Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Day Israel Stood Still

The day Israel stood still


On March 17th a country two thirds the size of Maryland chose to stay with its current leader Benjamin Netanyahu. With the votes finally tallied Netanyahu and his Likud party overwhelming beat back Isaac Herzog and the Zionist Union. Ironically America’s left of the left press had Herzog winning by a considerable margin. American media misrepresented the will of Israel’s majority with stories fabricated to negate Netanyahu’s popularity at home. Some media outlets chose to distort exit polls perhaps in an attempt to discourage late voters as it does in this country. In the aftermath the Jewish State solidified behind a leader whose message is consistent: Israel must and will survive regardless of external forces attempting to undermine the nation.


Reports have circulated that American tax dollars were spent by the Obama Administration to subvert the Israeli election. These news reports indicated  people close to Obama established themselves in some manner or form in Israel with a singular purpose to bring Netanyahu down. Their failure brought a certain level of consternation to a White House already in disarray over Netanyahu’s recent presentation before Congress. Not to be out maneuvered by the Prime Minister our narcissus-in-chief waited 24 hours then revealed his newest plan to bring Israel to its knees. Obama’s hate for the Jewish State has no bounds. Under consideration are potential plans to weaken America’s close relationship with Israel which has lasted seven decades. In the end nothing will change except the man in the White House.


America’s foreign policy has been chaotic since Obama took office.

Present negotiations with Iran, to slow their nuclear weapons development, will only forestall for a brief period an outcome inevitable under current treaty discussions. Netanyahu brought this message to Congress. Yet President Obama chided the Prime Minister’s speech deriding its contents as unhelpful to current exchanges with Iranian leadership. In reality Obama stopped listening to the very people who have insight into the Iranian terrorist regime.


President Obama’s difficulty grasping who the aggressors are and who are America’s friends is obvious. Worse he believes loosening sanctions against Iran to placate them will expedite an arms treaty. The road President Obama and Secretary Kerry are pursuing is disastrous for this country and Israel. Further it may set the seeds for war because Iran cannot be trusted to follow the tenets of any negotiated treaty. Instead any solution generated by politicians will guarantee a nuclear Iran.


President Obama is considering a beach front property in Hawaii for his post White House days. In this compound he will be safe from any attack by Iran on mainland USA. He will be able to sit back and watch the mushroom clouds form. As Barack looks to the left at Michelle he will note that Netanyahu was right. Iran cannot be trusted.


Mark Davis MD, author of Demons of Democracy and Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. President of Davis Writing Services.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Rage of the Queen of Green

Rage of the queen of green


Lust for power, prestige and green should be essential components of any profile on Hillary Clinton. With her sights set on the Oval Office coronation to the thrown is the only element lacking in her resume. Last week the real Hillary Clinton once again displayed her true face. As in previous episodes of her life she came out fighting when accused of withholding subpoenaed information from investigating Congressional committees. Transaction of information through government servers remains the property of Uncle Sam, yet not for Hillary. While Secretary of State her work related emails were channeled through a private server neatly tucked away in one of her many homes. When asked at a news conference why she did not use a government server Hillary explained it was a matter of convenience. This distortion of reality was compounded by her destruction of the very emails sought by investigators. A classical Clinton maneuver took place here. Since her emails were on a private server there were no “government” retained emails to give over to Congress, as requested by their subpoena. Unknown to nearly everyone Hillary retained over 50,000 emails. Once this fact surfaced charges of perjury and criminality were thrown her way. Rhetorical nonsense from her recent press briefing concerning these emails did not fool anyone and went a long way to hurt her chances in 2016.


Contrary to glowing reports in left wing media Hillary’s portfolio of achievements can be summated on a single sheet of paper. During her short tenure in the Senate Hillary’s mark on legislation that became law was infinitesimal. When a colleague would introduce legislation to cut taxes invariably she would be the first on line to vote no.  Hillary’s lack of knowledge of political dynamics in the Middle East was evident in her voting record. This is exemplified by her vote against the surge. Her ineffective record in the Senate was evident throughout her years in office. As Secretary of State she turned her head away from the revolutionaries who ignited the Arab Spring. These actions contributed to reinforcing theocracy not democracy in those volatile countries. Numerous voices have insinuated that her time as Department Secretary was spent feathering her own nest. The Clinton foundation took tens of millions from countries which she had direct influence over. In the event there was a quid pro quo we may never know.



Mrs. Clinton is no mere anomaly in the leftist World. Driven by arrogance and a smug self-righteous attitude she has achieved distinction by being the Kardashian of the political class. Just being there, she believes, entitles her to the ultimate crown in the United States. Hillary has forgotten her history. America threw off the yoke of its king and queen centuries ago. No one is ready for another spin with a monarchy. Hillary’s campaign is stumbling and not ready for prime time. She needs to go back to square one and learn humility before returning to a World that moved passed her long ago.


Mark Davis MD, President of Davis Writing Services,

Author of Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster and

Demons of Democracy.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Rise and fall of an American queen

Rise and fall of an American queen


History has a way of recycling on itself. With the adoption of the Declaration of Independence the colonies threw off the yoke of the English Monarchy centuries ago. Expectations were the evolving nation would remain a democracy for generations to come. The blood of millions sanctified this promise through the years. Yet as history moved forward the lessons that it taught grew cold with time. Twenty-first century politics have awakened the ghosts of the past. A few politicians believe they have an absolute right of ascension to the highest circles in government. This self-righteous elitism may be drawn from name recognition they garnered based on those who came before them. Most open about her prior connections to the White House is Hillary Clinton. Mrs. Clinton apparently believes she should be crowned queen of the United States. This delusion is continuously reinforced in her speeches and interviews. Now her coronation appears in doubt.  From the darkness information has arisen that Mrs. Clinton may have subverted American law. Worse she may have used her government position to raise funds for the Clinton Foundation.


While conducting business as the Secretary of State Mrs. Clinton was legally responsible to use government email systems not personal accounts. Believing she is beyond reproach and the law she hid over fifty thousand emails from Congressional committees who subpoenaed her government records not aware at the time other accounts existed. As this information developed the whitewash quickly began. Her former State Department colleagues jumped into the fray to help with damage control. Current Secretary of State John Kerry also stated he would review the matter thoroughly. The outcome for these reviews are all but assured to go Hillary’s way. Can this vast load of emails shed light on the following questions? What did Hillary really know about Benghazi? Did she raise money for the Clinton Foundation in a manner not befitting her former office? Did she pass classified material through her private accounts hence undermining United States Interests? Mrs. Clinton’s activities may have been above board, yet they need to be measured against the truth. American people deserve an independent accounting of Hillary’s recently uncovered activities.  Why? Because this heir to the throne must be vetted before the nation makes another mistake as occurred in the prior 2 election cycles.


Mark Davis MD, President of Davis Writing Services.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Devoid of Leadership America looks elsewhere

Devoid of leadership America looks elsewhere


America is starving for leadership. Weakness has been the center piece of the Obama Administration. Lacking backbone and a clear vision for this country President Obama has faltered on the international stage and at home. Current political philosophy trends away from democratic principles towards a vacuum of logic denying the reality before us. Recently Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, awoke this sleeping giant to the threatening surge of terrorism which could reach ours shores soon. His intuitive speech to Congress was not only elegant and informative it pointed to an enemy that is engulfing large segments of the Middle East. For over forty minutes the Prime Minister described the true nature of terrorism which in recent times has killed thousands including many Americans. Those lucky enough to be seated before him were provided with spectacular glimpse of a war we should and must become involved. He noted the face of the enemy has many names yet one goal to devour all those who oppose their religious extremism. Netanyahu’s primary mission on American soil may have come with a personal price to himself here and at home. Yet he felt the moral imperative to state his case. Netanyahu noted any agreement with Iran, to stop their nuclear program, would end in a catastrophe for both our nations. Sadly, too many, did not heed the call to listen to his words.


President Obama, in the aftermath of Netanyahu’s speech, was resolute that his negotiations with Iran would proceed. He is oblivious to numerous indicators that his efforts would fail badly. As sponsors of terrorism globally Iran has displayed it wants war over diplomacy.  Leadership is not Obama’s strong point. Blindly pursuing a negotiated path with this rogue nation is incongruous with the terroristic reality that lies before this country. The underpinnings of weak leadership in the present Administration have driven this nation in the wrong direction providing our enemies with an edge at the expense of our friends. When the United States could have made a difference in the Middle East Obama’s silence was deafening. As ISIS and its affiliates engulf large sections of this area they are aware of their friend in the White House. Netanyahu is a World leader bent on protecting his country from any and all enemies that comes to their gates. Obama’s inclination is antithetically different. He invites the enemy in to dismantle the infrastructure of a nation that has shed too much blood in war. Leadership is pivotal to successful nation building and its defense. America is devoid of leadership. Yet for a moment in time everyone stood still as a real leader addressed Congress.


Mark Davis MD, President of Davis Writing Services,, Author of Demons of Democracy and Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Americans now know what real leadership looks like

Today America viewed a real leader as Benjamin Netanyahu spoke before a join session of America's Congress. The speech given was one President Obama should have delivered years ago. Instead Obama hid outside the Congressional dome on a bogus excuse which will echo next to his name for generations. Never Again. Let those words ring through Obama's small brain and those who would do harm to Jews and others anywhere and everywhere. Americans are not cowards. Yet Obama portrays us as those we are. We must hold up one mighty fist in the wind indicating to terrorists that America is united with Israel from today into eternity.