Save your life: stay out
of Baltimore
Baltimore City is mired in
criminality both in and outside the government. Violence over the Memorial Day
weekend hit record levels for this holiday. With nine dead and more than thirty
shot, no one is safe on its sidewalks or streets. The month of May saw
forty-three murders. Directly attributable to this uptick in violence is the
Mayor’s approach to street ruffians and thugs. Stephanie Rawlings-Blake softer
stance on crime, since the death of Freddie Gray, has generated this newest
stream of violence. Arrests in some sections of the city are down more than 50
percent with crime hovering at record levels. Police have been denigrated to a
point they fear for their lives. Those attempting to make arrests have found themselves
besieged by neighborhood thugs surrounding their vehicles. Baltimore has
descended into anarchy with the blessings of its progressive management.
Descriptions of hoodlums openly carrying guns in certain sections of city have
generated media attention. If there ever was a movie script to write it would
be “Escape from Baltimore.”
Gang violence continues
unabated throughout the cavernous streets and crevices of this city in decline.
Police are reticent in Baltimore and around the country to move against the
criminal element. Assassinations of our finest are on the rise. Scum have made
open threats against police on social media and in confrontations on the
streets. Police unions are seeing members leave for calmer circumstances
outside the cities. Shallow government officials have generally sided with the
thugs such as in Baltimore. After Freddie Grey’s untimely death Baltimore
City’s Mayor and State’s Attorney pandered to the rioters. Police watched as
the worst in society were given a free hand to loot, burn and victimize at
their leisure. Presently crime is so bad all who come to Baltimore are at risk.
As a resident of Maryland I have witnessed government officials at their worst.
Vain, egocentric and misdirected these individuals lack the moral clarity and
intellectual fire power to manage the domains to which they were elected.
Baltimore’s mayor reflects the latter description. As long as she is in charge
Baltimore’s future will be bleak. Perhaps in the next election cycle someone of
worth will be elected. Stay tuned.
Mark Davis MD, author of
Demons of Democracy. President of Davis Media and Writing Services.
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