Thursday, July 16, 2015

Contenders and Pretenders to the Oval Office

Contenders and pretenders to the Oval Office


A dazzling array of personalities are chasing the Oval Office. Few will get beyond the fence of recognition to become viable candidates. Yet all have hopes and dreams of remodeling America in their minds’ eye. From the left Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are running far ahead of minor candidates such as Martin O’Malley and Lincoln Chafee. With fifteen declared and more to come the right is crowded with a field which runs the gamut from competent to window dressing. Conservative notables leading the pack are Jeb Bush, Donald Trump and Ben Carson. Day to day their favorable ratings vary based on the last word they stated. Trenchant but true commentary from some has aptly described why America needs a leader who will not back down or side step controversy. Most of the long list of potential hopefuls are political hacks whose daily beliefs are measured by the latest poll. A few, such as Scott Walker and Donald Trump, have platforms which resonate with the public on key issues that others avoid. Economics, immigration, international affairs and more have deteriorated under the aegis of our current leader. Hillary and Bernie offer more of the same. Unfortunately a large number of their opponents are middle of the road or shoot from the left. Many ask who in this herd has the drive, direction and the substance to elevate America to greatness once more?  The winnowing  process is underway.


Characteristic of Hillary and others on the left is to promise their supporters a continuous flow of cash from the federal treasury. This winning strategy has placed many in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Fortunately for the right the present redistributer-in-chief did not keep his fiscal promises, which opens even a wider door for conservatives in 2016. Donald Trump brings a refreshing scent to an otherwise putrid stench trailing many of the other candidates. Immigration is a hot button issue that has elevated Trump to the leader of the pack. Few others have come forth on this issue with such vociferous tones. With Hillary’s Messiah Complex in full view many are offended by her brash demeanor and curt style of campaigning. Failing in 2008 when Barack Obama showed up it appears once again she may go down for the count as others in her party start drawing attention away from her. Guaranteed at the end of this process every piece of garbage on those running from both sides of the aisle will be aired. America is starving for leadership. Those who are still standing at the end of this process may be the strongest candidates but not the best. Let us hope the wisdom of the people is better placed this go around because we may not get another chance.

Mark Davis, M.D. President of Davis Media and Writing Servives.

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