When Liberals Fail
behavior by liberal mongers to implicate the President in collusion with the
Russians is nothing less than a travesty in the making. More than a year has
gone by since the first whispers of foreign involvement in the American
election process surfaced. Falling all over each other to see who can catch a
Russian ghost first the left are diverting attention from their treasonous behavior.
From Debbie Wasserman Schultz engaging Pakistani operatives to manage DNC
computers to Hillary’s wheeling and dealing for funds to enhance the Clinton
Foundation from foreign entities. As the Democrats search for answers to unanswerable
questions the liberal slime moves freely amongst us with impunity or so they
think. Prosecution of individuals selling out America for a buck or two should
be a top priority for the judicial system. So far it hasn’t been. Donald Trump
is correct when he stated that his Attorney General has veered too far from
Hillary-Gate. Suspending his role in the Russian probe was no less a surprise
to the President. Time has come to
replace the Sessions and put America’s house in order.
Mark Davis
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