at pennies on the dollar. Our
society is most noteworthy for criminalizing normal human behaviors by an
overreaching governmental structure that lauds itself on jailing as many people
as possible. Who benefits most, that’s right your corner lawyer. Demons of
Democracy provides the rationale why lawyers should not manage complex
organizational structures such as the Executive branch of our federal bureaucracy,
just look at the present results. This is the last book lawyers would recommend,
but the first one that should be on your reading list. Mark Davis MD author of
the aforementioned book and the forthcoming work Obamacare: Dead on Arrival.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Stealing a medical license: Maryland style
Stealing a medical
license: Maryland style
Physicians licensed in
Maryland are subjected to the whims of a medical board that is politically
appointed and run end to end by attorneys. Colleagues in other states are in
disbelief when they learn that a lawyer not a physician is the executive
director of this entity. They are even more perplexed that lawyers manage the
compliance division and other sections of this administrative authority. Most
astounding to them is 8 out of 21 members of this authority are “not”
physicians. Maryland Board of Physicians was established to have special
expertise in the medical domain. Yet its present construction is far from that
initial format. Physicians no longer have to commit a medical mistake or series
of them to be charged with an offense under the Medical Practices Act. Physicians
can have their licenses revoked based on hearsay, false evidence against them,
junk science, fallacious expert medical record reviews or sundry actions that
do not pass the sniff test. An assault against Mark Davis MD exemplifies the
depths this board would take to have his licensed pulled. In June of 2002 a
subpoena for medical records arrived at this physician’s office. Four months
later a note arrives from an “unknown reviewer” asking him to make several
changes in his practice style. Since all procedures and paper formats had
previously been approved by the authority sending the letter this physician
questioned the unknown reviewer why the changes should be done when they were
not justified. No answer came forth. One month later this Physician was invited
to a clinical meeting with three other physicians, none of whom were initiated
in the specific practice type of this author. This unfriendly encounter was further
deprecated by the three member panel failing to be given documents sent to them
by this physician. The perpetrator of
that act was none other than the lawyer who headed the compliance division.
Forty eight months from the day of the subpoena a charging document that should
have never have been drawn had the name of Ira Kaplan MD and a 2nd physician
written across the title page. Dr. Kaplan, who is protected by peer review
regulatory laws, was chosen as an expert medical record reviewer when he had no
expertise in the specific subject contained in the charges. Though the board
had forty months to prepare a case, this physician was given 3.5 months with
two intervening holidays to prepare his case. The medical board through its
Attorney General’s representative had no intention of allowing the truth to
come forth. He used every legal trick at his disposal to block defendant
witnesses from testifying, defendant legal briefs to be entered as evidence and
other exculpatory documents from being brought before this administrative
review. Worse he obstructed the testimony of a physician who worked for the
medical board and enthusiastically wanted to testify on this author’s behalf.
This Soviet style review had all its elements in favor of the Board of
Physicians yet the administrative judge still found in the most part for this
physician. He went so far as disregarding the testimony and report of one of
the state appointed physicians and submerged most of the 2nd
physicians report and testimony. The Board in a very vindictive and baseless
manner reversed the court’s findings even though they had not heard the case
which involved over four days of hearings before a reviewing judge who they
requested. The judicial system treats physicians like dirt, especially the
Appellate division. These courts are very friendly to Maryland administrative
authorities because they are paid by the same pocket. A recent article entitled
“Maryland Board of Physicians: corruption or business as usual” provides more
details of the events at the Appellate level. You might as well be in China or
Russia because Maryland does not believe in justice. This State only knows how
to take money from the worker and hand it to the deadbeat. Maryland’s Attorney
General’s Office debased itself in this case to bring this false action to
fruition. Members of the Board of Physicians
knew or should have known the case involving Mark Davis MD was a fraudulent
conception from end to end. The Maryland Legislature for the second time has
fallen asleep at the wheel when profound fraud is being perpetrated directly
under their proverbial noses. To right this wrong the Board should reverse
their decision, not follow the Harford Court mandate that they pushed for and
apologize to the thousands of patients they have screwed for the second time in
four years. In the event any of the media has the cojones to discuss this
interesting and vindictive assault on this physician please contact me. To my
thousands of patients thank you for your support. Mark Davis MD, President of
Healthnets Review Services
Monday, August 20, 2012
Maryland Board of Physicians: corruption or business as usual
Board of Physicians: corruption or business as usual
a State administrative authority that would spend hundreds of thousands of your
hard earned tax dollars to chase a physician through the “judicial system for
over a decade for paper compliance issues concerning five medical records, then
you are imagining the Maryland Board of Physicians. A vindictive
non-transparent process by this board was initiated on or about June of 2002
that culminated in a soviet style review with fake witnesses, suppression of
data, false standards of care and a legal system starving to bring physicians
to their knees culminated in a medical license revocation affecting four
thousand patients. In the time it takes to sign a cease practice order these
patients were bereft of their physician, many on class four diet
pharmaceuticals, forcing this writer to abandon them in a single afternoon.
Maryland government has a long history of corruption, now it has permeated the Board
of Physicians. Lying and deception are their weapons of choice enabled by an Appellate
Court system friendly to their every request. Maryland physicians face a very
difficult road in the State’s judicial system even when the facts are in their
favor. The case of this writer is especially noteworthy for the vicious way it
was instituted and the illicit manner in which it was carried out. Maryland
Board of Physicians obstructed this writer from defending himself at the Office
of Administrative Hearings. Including but not limited to inhibiting the
presentation of defendant expert witnesses, blocking the inclusion of
exculpatory evidence and stifling the defendant’s presentation by the most
extraordinary means possible. The state presented two physician witnesses. One
was quickly discredited by the judge and the other witness was diminished by
his own words. Utilization of the diet pharmaceutical Phentermine was the core
issue. Maryland has an unusual standard to allow witnesses to be considered
experts in a subject before a judicial panel. Dr. Ira Kaplan was allowed to testify
as an expert on the drug Phentermine even though he had minimal exposure to the
drug in his practice (claimed he used less than five times), had no specific
education in the drug, never wrote any papers on the subject and never taught
anyone on its structure or function. This was the only person the Maryland
Board of Physicians would rely on this revoke a medical license. The Court
never placed him under oath and he was free to lie and deceive per his coaching
from the Board’s attorney. Administrative judges usually are partial to state
boards, not in this case. Though two physicians must agree that a fellow
physician was acting outside the standard of care, the state witnesses had
opposing views. Under that scenario a third physician by “law” must reconcile the
differences between them, no other doctor was brought into the case. Charges
should never have been brought because of this conflict. The Administrative
judge to his credit noted the anomalies in this case and found in the most part
for this physician. Fake standards of care, specious expert witnesses and a
dazzling display of legal tricks were utilized to stop this physician from
practicing. Maryland Board of Physician’s politically appointed board, 40% of
whom are not physicians out its 21 members, reversed the decision. The stench
of a vindictive act was all over their findings because Board membership was
acting outside their mandate and the law to remove a legitimately licensed
physician from practice (see Maryland Legislature Report November 2011
concerning the Board’s illicit activities). A Harford County Circuit Court Judge
questioned the Board’s activities in this case and found for this writer
reversing the revocation. The Board’s last minute appeal to the Appellate
division is one of the most interesting aspects of this case.
Court of Special Appeals’ judges work as a
triad that is in groups of three. Legal briefs are submitted by both sides in
regards to a deficit in the findings of a lower Court perceived by either party.
New information is not supposed to be entered except for clarification purposes.
In this case the Board was the entity who was appealing the opinion of the
lower court. The Lawyers representing the Board from the Attorney General’s
Office deliberately obfuscated the evidence they presented, in two telephone size
volumes. Designed to confuse the most initiated
mind in the law, the Board was successful in that regard. Earlier reference to
three physician mode of review established by law in 2003 was completely
abrogated by the triad. Instead they legislated from the bench allowing only
one reviewer’s word to be sufficient to establish a basis for a medical license
revocation. Precedent also established in this case allows any physician to represent
themselves as a specialist even if they have only read an article on the subject
they are to testify, as did Dr. Ira Kaplan. Worse, the court disregarded dozens
of exculpatory items to give the board a win with an opinion so biased that
Stalin would be smiling. The author now faces a mandate from this court to
relinquish his licensed that is based on nebulous facts from a rogue board run
end to end by attorneys. Physicians in Maryland must face a completely corrupt
review process and in the end spend themselves into oblivion to defend charges before
a Court system that is extremely biased against them. This case is not unique,
yet its stench permeates the very halls where it originated. Physicians in the
named university hospitals get a pass by the Board when the tides turn against
them. It will be interesting to follow the medical board’s actions against the
physicians who were hammered in two recent malpractice cases found for the plaintiffs,
one payout is potentially for more than fifty million. The Maryland Legislature
must become involved in the Board of Physician’s processes because this
administrative entity is being used to silence physicians who are outspoken and
not on the politically correct side of the argument. Mark Davis MD, President
of Healthnets Review Services. Look for the national media to follow concerning
this case.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Paul Ryan: great choice, wrong combination
Paul Ryan: great choice,
wrong combination
Mitt Romney has been absorbing caustic
attacks from Obama’s camp for months. He has been put on the defensive by
nearly every piece of trash Obama’s minions can throw his way. By the time he
responds Obama’s lies have already been absorbed by a public that is fifty
percent in his corner. He needs to be a pit bull instead of the chihuahua in
his responses. Enter Paul Ryan, one of the most decent and intelligent of men
now serving in Congress as Romney’s VP candidate of choice. Ryan has become
well-known by the austerity budgets he has suggested to bring America back from
fiscal insanity which Obama has inflicted on us. Ryan’s demeanor infers a
profound understanding of the events surrounding America’s present economic
misery which none of Obama’s flock comes near.
Does this pair mesh as a combination to overcome the President’s
popularity? Or is this a replay of 2008 when John McCain’s integrity would not
allow him to respond to the brutal attacks from then Senator Obama. Prevailing
conservative thought is in agreement that Romney has not been forceful in his
responses. In some cases he has allowed secondary people to respond on his
behalf. Romney has failed to elucidate his recovery plans in words that
penetrate the minds of potential voters. Ryan’s austerity measures unsettle
many on the edge who also find Romney equally unsettling in his planned
economic maneuvers. Polls move both ways within days of each other. Ryan has
given Romney a short term boost in ratings, but it may not last. Horrific as it
may sound Obama may indeed be a two term president. This reality may come to
fruition not because Obama ran an exceptional campaign, but from the weaknesses
the Republicans portrayed to keep their dignity intact. If the republicans do
not take off the proverbial gloves and start hitting balls out of the park
Obama is a shoe in to remain in office. This combo may not be able to deliver
the knockout punch. Worse, Obama has successfully embedded a sense of dread in
the public’s minds that republicans will dismantle government fed safety nets
for the poor and not so poor who drink at the coffers of Obama largesse daily.
Romney and Ryan have much to overcome within a short time period, presently the
future for the Republicans is not bright. Polls are leaning towards the present
assembly in the White House. Let’s hope the republican team learns to throw
punches or else Obama 2013-2016 will become a reality. Mark Davis author of
Demons of Democracy,
Paul Ryan: great choice, wrong combination
Paul Ryan: great choice, wrong combination
Ryan may have not been the right choice for a campaign that
needs a pit bull. This link states why.
Ryan may have not been the right choice for a campaign that
needs a pit bull. This link states why.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Terminal disease terminal minds
Terminal disease terminal
Obama has inflicted the
nation with a terminal disease called deception. Every word he articulates is
either disingenuous or an outright lie. Moral decay has been one of the
cardinal elements of Obama’s reign as deceiver in chief. His motives are
obvious, to continue in office and to expand his power base. Nothing he does
passes the smell test. In the last 12 months he has not evoked an original
thought or phrase that could help this nation move back towards solvency. In speech
after speech he harps on the same desolate set of themes that move the country
backwards not towards unity and economic enlightenment. Recently I encountered
a ten year old who noted that everything that is presently wrong with America
is Romney’s fault. He was echoing the reflections of the light weights from
left wing media who have blinded themselves to Obama’s perversions. Obamarism
has even been caught by the young whose developing minds are unable to filter
the massive number of distortions coming from the White House and their minions
daily. Democrats have been very successful at dumbing down the schools in the
last two generations. As a result many minds have been conditioned to accept
group think as their path to redemption. Obama depends on these conditioned
minds to effectuate his return for another term. Obama and his groupies recently fell deeper
into the depths of depravity by creating a media piece that can only be
described in terms my publisher would find offensive. A political hit piece
that fell flat accuses Romney of killing a woman who contracted cancer because
her husband lost his health insurance when he was laid off. Three points the
commercial failed to present: 1) Though the woman was not employed her
insurance continued to be in force for many years, 2) She died from cancer
years after this man was laid off and 3) Romney had nothing to do with this man’s
loss of work. Desperation has now entered the picture for the Obama regime.
They are losing their grip on power by every honest poll which has Romney
competing on equal footing with the train wreck in the White House. America is
being deceived daily by a fawning media that continues to place Obama on a
pedestal, not mentioning that he fell from the platform of personal integrity
shortly after arriving in Washington. Embedded in the conscience of every human
being are sensibilities that distinguish right and wrong, somehow that process
has gone awry in Obama’s mind. Disheartening and threatening as it may be our
Chief Executive Officer has a disease of the mind whose secondary effects are
moving throughout our society in an epidemic fashion. There is still time to
save the country, vote right this November. Mark Davis, author of Demons of
Democracy, the book that told you not to put lawyers in positions of power.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Maryland's Hollywood Casino: Is bankruptcy next
Maryland’s Hollywood
Casino: Is bankruptcy next
Penn National, the owners
of Hollywood Casino in Perryville, has requested that up to five hundred slot
machines leased from the State of Maryland to be removed from its premises.
Ownership states that Hollywood Casino has had a significant drop in revenue
since Maryland Live in Anne Arundel County has opened. Before its competitor
opened the number of weekly patrons declined significantly. Week nights at
Hollywood there may be more casino employees on the floors than patrons. Penn
National with the blessings of the State of Maryland has set their slot
machines to the lowest payout mode possible. Twenty dollar bills evaporate in a
matter of seconds, hundred dollar bills in a few minutes. This thesis is easily
tested by anyone with the fortitude and finances to make the trek to this out
of the way facility in Cecil County. The old adage build them and they will
come is partially true. In the case of Hollywood Casino, patrons came but left
when the machines went into no payout mode. Many of the floor personnel are
aware of the situation and readily admit it is a problem for the casino. A few
technical people note Hollywood’s slots are set to a high payout, but a lie can
only go so far. Casino management cannot blame Maryland’s newest casino as the
major cause of its decline in revenue and patronage. Those who use to be regular attendees of this
facility knew when the house was not paying and they were not paying. Deceptive
advertisements of winning jackpots are flashed across large screens throughout
the casino’s environment. A closer look will display a small number of low
payouts interspersed with a rare high payout from the prior two months. This is
pennies to a facility that rapes most of its patrons on each visit. With a
reduction in slot machines and the potential for table games Penn National may
be able to stay solvent. At this point in time their future looks bleak and
getting worse daily. Cecil County is benefitting from funds drawn from a
facility that steals from its customers, which make this county and the state
accessory to fraud. There is gambling and then there is stealing, Maryland has
moved onto the latter to enhance revenues for the treasury. Penn National
should have studied the history of casinos that went under before opening Hollywood.
There vast experience in other locations will not help in a state where fraud
is common in its government and greed the currency by which things come to
fruition. Watch for the auction sign along Route 95, when Penn National finally
throws in the towel. Mark Davis MD author of the forthcoming book Obamacare:
Dead on Arrival.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Rush Limabugh: America's political barometer
Rush Limbaugh: America’s
political barometer
Left wing media continues to
condemn Rush Limbaugh for explaining and defining the perversions Democrat
operatives spew daily. Rush’s sensibilities enable him to quickly douse the malicious
fires set by a group that lost its moral center decades ago. With a climate of
hate generated by President Obama and inflamed by his minions in Congress Rush’s
huge audience receive a quick response to the profound inaccuracies scripted by
these demoralized individuals. Lying has been brought to the level of an art
form under the present administration with the truth always trailing its
perpetrator. Rush pulls from his stacks news that portends to be topical for
that day. Harry Reid’s mystifying announcement from his Senate pulpit that Mitt
Romney has not paid any taxes in the last ten years deserved an immediate
response from the master of verbal karate. Reid’s unsubstantiated comments were
in character for a man Rush had pointed out numerous times was a fraud. A sharp
rebuke from EIB headquarters shook the very foundation of the Senate chambers.
Cleverly planted callers try to entrap this golden tongued individual to no
avail. Rush can sense a liberal before he/she gets passed the first sentence. Conservatism
is Rush’s brand and he is very good at delineating its component parts. Long before
the ink was dry on Obama’s piece de resistance, Obamacare, Rush smelled the
stench of backdoor politics maneuvering to pass this monstrosity, though the
majority of Americans were against it. Over two years later that stench has
only become worse as this newest entitlement heads towards fruition. Twenty
four years after he uttered his first conservative thought over the airways
Rush’s message is now amplified by over six hundred affiliates who are eager to
be part of the EIB team. Controversy has done little to dent his listenership
or wallet. He utters the truth each weekday afternoon setting the stage for the
nighttime crawlers who inhabit the left. These vermin in turn provide us a
glimpse of a mindset full of hate and insecurity which Rush reconfigures for
our amusement the next day. Rush is the bellwether of ideas that can make
America whole again. His Ph.D in honesty, with a minor in decency, causes
shudders through a community full of miscreants, anti-traditionalists and
anarchists whose sole purpose in life is to undermine America. Rush Limbaugh is
truly America’s political barometer and his predictions could not be more
accurate. Do America and yourself a favor vote conservative this November and
relieve the pressure on all of us. Mark Davis MD, author of Demons of
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Socialism, Marxism and now Obamarism
Socialism, Marxism and now
When President Obama
finally leaves office on January 20, 2013 the full detriment of his reign will
begin to be uncovered. To make America whole again a full accounting of all
stimulus funds must occur. Cash now hemorrhaging from the Federal treasury must
come to a complete halt. Those in charge must ferret out everyone not “entitled”
to any form of compensation from America’s bank. The President’s redistributive
policies must be abandoned because the United States Treasury is technically
broke. Obama’s repetitive message of class divisiveness precludes any other as
he treks his way across America at taxpayer expense. A slow but noticeable awakening
is occurring around the country that something has changed for the worse. Most
cannot put their feelings to words, but the evidence has finally reached the
inner recesses of their minds. Obama’s maneuvers to move away from a
capitalistic based society have been very successful. Nearly fifty percent of
the population presently receives aid from state or federal coffers. Obama
pounds away at the other half to give more so the entitlement society can
continue to thrive. Programs that enable the lazy, inept and deceitful are
Obama’s prize creations which he hopes will maintain his reign in office. His
blend of socialism and Marxism has littered the landscape with so many failures
in industry and institution that there may not be much of an America left on
January 21. By nature a country cannot rid itself of some elements of collectivism.
Government manages land in the people’s name, armies are established for the
common defense, infrastructure needs to be maintained and the mail must be
delivered. Obamarism does not stop at this point, it looks to control all
industry, every institution of worth, religion to the extreme and the movement
of each individual whether physical or in cyberspace. Enormous energies have
been expended to bring about changes to this end. People with any cerebral
promise are finally awakening to these facts. Obama’s presidential term has
been replete with deceptive practices, hidden venues and merciless programs
that expend tremendous capital but help only a few. Obamarism is worse than its
two predecessors because it is being surreptitiously instituted. Those who
stand under the President’s umbrella have failed to see the detriment he has
caused. Perhaps all the money thrown their way has blinded them. Presently his
polls are running negative in two thirds of the states. Romney must make his
case now or that tenuous declination in disapproval for Obama may not be there
in November. Mark Davis author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book
Obamacare: Dead on Arrival.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Traditional marriage versus gay marriage
Traditional marriage
versus gay marriage
Long before the closet
opened releasing the demons that are now plaguing traditional marriage, the
union of a man and woman ritualized into a ceremony had a solid foundation for
its existence. Millennia ago the natural pairing of the opposite sexes became
the norm to replenish and rear the next generation. Civilizations depended on
this basic social unit to allow their societies to thrive. Presently the
concept of traditional pairing is the basis by which most American institutions
are founded. Those who look to redefine marriage to include the pairing of the
same sex confront obstacles embedded in biology, religion and history that they
are willing to ignore to satisfy their own perverse desires. Complexities of
civilized society by nature require order to maintain their ability to function
at maximum levels of efficiency. Heterosexual marriage fully satisfies the
needs of a society not only for its procreating ability but as anchor to
instill morality into those brought forth by this union. Gay marriage fails at
all levels to fulfill these needs therefore it should not be condoned in the same
sense of its traditional counterpart. Recently an eruption of hostility has
occurred against a restaurant chain for consistently upholding traditional
values including marriage. Mayors of large cities claim they will block any
attempt to bring more of these units into their jurisdictions. Chicago’s mayor
claims the values of Chick-fil-A are not those of its citizens. Rahm Emanuel
reigns over a city that has the highest murder rate in the world when measured
per hundred thousand of population. His ludicrous statement that Chicago has a
higher index of morality than the conservative God fearing ownership of this
restaurant chain is absurd. Mayor Emanuel’s own religion precludes gay marriage
but he sold his soul long ago for power and celebrity. Baseless reasoning
provided by the gay community to allow them to marry falls short on analysis.
Sufficient laws are on the books to protect money transactions amongst them
including property transfer a death. Civil unions would fulfill the rest of
their legal and social needs, so why do they want to debase traditional
marriage? Perhaps it is not about marriage but undermining the structure of
society as a whole. Reviewing the cadre of folks who want to degrade
traditional marriage reads like an anarchist’s who’s who, Hollywood’s socially unenlightened, left wing media
elites and of course politicians who have no moral centers. Societies must make
decisions to assure their continued survival, gay marriage deviates from this
goal. Most sad is the Courts have overridden the desires of the people to
exclude gay marriage from their states because the gay agenda has infiltrated
the minds of those who preside on the bench. Chick-fil-A’s stance is the
correct one and the people who support them understand the detriment any other
form of marriage can bring about. Mark Davis author of Demons of Democracy and
the forthcoming book Obamacare: Dead on Arrival.
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