Monday, April 22, 2013

O'Malley's assault on Maryland: is recall in the air

O’Malley’s assault on Maryland: is recall in the air


Starving to move up the food chain, Governor Martin O’Malley has wrought worse havoc on the State of Maryland than Obama has on nation. O’Malley’s legislative initiatives have infuriated many members of the business community, some of whom have voiced recalling the Governor for ineptitude in office. O’Malley’s push for wind farms off the coast of Ocean City, displays a profound level of incompetence on his part (see article, Maryland’s Solyndra: offshore wind farms). In his latest legislative intent, which he blames on the EPA, a rain tax is to be levied on properties in selective counties. Both business and private residences are involved in his latest folly. The sheer magnitude of the levies could amount to billions in new revenues to the state, while forcing the owners of these properties to move or into bankruptcy. In discussions with dozens of business owners, a common sentiment emerged: O’Malley’s initiatives are hurting the business community to an extent unheard of, even in this very blue state. Furthering his left-wing agenda, by making gun possession more difficult and easing up on punishment for victimizers, strengthens the basis for a recall vote. Many residents may have forgotten that our overreaching Governor went to Wisconsin in 2012 to help recall Governor Scott Walker. His efforts were for naught. Governor Walker won and O’Malley’s crew lost miserably. During O’Malley’s tenure the business community has had an net egress from the state. Maryland is consistently voted as having one of the worst business environments in the country. Cash flow for entitlements has diminished from the feds, no problem for O’Malley. His devious new set of levies will be diverted, as usual, from the intended purpose, to his entitlement base. Perhaps you have not been one of Maryland’s dozens of entitlement offices lately.  Those receiving state aid are living very well off the backs of those who are employed, as reflected in the high end cars parked nearby. These people are O’Malley’s base. He hopes they will propel him into a higher office, unless the gravy train stops. How many more taxes, levies, fees, assessments edicts etc. will state residents allow thrust on them before the recall petitions start rolling out to throw the Governor from office. From this perch, the tipping point has past. Mark Davis MD, President of Healthnets Review Services,,, Author of the book Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare, Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Anyone interested in debating these issues with this author, please contact me.

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