Special Examination (SPEX) is a complex test
designed to examine a physician’s fund of knowledge. Federation of State
Medical Boards is the creator of this exam. Physicians who have been out of
practice for an extended period of time, depending on their state medical board’s
regulations, are required to take this test.
the structure of the current exam 336 questions are the substance of this test.
These questions are broken down into 7 segments with 64 minutes allocated for each
section. Stated in another format each question is allotted 1.3 minutes. Passing
grade is 75. States can amend the pass grade as they determine the necessity
to. Taken over a one day period insufficient time is given to evaluate each
question. The failure rate is high. Many physicians are forced to take this
exam two or more times. Crucial to the examinees are the direction in which to
apply their studies.
Many books which are designated as SPEX
references are either out of date and or inapplicable to the current test
format. Federation of State Medical Boards literature is vague to the contents
of this exam and misdirects the potential examinee on which information to
study. For the aforementioned reasons SPEX TUTORIAL SERVICES came into being.
A “One on One” tutorial with Mark Davis MD,
who has extensive knowledge of the SPEX exam’s contents, will emphasize key
study areas. Recurrent question formats will be discussed in depth. Areas of
study applicable to the SPEX, not mentioned in reference literature will be
analyzed extensively. Esoteric subject matter from prior tests will be
highlighted. Physicians have found this format with Dr. Davis extremely helpful
in their studies to pass the SPEX exam and get back into practice.
Tuition rate for a one on one tutorial
with Dr. Davis is $250 per hour. Many physicians purchase 1-2 hours at a time.
As the course of their studies progress many doctors return for several more
segments. With a physician’s study time limited Dr. Davis adapts his schedule
closely to that of the examinee.
To schedule time with Dr. Davis please
contact him in the following manners: by email at platomd@gmail.com by office phone: 410-515-7848 or his service
at 410-515-7858.
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