Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Maryland Attorney General’s Office Caught in a Mire of Corruption

On December 21st 2016 Mark Davis MD went before the Maryland Board of Physicians. The matters discussed below in this brief article were resurrected from 1990 during this hearing along with the contents of a fraudulent charging document concocted by attorney Robert Gilbert of the Maryland Attorney General’s Office, which he wrote in 2006. The charging document was so viciously false and its complexity so deprecating an e-book is being prepared for its presentation to the public. Needless to state Mr. Gilbert, in his legal capacity, was able to convince the Board of Physician members that his charging document was true though one of the two physician reviewers it was based on stated Dr. Davis followed the standards of care. Additionally Dr. Davis was cleared in the majority by an administrative judge 2007. Facts get in the way because lies make better news. Dr. Davis was told in writing he should never again apply for a medical license in Maryland though he passed a national test of competence in 2016. In our e-book we will discuss in detail how politicized and corrupt the Maryland Board of Physicians is and details of Dr. Davis’ disgusting treatment by them. Please read below. All comments are welcome. All documents related to this article are on the attached link.

As the summer receded in 1989 I made a huge mistake for myself, my family, co-workers and investors, I purchased a nursing home in Maryland. A toxic group of Maryland Administrative entities knew before the ink was dry on the contract of this facility, Poplar Manor Nursing Home, would close no matter what its new owners would do to save it. Anyone caught in the vortex of this transaction, including this author, would be pulled down into a never ending spiral of legal chicanery. A document noting this facility was on track to be closed was withheld from the potential new owners by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) and its attack dog the Maryland Attorney General’s Office. New management moved in on or about August 1989 and the latter two entities, who entrapped us, tried to move us out before 30 days was up. As medical director for 8 years I was not aware the facility had problems in categories outside of my control. The withheld document is part of a forthcoming e-book and included here as document 1. The State of Maryland’s parasites were not finished. They not only wanted the facility closed their intention was to bury the major owner, it’s former medical director. Their tools were a sea of lies, misrepresentations and legal entanglements for the end purpose, medical license revocation and removal of nursing home ownership. There was no coincidence that J. Joseph Currans, the Maryland Attorney General, was running for reelection during this time in 1990. This meant he needed a cause celebre to run on. He used Poplar Manor as one of his fulcrum’s for reelection. That is, he personally saved hundreds of patients from an evil doctor, 12 associate doctors and his approximately 160 workers. Curran’s wanted people to believe the ownership spent 5 million dollars to torture patients and run a nursing home into the ground. The narrative was false then as it is now to keep this physician out of practice in Maryland and keep another corrupt politician in office.

By the end of 13 horrifying months, orchestrated by Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), management was replaced. New physicians were brought in to work with patients and the facilities bank accounts were removed from our control and eventually emptied. Since there were no malpractice cases filed or complaints from anyone what was the basis for this unfounded change in the facility personnel. Two physicians from University of Maryland, Dr. George Taler and Dr. Timothy Keay were brought in to cover up the incompetence of the State physician reviewer, Dr. Lois Leonard. It seems Dr. Leonard was not qualified to review nursing homes or any other facility because she did not have the prerequisite training to do so. Her post medical school training was a 1 year rotating internship. Yet the DHMH hired her to monitor nursing homes and other facilities. She was not qualified to place a band-aid on a finger. Drs. Keay and Taler were profoundly involved in the following illicit activities.

1)  They were engaged to review physician services by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, not the Board of Physicians, who was the only legal Maryland authority empowered to review licensed physician services during this period of time.

2) They did not follow the collective protocols of the Board of Physicians and the Maryland Medical Society to perform physician reviews which were in force at the time. Documents 2, 3,4,5 display their mishmash reviews which are nearly illegible, outside the standard of review and far from accurate.

3) In an affidavit filed by George Taler on July 5th 1994, affirmed under the penalties of perjury, Dr. Taler knowingly perjured himself with the help of the Maryland Attorney General’s Office by the following:

a) Document 6 and 7 is Taler’s affidavit.  

b) In Document 7 Dr. Taler claims he reviewed a representative sample of patients at the nursing home. This indicated he chose the medical records personally, untrue. Document 8 displays Drs. Taler and Keay were given the charts to review. The starred names were the patients reviewed by the State employed Physician, Dr.Lois  Leonard. Dr. Leonard was specifically sent into the facility to find anything she could wrong  with physician care, when there was none. Drs. Keay and Taler were sent in to cover up her work and confirm her lies. The evidence cannot be interpreted any other way. c) In document 7 Dr. Taler states he had no personal gain from the review. Yet in documents pages 9-11, which is the contract for Drs. Keay and Taler to review medical records, it states they  would paid over $4,000 in 1990 funds, more lies.

Perjury was okay because it was backed by Maryland Attorney General’s Office. Civil and criminal charges were based on erroneous medical record reviews. A nursing home was closed and 157 patients were displaced because of phony medical record reviews. Additionally one hundred sixty people lost their jobs because of an out of control health department and administrators wanting to move up the food chain. Upwards of a half a million dollars is unaccountable from the facility’s accounts. Most of all a God fearing physician was dragged through the media, the legal system and to financial catastrophe for absolutely nothing.

When Dr. Mark Davis filed case number 1819, September term, 1994 before the Maryland Court of Special Appeals the Maryland Attorney General’s Office took quick notice. Two attorneys from this self-serving corrupt office requested Dr. Davis to drop this case and in return they suggested they would enable him to have his medical license reinstated. He did drop the case and they helped him regain his medical license 1995. The Medical Board, by a unanimous decision, returned his medical license. The Board realized the initial case filed against Dr. Davis was nothing less than dreck.  If this case had been heard perhaps the current Attorney General of the time, J. Joseph Currans would have been brought up on charges. There is much more to this case. Attorney Gilbert must be outed for his erroneous statements before the December 21, 2016 Maryland Board hearing and the unfounded charging document he concocted in 2006. This article only touches the surface of the vast corruption in the Maryland Administrative authorities noted here. No patient was harmed in any manner by Dr. Mark Davis, yet hundreds were harmed by the authorities discussed in these pages.  Please look for the complete e-book on this case coming soon. 

Mark Davis, MD

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Book Review: Devil's Concubine by Sebati Edward Mafate

The Devil’s Concubine by Sebati Edward Mafate

Dark forces are thematic throughout this well written novel by Sebati Edward Mafate. Protagonist, Raymond Pata, decides to break with his family and move to California. His ultimate goal is to sit atop of the music industry. Influenced by the cultural dynamics of his Haitian origins, including mysticism, he moves through the circles of life until evil overwhelms his entire being. In order to support his dream he connects with a carjacking ring stealing high end vehicles. Living in the shadows of life Raymond becomes exceptionally talented in his second career, auto theft. Entrenched by the powers of darkness Raymond takes to ritualistic killing of those who yielded their vehicles to him. Symbolism is well utilized by this author to foreshadow future occurrences. The Protagonist’s eye for beauty is his final downfall as Hell paradoxically targets him. Author Mafate cleverly weaves a story rich in detail displaying a soul that thrives on carnage and the very blood of other human beings. This page-turner was difficult to put down even for the most human of circumstances. No doubt The Devil’s Concubine will fly off the shelves as readers become aware of it.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017



Books sitting in cyberspace or on dusty shelves deserve to be seen.

Authors must take the next step in order to garner an audience. Small budgets do not allow most authors expansive advertising venues such as utilized by media giants. Professional book reviews draw out the essence of the work and literally speak to potential buyers. One or two sentence reviews transfer little information and do not draw in an audience. provides the author with an energized book critique and posts it across many internet sites for one low fee. Commentary is unique and balanced providing the reader with a sense of the book without giving away its core. also proofreads books at nominal fees to assure the author the book is ready to be submitted to the publisher. an author’s best friend.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Confronting Infinity

Confronting Infinity

Borders between life and death have moved from science fiction to exploratory science. Paranormal studies were once only a fringe study. Now the fringe is rapidly becoming main stream. Since man’s inception into this universe he has suspected there is more to being human than a physical self. The word soul has been named in a thousand different ways all with similar meanings: a detached ethereal component of the human body which lives on after physical death. A more modernistic approach to the definition is an incorporeal entity that exists at the quantum level which is indestructible and lives on after all physical activity ceases. Pick your choice both definitions imply a transition into another mode of reality. With great privilege and humility I was allowed to be part of the dying process of hundreds who I knew well in life. These patients and a few friends were aware their time was short in this living environment. One specifically stands out. A former teacher nearing the age of 95 was under my care in a nursing home. Her mind was as sharp as the proverbial tack. The subject of death often crossed her mind. She believed ( I am paraphrasing) a door opened somewhere to let the departed through.  I never saw any fear in her. All I can state from my humble perch is every human will confront this transition, believers or not, that there is an awakening somewhere else. This is one man’s opinion without proselytizing his intrinsic beliefs.

Mark Davis, MD

Manager of

Manager of

Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Delinquent Author

A huge problem for many editors, proofreaders and book reviews is the delinquent author. After a fee schedule is agreed to, with the payment expected at the completion of the work performed, the author decides to play financial charades with you. My Paypal account is corrupted in some manner or form. Another approach is they do not return your e-mails once you indicate the work is completed hoping you will further reduce your fees. Still another format is I will pay you if the book sells. These and many other scenarios may be hard to contemplate yet they happen more than one would think. The obvious resolution to this problem is to get your money up from instead of utilizing the honor system and obtaining it on the backend. I have utilized the honor system because most authors who have asked me to help them are honorable people. Yet I am rethinking my approach. It is no fun when a person stiffs you for nominal fees requested. My question to the audience is: Should you collect your fees up front or request payment at completion of the work? Mark Davis, MD manager of and

Friday, April 14, 2017



With an extremely high failure rate the Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) requires appropriate study to reach a passing grade. Designed by the faculty of the Federation of State Medical Boards this one day test is continuously in evolution. In its present incarnation there are 336 questions divided into 7 sections. Each section has 48 questions with a completion time of 64 minutes. Federation of State Board Literature is not precise concerning the contents of this exam. Many who have come to this test believed that minimal study was needed to pass. They were very surprised when their exam grades came in the mail. Required by state medical boards these entities provide minimal to no information in the exam’s contents or preparation. This mini course evolved out of the need for potential examinees to be provided with guidance on which subject matter to emphasize in their studies and which instructional material will give them the greatest chance of a successful passage of this exam.

Core Internal Medicine subjects are only part of this exam. A vast array of specialties which include multiple disciplines in surgery, pediatrics, genetics, psychiatry, medical statistics, obstetrics/gynecology and radiology have appeared on recent tests. This course will discuss question types which have appeared in current exams for the latter subject matter and allow the physician the maximum use of his or her study time. The course runs 2-3 hours and is performed by phone at a mutually agreed time. The cost is $300.  Please contact Mark Davis, MD at with questions or to schedule a time to take the course.

Dr. Mark Davis, MD has counseled many physicians to help them in their ultimate goal to pass this exam.  Preparation from this course will be an invaluable aid in achieving a passing grade or better. Please contact Dr. Davis as soon as you know the SPEX is required for your medical licensure.



With an extremely high failure rate the Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) requires appropriate study to reach a passing grade. Designed by the faculty of the Federation of State Medical Boards this one day test is continuously in evolution. In its present incarnation there are 336 questions divided into 7 sections. Each section has 48 questions with a completion time of 64 minutes. Federation of State Board Literature is not precise concerning the contents of this exam. Many who have come to this test believed that minimal study was needed to pass. They were very surprised when their exam grades came in the mail. Required by state medical boards these entities provide minimal to no information in the exam’s contents or preparation. This mini course evolved out of the need for potential examinees to be provided with guidance on which subject matter to emphasize in their studies and which instructional material will give them the greatest chance of a successful passage of this exam.

Core Internal Medicine subjects are only part of this exam. A vast array of specialties which include multiple disciplines in surgery, pediatrics, genetics, psychiatry, medical statistics, obstetrics/gynecology and radiology have appeared on recent tests. This course will discuss question types which have appeared in current exams for the latter subject matter and allow the physician the maximum use of his or her study time. The course runs 2-3 hours and is performed by phone at a mutually agreed time. The cost is $300.  Please contact Mark Davis, MD at with questions or to schedule a time to take the course.

Dr. Mark Davis, MD has counseled many physicians to help them in their ultimate goal to pass this exam.  Preparation from this course will be an invaluable aid in achieving a passing grade or better. Please contact Dr. Davis as soon as you know the SPEX is required for your medical licensure.

Thursday, April 13, 2017



With an extremely high failure rate the Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) requires appropriate study to reach a passing grade. Designed by the faculty of the Federation of State Medical Boards this one day test is continuously in evolution. In its present incarnation there are 336 questions divided into 7 sections. Each section has 48 questions with a completion time of 64 minutes. Federation of State Board Literature is not precise concerning the contents of this exam. Many who have come to this test believed that minimal study was needed to pass. They were very surprised when their exam grades came in the mail. Required by state medical boards these entities provide minimal to no information in the exam’s contents or preparation. This mini course evolved out of the need for potential examinees to be provided with guidance on which subject matter to emphasize in their studies and which instructional material will give them the greatest chance of a successful passage of this exam.

Core Internal Medicine subjects are only part of this exam. A vast array of specialties which include multiple disciplines in surgery, pediatrics, genetics, psychiatry, medical statistics, obstetrics/gynecology and radiology have appeared on recent tests. This course will discuss question types which have appeared in current exams for the latter subject matter and allow the physician the maximum use of his or her study time. The course runs 2-3 hours and is performed by phone at a mutually agreed time. The cost is $300.  Please contact Mark Davis, MD at with questions or to schedule a time to take the course.

Dr. Mark Davis, MD has counseled many physicians to help them in their ultimate goal to pass this exam.  Preparation from this course will be an invaluable aid in achieving a passing grade or better. Please contact Dr. Davis as soon as you know the SPEX is required for your medical licensure.



With an extremely high failure rate the Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) requires appropriate study to reach a passing grade. Designed by the faculty of the Federation of State Medical Boards this one day test is continuously in evolution. In its present incarnation there are 336 questions divided into 7 sections. Each section has 48 questions with a completion time of 64 minutes. Federation of State Board Literature is not precise concerning the contents of this exam. Many who have come to this test believed that minimal study was needed to pass. They were very surprised when their exam grades came in the mail. Required by state medical boards these entities provide minimal to no information in the exam’s contents or preparation. This mini course evolved out of the need for potential examinees to be provided with guidance on which subject matter to emphasize in their studies and which instructional material will give them the greatest chance of a successful passage of this exam.

Core Internal Medicine subjects are only part of this exam. A vast array of specialties which include multiple disciplines in surgery, pediatrics, genetics, psychiatry, medical statistics, obstetrics/gynecology and radiology have appeared on recent tests. This course will discuss question types which have appeared in current exams for the latter subject matter and allow the physician the maximum use of his or her study time. The course runs 2-3 hours and is performed by phone at a mutually agreed time. The cost is $300.  Please contact Mark Davis, MD at with questions or to schedule a time to take the course.

Dr. Mark Davis, MD has counseled many physicians to help them in their ultimate goal to pass this exam.  Preparation from this course will be an invaluable aid in achieving a passing grade or better. Please contact Dr. Davis as soon as you know the SPEX is required for your medical licensure.



With an extremely high failure rate the Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) requires appropriate study to reach a passing grade. Designed by the faculty of the Federation of State Medical Boards this one day test is continuously in evolution. In its present incarnation there are 336 questions divided into 7 sections. Each section has 48 questions with a completion time of 64 minutes. Federation of State Board Literature is not precise concerning the contents of this exam. Many who have come to this test believed that minimal study was needed to pass. They were very surprised when their exam grades came in the mail. Required by state medical boards these entities provide minimal to no information in the exam’s contents or preparation. This mini course evolved out of the need for potential examinees to be provided with guidance on which subject matter to emphasize in their studies and which instructional material will give them the greatest chance of a successful passage of this exam.

Core Internal Medicine subjects are only part of this exam. A vast array of specialties which include multiple disciplines in surgery, pediatrics, genetics, psychiatry, medical statistics, obstetrics/gynecology and radiology have appeared on recent tests. This course will discuss question types which have appeared in current exams for the latter subject matter and allow the physician the maximum use of his or her study time. The course runs 2-3 hours and is performed by phone at a mutually agreed time. The cost is $300.  Please contact Mark Davis, MD at with questions or to schedule a time to take the course.

Dr. Mark Davis, MD has counseled many physicians to help them in their ultimate goal to pass this exam.  Preparation from this course will be an invaluable aid in achieving a passing grade or better. Please contact Dr. Davis as soon as you know the SPEX is required for your medical licensure.



With an extremely high failure rate the Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) requires appropriate study to reach a passing grade. Designed by the faculty of the Federation of State Medical Boards this one day test is continuously in evolution. In its present incarnation there are 336 questions divided into 7 sections. Each section has 48 questions with a completion time of 64 minutes. Federation of State Board Literature is not precise concerning the contents of this exam. Many who have come to this test believed that minimal study was needed to pass. They were very surprised when their exam grades came in the mail. Required by state medical boards these entities provide minimal to no information in the exam’s contents or preparation. This mini course evolved out of the need for potential examinees to be provided with guidance on which subject matter to emphasize in their studies and which instructional material will give them the greatest chance of a successful passage of this exam.

Core Internal Medicine subjects are only part of this exam. A vast array of specialties which include multiple disciplines in surgery, pediatrics, genetics, psychiatry, medical statistics, obstetrics/gynecology and radiology have appeared on recent tests. This course will discuss question types which have appeared in current exams for the latter subject matter and allow the physician the maximum use of his or her study time. The course runs 2-3 hours and is performed by phone at a mutually agreed time. The cost is $300.  Please contact Mark Davis, MD at with questions or to schedule a time to take the course.

Dr. Mark Davis, MD has counseled many physicians to help them in their ultimate goal to pass this exam.  Preparation from this course will be an invaluable aid in achieving a passing grade or better. Please contact Dr. Davis as soon as you know the SPEX is required for your medical licensure.

Sexual Harassment: Many flavors few takers

Sexual Harassment: Many Flavors few takers

Observers of current culture have watched as many men have been pulled into the vortex of sexual harassment. Tiger Woods lost huge as his libido got the best of him. Woods was forced to attend counseling sessions because he liked women. This must be a big business because others of equal note are being entrapped by their own so-called promiscuous behavior. If you are Bill Clinton you get an award while others are tarred and feathered. Now Bill O’Reilly is under the microscope for his latent urges. Thirteen million dollars, as reported by the press, has been paid out to various women who stepped forward with complaints, perhaps more to come. My question is: what flavor of sexual harassment did he display? Did Bill eyeball the woman’s better parts? Did Bill ask the woman to dinner? Perhaps Bill gave her a peck on her face or maybe he attacked a woman outright. I doubt the latter and for the former probably a minor bit occurred. What did Bill have to say about these questionable occurrences in his talking points? It appears his points were not talking on this topic. Word is out he may be on an extended vacation and or permanent one. Sadly I will miss this arrogant man who bloviated each weekday on his news/commentary program which set the tone for Fox’s nightly line up. Perhaps Bill should have picked a flavor few liked therefore he could have finished his career with a clean slate. Good luck Bill. Whatever decision you make Fox will be better off either way. Mark Davis MD,

Manager of and

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

War is Coming

President Trump's humanity was on the tip of each of the 59 Tomahawk missiles sent into Syria. Sadly Obama would have drawn another line in the sand and ignored that one as well. Hillary, had she become the Commander in Chief, would have been asleep somewhere, as she was during the Benghazi incident. More scary is the armada moving towards the waters near North Korea. This could set off a nuclear confrontation. Sounds far fetched, but it is not. Irrationality rules in North Korea. A powder keg ready to explode any moment. The United States should not light the fuse. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail.  As history tells its tales there will be war before peace. Mark Davis, MD manager of

Abuse in Medical Licensing

E-book entitled Anatomy of a Medical License Revocation is in the works. Once you see the proof, through multiple documents, the abhorrent nature of medical board abuse will be apparent to you. Medical Boards have become politicized entities whose followers, mainly lawyers, act like cockroaches fighting for scrapes. There appears to be competition amongst state medical boards to see who can sanction more physicians. The immediate story concerns the Maryland Board of Physicians whose corruption is profound. Mark Davis MD

Sunday, April 9, 2017

America Shafted Obama Rewarded

                                     America Shafted Obama Rewarded

Recently announced Barack and Michelle Obama will receive upwards of 65 million dollars for their presidential memoirs is both stunning and horrifying. During his term in office former President Obama led a scorched earth policy. Every institution, tradition and industry were nearly burnt to the ground by a man with profound ineptitude and incompetence. Under Obama’s tutelage the Nobel Prize became an insignificant relic of bygone days. Executive Orders demolished any sense of collective legislative effort by Congress. To be rewarded by a radical left, who would say or do anything to see President Trump fail, is an absurdity wrapped in irrationality. The little guy receives no golden parachute yet pays for the financial failings of a former President who was never ready for Prime Time. Luckily there has been a change. Mark Davis MD

Manager of and

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Deception in Book Editing Land

Recently I saw an ad from a high end book review and editing company on Facebook. This ad’s deceptive flavor needs to clarified for all those who gravitate to its contents. Flowing with claims it will miraculously help authors have their books placed on the New York Times best seller and other relevant lists is just plain false. Few books make it to this list and the way sales are calculated for this list is questionable. Yet the unnamed high end book review site’s fees are double and even triple charged by those with equivalent and or higher levels of experience for reviewing, proofreading and editing. In my opinion be wary of book review sites with flashy pictures and questionable written content. provides an excellent service at markedly reduced fees. With more than a decade of experience in proofreading and writing book reviews/critiques the author obtains exceptional service, promptly completed at  much reduced rates than those from the giants. An additional bonus, for no extra charge, the review is published on multiple internet sites for maximum audience exposure. Please review samples of this work on one of our webs sites, We work for authors who work for their readers. Please contact Mark Davis, MD for fees or questions.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Maryland Board of Physicians Scandal 101


Maryland’s toxic Board of Physicians has hurt too many for too long. This Administrative entity has a vast legal structure imposed on it to regulate physician function and performance with one caveat, these legal guidelines are not obeyed. Believe it or not the Board of Physicians (Board) has run an illicit organization, for several decades, with minimal to no supervision by the Maryland State Legislature. I have observed first hand this Board’s determination to harm a physician though the facts of the case moved in a different direction than charges imposed. “Enumerated below” are many not all reasons why current Board members and administrative staff (many of whom are lawyers) should be removed from office and investigated by legal authorities who sit beyond Maryland State’s borders. This scandal is more than a civil rights issue. Instead it is one of corruption in a State entity that has gone unchecked for far too long. With thick cronyism in play, judges who will defend the Board even when the evidence is against them and worst of all an Attorney General’s Office complicit with Board hierarchy time has come for an independent open investigation of their malicious behavior. The list that follows is drawn up from personal circumstance inflicted on Mark Davis, MD. A book is in preparation, with documentary evidence, confirming the incredulous journey one physician had, through 2 episodes of malicious prosecution with this corrupt entity, will be published soon.

1)    There is no set standard of medical record review in the files of the Maryland Board of Physicians. Therefore the Board can create any false narrative about a medical record they choose.

2)    Highly paid medical vigilantes review records for the Board. These physician reviewers are engaged from the private sector, given immunity and lie with impunity. I will present documentation in a forth coming book displaying the Board removes medical licenses under false pretenses.

3)    The Court of Special Appeals legislated from the bench that one physician reviewer is sufficient to have a medical license revoked. The regulations as written require two physicians to agree “standards of care” were not met. If two physicians have opposing views a third one is required to be brought into the dispute. In the author’s case of the two physicians utilized one noted this author followed the standard of care. The second physician, who did not practice dietary medicine nor had any special knowledge of this field consistently lied during a judicial hearing, as the transcripts display. Worse he was engaged from a company sued by this author previously.

4)    Knowing the facts in number 3 how could anyone draw up a charging document against a physician when one state reviewer noted this author did not violate the known “Standards of Care.”

5)    The Attorney General’s Office is deeply rooted in the scandalous behavior of the Board. One specific attorney from this office, Robert Gilbert, in his official capacity, fabricated charges against this physician as noted in number 4 to start a prosecution against this physician.

6)    Though the Board’s own judicial arm the Office of Administrative Hearings found for this physician the membership of the Board flipped the decision and gave this author a 3 year revocation which they changed to permanent status after he applied for reinstatement and passed a national test.

7)    The Maryland Board of Physicians is managed end to end by lawyers. From its top Executives to their review arm.  Trashing physicians is their speciality without regard to observance of physicians’ rights.

These enumerated malicious activities and many more, at the minimum, need to be brought before a State of Maryland Legislative committee empowered to review this administrative entity. Abuse of authority is evident. Does the evidence rise to the level of felonies? I would submit this to be the case. In the end patients suffer needlessly for this indiscriminant use of authority. Perhaps in the near future the true nature of the Board’s scandalous behavior will be revealed to all and as a result appropriate prosecutions may occur. My question is will Maryland Courts once again provide immunity for the Board’s illicit activities.  More to come.
Mark Davis, MD
Manager of
Manager of