to Conservatism
Unnoticed by most and minimally
commented upon by the media conservatism died in 2014. There were no parades, gatherings
or events to commemorate its passing. Republican’s landslide at the polls in
November did little to deter conservatism’s final defeat. Recent events in
Washington solidified the liberal agenda enabled by Republican leadership and
finalized by Barack Obama. Mitch
McConnell and John Boehner, provided the left, with a budget fraught goodies on
their wish list. Fully funding Obamacare and amnesty for illegals one wonders
who these people are working for. Congressional leadership, empowered to
contain Obama’s policies, took the path of least resistance providing the
President with the finances to continue ravaging the Constitution. More
youthful members of the right vehemently protested Boehner’s caving to Obama’s
demands, yet most supported the Speaker so they could stealthily leave town for
the holidays. Conservative principles and ideas are an anathema to those who
believe government should support and control each and every resident on the
American landscape. Successfully squelching Republican dogma from the last
presidential election cycle through now Obama moves into the future knowing he
can do what he wants uninhibited by those on the other side of the aisle.
Senate reconvenes in early January with a Republican majority and Harry Reid
diminished to a secondary role. Reflecting on Mitch McConnell’s recent actions
this Senate Majority leader to be has his mind entrenched in old boy politics instead
of what is best for the nation. Newer blood is needed in the role McConnell
plans to tackle to resurrect the platform which led to the Democrats defeat
less than 2 months ago. Conservatism dictates constraints on spending, smart policies
to grow the economy and a view of the World placing America first. These considerations
have been forgotten by the bellwethers of a party whose present governing style
is a reflection of a majority they will replace. Expect very little change in
the next two years. Republicans’ failure to challenge Obama at his doorstep
will lead to him being replaced by a clone not a conservative. Perhaps the
American public has been manipulated by backdoor politics and collusion between
the major parties to keep the country mired in the weaknesses Obama has
generated for the nation. From this perch anything is possible by a government
with 18 trillion in debt, out of control spending and Congressional members who
come poor to Washington and leave millionaires. One thing for certain the
nation is being placed on the road to another Clinton in the White House. This
will occur in the event conservatism does not reemerge as a force to drown the
collective liberal mentality seen in most recent times. Stay tuned.
Mark Davis MD, President
of Davis Writing Services, www.daviswritingservices.com
Dr. Davis’ most recent book is Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for
Disaster. To contact Dr. Davis for interviews or media commentary please use
the following email: platomd@gmail.com