Sunday, February 19, 2017



Maryland State Legislature is required to oversee its Board of Physicians, yet they don’t. Utilizing the most illicit means to remove a physician’s medical license has become an art form for a Board oblivious to due process, established precedent and the law. More than incompetence the Board has deliberately skewed due process to fix outcomes no matter where the facts lead. From the day a physician is handed a charging document fraught with falsehoods to his final seconds before a politicized medical board the outcome against the doctor is predetermined. I am one of many victims of this malicious entity which works with a corrupt Attorney General’s office to assure outcomes that should never be.

Maryland Physicians go about their practices never aware the Administrative entity which controls their licenses is corrupt and will falsify data to deny their ability to practice. In my specific case a charging document was drawn up against me whose author, Robert Gilbert Esquire from the Attorney General’s Office, knew ahead of time his document was baseless. The State required in 2006 that a charging document have two physicians certify another physician is not competent to practice. If there was a dispute between these two physicians a third was required to intervene. In this physician’s case one of the two medical doctors reviewing for the Board had written a document stating that he reviewed my medical records and found no deviation from the standard of care. Mr. Gilbert knew this fact yet he wrote a malicious report about this physician never using the third physician as required by regulation and orchestrated with his second paid physician to misrepresent my medical records. The second physician in this case had no experience with the evidence in the purported charges. He was a shill.  Even worse utilizing twists in Board regulations I was not allowed to put on a defense at the Office of Administrative Hearings. Under the umbrella of this judicial anomaly the Administrative Judge still found for this physician. Unfortunately the Board reversed the Judge’s ruling and gave me a 3 year revocation. They, meaning the Board of Physicians, had committed another fraudulent act among many.

After the 3 year revocation was completed I was misled into believing that my license would be returned to me if I passed the SPEX test. On or about September of 2016 I passed this test though the Board did not provide any literature stating the contents of this exam (more on this in another news piece). In December 2016, after submitting a lengthy application for reinstatement, I was invited before the Board to speak. The Attorney General’s representative, the person who falsified the initial charging document ( Robert Gilbert), was present. The misrepresentations about this physician were ugly, untrue and based on hearsay as Mr. Gilbert stated them in front of a half dozen Board members. I was given a few minutes to speak. Six weeks later I received a negative response in part stating I was not contrite enough before this panel. They believe that I did not supply enough evidence that I would change my practice habits. Worse I was told in writing the Board would not entertain any further applications from me for reinstatement. Horrific as this corrupt Board’s stance is they are trying to cover up their own tracks.

In the event members of the Board of Physicians reinstated my medical license it would be an admission their rationale for revocation was false, malicious and misdirected. More details will come out as a book in preparation will display. Including solid non disputable evidence the Board of Medicine is as corrupt as a 3 dollar bill. For any questions and or comments I can be reached at  This article will be posted on several national news sites I own and a compilation of the events surrounding my medical license history will be published in the near future. May God have mercy on those who lie to maintain their position in life and or want to move up the food chain on others peoples’ backs.  Mark Davis, MD

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