Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Expanded war powers: history repeats itself

Expanded war powers: history repeats itself


Echoes of the 1930s are reverberating through Congress today because President Obama made a request for expansive war powers. Memories of Americans may be shallow yet 82 years ago a request for expanded powers came from a little known leader in Germany. Under the Enabling Act the German leader was granted plenary powers. Invested Hitler was the ability to make laws by-passing the Reichstag, the German equivalent of Congress. Obama has already usurped Congressional authority with unconstitutional Executive Orders. If Obama’s requested authorization is enacted there would be no geographical, political or technical boundaries which would be off limits to him. Many of the President’s requests to Congress have been to expand his authority at the expense of Civil Liberties. Most recently the FCC has proposed wide ranging controls on an internet that is now free to all users. Once his war powers request is enacted Obama could make the case to shut down the media, bring more foreigners to American soil and even reconfigure the economy. History is fraught with examples.


President Obama’s inability to conduct foreign affairs, on a level befitting an American head of state, is evident across a wide range of actions he initiated. In each case his mismanagement was so gross the outcomes were exponentially worse than anyone expected. From the Arab Spring to the assault on Americans in Benghazi Obama has clearly demonstrated a profound ineptitude to protect this country’s interests abroad.

 Further, he has displayed a propensity to side with groups whose ambitions are not in the best interests of the United States. Handing a person, such as described here, expansive war powers can be deleterious to a nation that has fallen behind the rest of the international community in power and prestige. Americans have forgotten their history from a few generations ago. Present day America is not the country millions have fought and died for. President Obama’s war powers should be restricted allowing those whose countries have been invaded to fight their own battles. Open ended conflict, as Obama proposes, may be the ticket he has been looking for to further decimate the rights of Americans. Perhaps one person in Congress will have the wherewithal to question Obama’s true motives, as many in the conservative media already have.


Mark Davis MD, President of Davis Writing Services, Author of Demons of Democracy and Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster.

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