Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Showdown in the city that bleeds

Showdown in the city that bleeds


Baltimore has been a tinderbox for many years waiting for the right moment to combust. That moment came when Freddie Gray died. His horrific death came while he was in police custody. As a result of this senseless tragedy emotions of city residents could not be contained. Many took to the streets in peaceful protests. Unfortunately many more used this as an opportunity to loot, vandalize and pillage throughout the city. http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/28/us/baltimore-riots/index.html Baltimore police were overwhelmed with the level of hostility embedded in the crowds confronting them. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake assuaged the mobs by requesting the police stand back allowing looters to destroy private property. She later back tracked on this policy when interviewed by the media noting her statements were taken out of context. City Hall and the police have been at odds concerning policing techniques for years. The current mayor has brought this controversy to a new level. Mayor Blake’s soft stance on crime and her inadequate support for the police have contributed to the riots now taking place in Baltimore.


Over the last several days life in Baltimore has come to a near standstill. The media’s false assumption that Mr. Gray’s death is responsible for all the chaos now viewed nightly is naïve at best. Baltimore has had an epidemic of crime for decades. Though city officials and the left wing press attempt to hide Baltimore’s problems behind smiling faces the facts bear out it is one of the most dangerous cities in America. http://www.examiner.com/article/baltimore-unsafe-at-any-speed After many nights of violent protests Baltimore’s Mayor finally conceded she could not manage the rioting that touched her city. She requested Governor Larry Hogan to call up the National Guard. Governor Hogan immediately called the Guard into force wondering aloud why Mayor Blake waited until the city was immersed in chaos. Resources from other jurisdictions within and outside Maryland have also agreed to help in the effort to quell the rioting. These protectors of the public must ask themselves is the risk worth the effort.


Interviewed on the streets protesters provide various views why violence has erupted in their city. Some of their reasoning is amorphous and garbled.  Others note police have no respect for community members therefore the violence is necessary to shake them up. From this perspective looting is the prime objective not police brutality as their leaders have stated.                                                                                                Hostilities will not abate as along as the Mayor and City Council pander to those who commit crimes. Many believe agitators have come a distance to push their own agenda: which is complete disruption of city services. If that is the case they did not need to do much. Arrests have been kept to minimum to curry favor with the rioters. Mayor Blake needs to get her act together or Baltimore will become the Detroit of the East Coast.


Mark Davis MD, President of Davis Writing Services. Author of Demons of Democracy and Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Countdown to Hillary

Countdown to Hillary


Bad news travels fast. Hillary Clinton, the immortal, has entered the fray for the 2016 Democrat presidential nomination. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/04/hillary-clinton-2016-election-presidential-launch-116888.html The dust from Hillary’s last attempt has not fully settled into the shadows, yet her second run is fully underway. On this go around her focus is to connect with the common man. The latter is so comical one must partition reality from the factual insanity from which it is derived. Hillary has stepped away from the rarified domain in which she lives to give the appearance she cares about the “little people.” Her announcement came in the form of a website release not in a gathering of prospective voters. Her last news conference was a disaster. No one can blame her for staying miles away from the nearest journalist. Hillary will take her campaign on the road to small venues with pre-selected audiences. Her admirers will flood the media with positive attributions but those at a distance will question the very basis of her candidacy. With few competitors on the Democrat side vying for the nomination Mrs. Clinton appears to have a clear path to her goal. Yet the drum beats for more balance in her party and we may soon see others of note enter the political cauldron.


Hillary Clinton craves power, prestige and most of all money. During her tenure as Secretary of State many suspect she padded her own pockets via the Clinton Foundation. While representing American interests in the Middle East her Foundation took in large sums from countries less than friendly to the United States. Some believe a quid pro quo was involved. She had defended the work of the Foundation yet the stench of duplicity surrounds her and the private foundation that bears her name.


Equally as bad was Hillary’s management of emails during her reign as Secretary of State. Hillary, similar to Obama, believes she is above regulations and laws which govern the rest of us. When the Benghazi Committee requested her emails none were forthcoming. Why? She utilized a private computer server instead of one issued to her as Secretary of State. These recent revelations were made worse when it was discovered that her private server emails were erased. Hillary has refused to turn over this server. This controversy will not abate as the 2016 campaign moves forward. What is Hillary trying to hide?


With Hillary’s current attempts to galvanize support for a very iffy presidential campaign the public’s introspective eye will follow her everywhere. http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/politicsnow/la-pn-hillary-clinton-campaign-iowa-2016-20150414-story.html The Clintons represent a time that has passed. Each of them is saddled with burdens decades old which haunts every appearance they make. Though Hillary has no real competition from potential Democrat rivals Martin O’Malley and Joseph Biden inspirational voices on the Republican side may drown hers out. The shock of Mrs. Clinton attempting to relate to the “common man” defines exactly who she is. She is a dispirited individual who will malign the system in any manner which brings her closer to the Oval Office. I believe she is misreading the political tea leaves. Her candidacy is doomed from the start because its foundations are layered with paper not cement. For an extremely intelligent woman she appears to move through life with blinders on. When the going gets tough she will abandon her presidential ambitions and return to presenting half-hearted speeches at $450,000 each. Until then her universe of one may end sooner than later for a presidential run that was never meant to be.


Mark Davis MD, President of Davis Writing Services. Author of Demons of Democracy, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster and the forthcoming book: Sexual Predilections of the Political Mind.

www.daviswritingservices.com platomd@gmail.com

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Crossroads to Armageddon

Crossroads to Armageddon


Nightmares never leave us. Attached to our psyches they wait for the signal to remerge. As a child coming of age in the 1960s the fear of nuclear annihilation was ever present in the media. This fear was represented by nuclear mushroom clouds expanding across placid skies. Reality clashed with this hypothetical when Russian missile placements were observed on the island of Cuba. President Kennedy, fearing the worst, took immediate action to diffuse this communist nation’s encroachment into the Western Hemisphere. Without this strong President’s leadership the beginnings of World War Three would have been a few steps away. Fifty years later this country is once again battling for its future.


Scattered across the Iranian landscape are dozens of facilities established for one end purpose, enrichment of Uranium for bombs. http://www.jpost.com/International/Die-Welt-Iran-building-rocket-bases-in-Venezuela Utilizing nearly 20,000 centrifuges Iranian workers are closing in on their ultimate goal. America, not fully cognizant of Iran’s weapons status, is blindly negotiating a treaty to curtail a program that may have already come to fruition. John Kerry, the present Secretary of State, back stabbed his fellow Vietnam Vets during his formative years by testifying against them before Congress. Trust is not one of Kerry’s strong points. Forty years later he is the lead negotiator for a treaty with Iran. With a lack of transparency Kerry and Obama have released little on the framework of this proposed treaty. Speculation is Obama desperately wants this treaty no matter who he throws under the literal bus. In the event this is a legacy moment for the Commander-in-Chief he has failed. Instead Obama is writing an epitaph for the America he hates and the Israel he loathes.


Reports of Iranian missile placements in Venezuela have been carried by foreign news sources. http://www.jpost.com/International/Die-Welt-Iran-building-rocket-bases-in-Venezuela American media has been quiescent on this subject. Once operational these missiles could reach continental United States in a matter of minutes. With Iran’s rapid development of fissionable material these missiles could be tipped with warheads which can decimate American cities on a whim. Essentially the Cuban Missile crisis has come to the 21st century. Obama, oblivious to the Constitution, does not have the courage to invoke the Monroe Doctrine. Striking are the differences in leadership between John Kennedy and Barack Obama. Kennedy led us away from a nuclear holocaust. Obama is leading us towards one. Perhaps that was the plan from day one. When Obama took the oath of office in 2009 he swore to uphold the Constitution and defend America. From this small perch Obama’s real motives were to dismantle American institutions, traditions and its industrial base. He is on his way to succeeding with these goals. My recommendation is build a Civil Defense shelter because Iran and others are coming our way.


Mark Davis MD, President of Davis Writing Services. www.daviswritingservices.com and platomd@gmail.com
Author of Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Discrimination is an aperture through which we perceive variances in people, actions, institutions and traditions. Through subtle differentiation choices are made which solidify which routes we take on our paths from alpha to omega. Choices made may not always be fair and well considered but they must be brought to fruition or we stand still. Inherent risks in life embody this discriminatory function for without it life would be the same for all of us.