Sunday, April 28, 2013

Obama 2017: the aftermath

Obama 2017: the aftermath


Conceptually it was a brilliant plan by former President Obama and the Democrats. Create a tidal wave of dependency amongst the population, which would keep the Democrats in power for the next generation. Pass immigration reform allowing massive numbers of new Democrats to across the borders and much more. In reality, their scheme, by the very weight of its deceptions, was doomed to failure from the start. When people woke up from their trances in January of 2014 and found their health insurance premiums had doubled and in some cases tripled, an enormous out pouring of hostility was vented in the direction of Washington D.C. Worse, emergency access to medical care was suddenly interrupted by an intricate regulatory structure, the cries grew even louder. By this time a 100 million people had given up looking for work, many of whom had been displaced from jobs by our friends from south of the border.  Obama had won his battle to dismantle America. Through a long list of giveaways, the population became use to the free ride. Republicans had become exasperated trying to fight the deluge of socialism spreading to all fifty states under a Democrat aegis. When the debt reached 20 trillion and the dollar was near collapse, a few people from beyond the D.C beltway intervened. The Democrats had finally met their match in a focused group of nonpartisans. The left’s outright spin, misrepresentations and lies were countered, one for one, by those hungry to reestablish a strong America. Commercials throughout the media spectrum, in multiple languages, provided the hard truth about Obama’s clear plans to transform America into a third rate nation. With a military cut to half of its size, a treasury on the brink of collapse, people needlessly dying for lack of resources and home foreclosures exploring new highs everyone, no matter their political persuasion, felt the doom and gloom of a President who wanted the worse for his country. From free cell phones to free housing Obama’s flock was well taken care until hints that the treasury had moved to the tipping point. The election of 2016 surprised everyone on both sides of the aisle. Republicans won by a landslide. The female candidate, from the opposing party, was nowhere to be found. Reports swirled that she went into hiding after her horrific showing at the polls. Obama was very successful. Few were able to stem the flood of money he wasted. Much of the country’s wealth, robbed from the treasury over the prior 8 years, went unaccounted. Our new President vowed to tract down every dollar that was spent erroneously. The question on everyone’s mind was: could an ex-President be indicted for criminal fraud. Mark Davis, M.D. President of Healthnets Review Services,, Author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription For Disaster. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition. Join, comment and debate.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Jihad Baseball: only radicals can play

Jihad Baseball: only radicals can play


Americans no longer control their central government or their borders. Immigration policy, is now dictated by foreign nationals, not those appointed by us to perform this task. Two refugees, from a third world cesspool, are alleged to have committed the heinous acts in Boston on April 15. One of them was supposed to be on a watch list, apparently no one was watching. Today more of their backgrounds were revealed. Not surprisingly, these two cretins and their extended families were receiving  complete entitlement packages from the state that brought us Romney care. The older of the two predators, who is now playing cards with the devil, freely moved across our borders to complete his education with Al-Qaeda University. FBI and CIA officials are squabbling how they could have missed this obvious terrorist, right under out proverbial noses. To make matters worse, a Saudi national just happened to be near the site of the Boston Marathon bombings. No problem for President Obama, he secretly met with a Saudi official to expedite this person of interest out of the country, beyond the reach of our law enforcement officials. The scent of Treason is all over this story. Jihadists want you and me dead. Their game is to sneak into this country as refugees, students, vacationers or on H-1B visas. They quietly settle in as part of the faceless masses of big city USA, then strike. Soft targets are they goal, which continues the hysteria from 9/11/2001 and provides more justification to continue the surge from TSA and HLS. My suggestion is let America create new rules for this game where we go to the home tuff of these low-lifes to wreak havoc on them. A new cold war to freeze the enemy in their tracks. It is doable and should proceed ASAP. Mark Davis, MD, President of Healthnets Review Services,, Proud author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for disaster. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition. Join, comment and debate. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

O'Malley's assault on Maryland: is recall in the air

O’Malley’s assault on Maryland: is recall in the air


Starving to move up the food chain, Governor Martin O’Malley has wrought worse havoc on the State of Maryland than Obama has on nation. O’Malley’s legislative initiatives have infuriated many members of the business community, some of whom have voiced recalling the Governor for ineptitude in office. O’Malley’s push for wind farms off the coast of Ocean City, displays a profound level of incompetence on his part (see article, Maryland’s Solyndra: offshore wind farms). In his latest legislative intent, which he blames on the EPA, a rain tax is to be levied on properties in selective counties. Both business and private residences are involved in his latest folly. The sheer magnitude of the levies could amount to billions in new revenues to the state, while forcing the owners of these properties to move or into bankruptcy. In discussions with dozens of business owners, a common sentiment emerged: O’Malley’s initiatives are hurting the business community to an extent unheard of, even in this very blue state. Furthering his left-wing agenda, by making gun possession more difficult and easing up on punishment for victimizers, strengthens the basis for a recall vote. Many residents may have forgotten that our overreaching Governor went to Wisconsin in 2012 to help recall Governor Scott Walker. His efforts were for naught. Governor Walker won and O’Malley’s crew lost miserably. During O’Malley’s tenure the business community has had an net egress from the state. Maryland is consistently voted as having one of the worst business environments in the country. Cash flow for entitlements has diminished from the feds, no problem for O’Malley. His devious new set of levies will be diverted, as usual, from the intended purpose, to his entitlement base. Perhaps you have not been one of Maryland’s dozens of entitlement offices lately.  Those receiving state aid are living very well off the backs of those who are employed, as reflected in the high end cars parked nearby. These people are O’Malley’s base. He hopes they will propel him into a higher office, unless the gravy train stops. How many more taxes, levies, fees, assessments edicts etc. will state residents allow thrust on them before the recall petitions start rolling out to throw the Governor from office. From this perch, the tipping point has past. Mark Davis MD, President of Healthnets Review Services,,, Author of the book Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare, Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Anyone interested in debating these issues with this author, please contact me.

Friday, April 19, 2013

America starves for leadership as Obama plays

America starves for leadership as Obama plays


President Obama has no shame. As the country attempts to crawl out of a recession and confront a potential war, the parties go on at the White House. Described as a star-studded event last week, the leftists danced in a salute to Memphis Soul, in the most recent tax funded extravaganza.  The usual cadre of celebrity lackeys showed-up to salute a President who has forgotten that; 50 million people are on food stamps, 90 million no longer seek work, 8.8 million collect disability and  a country that is disabled by crippling economic policies. Scenes are portrayed daily, by a fawning media; of a President playing golf, vacationing, hanging with the Hollywood crowd, campaigning and more. We never see Obama; presiding over Cabinet meetings, discussing world events with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, huddling with Congressional leaders, yet views of him headed to or away from Air-Force-One are prevalent through cyberspace. There is something wrong with this picture. From the perches of tens of millions, President Obama does not project the characteristics of a leader. Instead, his innate mania  drives him towards the more epicurean elements of life than the challenges reality throws in his daily path. War with North Korea could be in our immediate future. Under these circumstances, a leader would have meetings with the heads of “all” major countries in the area, to resolve the immediate crisis. Instead, Obama sends secondary and tertiary members of his staff to negotiate for him, because his pleasures come first. Busily planning his next golf outing, the President has minimal time for trivialities such as American defense, averting war, international relations and economic reform. With the nation falling into an economic sinkhole, logic would dictate the White House would be working 24/7 for solutions to pull us out, not under an Obama regime. Instead, the nation is treated to more of the same rhetorical nonsense and inaction the President has served up in the past.  America is starving for leadership, the question is will Obama will he take us further into economic oblivion. Mark Davis, MD, President of Healthnets Review Services,,, Author of the book, Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster

Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription For Disaster


Obamacare is the most complex legislation ever to emanate from the Halls of Congress. Incomprehensible by mere mortals, no one with an IQ under 200 was supposed to understand its 2,700 pages of legislative rot. To explain the latter thousands of additional pages of regulatory nonsense will be required. Trillions not billions are the projected costs to bring this beast to fruition. More importantly will be the human costs to each of us as access to health services is restricted. Obamacare was a no go from its inception. This legislation, by its very nature, cannot be fully implemented. By the time it is castoff by future politicians, the damage caused by its far-reaching tentacles may not be repairable. Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription For Disaster is a book written to project how this horrendous program could affect your health. Many examples are given displaying how lack of services dooms the most vulnerable amongst us to an early grave. Insufficient ambulance services, deficits in the most important pharmaceuticals, scarcities of medical specialists, long waits for surgical and radiologic services, extremely over-crowed emergency rooms and an array of other health care deficits will be the legacy of this ill-conceived legislation. Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription For Disaster moves passed the financial costs and tells the story how medical care delivery will be constrained. Biologic value will be used to assess the level of care dealt out from an overreaching bureaucracy that has no heart and is after yours. This book is in final preparations and its release is set for May 2013. With a very unique book cover surrounding its contents, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription For Disaster will be easily recognizable on the net or at your local book vender. Mark Davis, MD, author of the aforementioned book and also author of Demons of Democracy. President of Healthnets Review Services. To reserve an early signed copy  or to request an interview please contact us at Thanks.

Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster

Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster

Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster

Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription For Disaster


Obamacare is the most complex legislation ever to emanate from the Halls of Congress. Incomprehensible by mere mortals, no one with an IQ under 200 was supposed to understand its 2,700 pages of legislative rot. To explain the latter thousands of additional pages of regulatory nonsense will be required. Trillions not billions are the projected costs to bring this beast to fruition. More importantly will be the human costs to each of us as access to health services is restricted. Obamacare was a no go from its inception. This legislation, by its very nature, cannot be fully implemented. By the time it is castoff by future politicians, the damage caused by its far-reaching tentacles may not be repairable. Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription For Disaster is a book written to project how this horrendous program could affect your health. Many examples are given displaying how lack of services dooms the most vulnerable amongst us to an early grave. Insufficient ambulance services, deficits in the most important pharmaceuticals, scarcities of medical specialists, long waits for surgical and radiologic services, extremely over-crowed emergency rooms and an array of other health care deficits will be the legacy of this ill-conceived legislation. Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription For Disaster moves passed the financial costs and tells the story how medical care delivery will be constrained. Biologic value will be used to assess the level of care dealt out from an overreaching bureaucracy that has no heart and is after yours. This book is in final preparations and its release is set for May 2013. With a very unique book cover surrounding its contents, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription For Disaster will be easily recognizable on the net or at your local book vender. Mark Davis, MD, author of the aforementioned book and also author of Demons of Democracy. President of Healthnets Review Services. To reserve an early signed copy  or to request an interview please contact us at Thanks.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Hell Finds the Boston Marathon

Hell finds the Boston Marathon


Irrational acts of violence are no longer confined to dark corners of the World. American cities have become prime targets for those with hatreds that cannot be contained within themselves. Boston experienced a crude but very effective attack on its residents today. Approximately 2:50 pm Eastern Standard Time a series of explosions occurred near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. A camera caught a picture of the initial blast’s fireball as its detrimental effects rained down on the innocents around it. Clouds of smoke moved through the streets faster than people could scatter to avoid them. This venerable race, with today’s run, has taken place 117 times. A few crazed individuals have attempted to disrupt it in the past, yet not to the extent realized on this April 15, 2013. As this writing goes to press 3 people are dead and 130 have been injured, some critically. Battalions of law enforcement officials from a variety of state and federal agencies have descended on Boston. Their goal, find the perpetrators of this horrific event and hammer them with the brunt of American law. Clues to the origins of the attacker have yet to be uncovered. Unconfirmed reports claim a Saudi national is under guard in a local hospital with injuries sustained from the blast. President Obama chimed in at 6:10 pm with information already given to the public by local law enforcement officials. His usual, we will catch the bad guys speech, was included with his brief presentation. The President was aware, prior to his national photo-op, these explosive devices contained metal fragments to cause maximum damage suggesting terrorism as a motive. Some hints to the national media that behind the scenes government officials were calling this rogue action a terrorist act never came across in today’s speech. Concurrently with the explosions near the Boston Marathon finish line, an incendiary device exploded at the JFK Library. Whether these two events are related will become clear as the investigations move forward. In the event the actor who caused this horrific crime is indeed a terrorist, will the President label that person in the appropriate manner. Putting political polemics aside, today’s egregious action could be an isolated event or the opening salvo in an ongoing thrust to destabilize this country. Forty-eight hours from now we may be at war or in the middle of another white-wash by the political dynamos who brought us Benghazi. Hopefully, we will get it right this time.

Mark Davis MD, President of Healthnets Review Services,,, Author of the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription For Disaster and Demons of Democracy. Manager of the LinkedIn group, Government in Transition. Join, comment and debate this and other current issues in this group.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Prescribed antianxiety drugs: gun confiscation comes next

Prescribed antianxiety drugs: gun confiscation comes next

Twenty percent of America’s adult population are prescribed psychotropic and or antianxiety pharmaceuticals for a variety of reasons. Among this group are; politicians, judges, governors, lawyers, celebrities, talk show hosts, policemen, former and present military personnel and an array of people from every walk of life. Within the latter enumeration, gun-ownership is prevalent amongst a large wedge of these citizens, and perhaps some noncitizens. Unbeknownst to the denizens of New York State, their governor rushed through anti-gun legislation that tramples on the Civil Rights of individuals. New York State’s newest deviation from personal liberty comes in the form of the New York Safe Act. Governor Cuomo was intent on confiscating guns from as many law-abiding residents as possible. Structured as legislation to reduce gun violence, instead this law hammers those who have done nothing more than have the misfortune of living under the reign of this dubious leader. Deep within its many pages was hidden a section that mandates confiscation of weapons and the permits allowing their use if the owner has been prescribed “any type” of psychotropic drug. New York authorities began selectively enforcing this twisted piece of legislation on or about April 1 of this year. An unsuspecting target, who had no prior criminal record or previous conflict with law enforcement, found his Second Amendment rights usurped because a physician believed he needed an antianxiety medication. The immediate question arose: How did the government find out he was taking this medication? Do you remember the HIPPA regulations forced on us by President Clinton and subsequently reinforced during the Bush regime? Specifically embedded in HIPPA rules is a small phrase noting, “protect the public’s health and well-being.” The ramifications of this single statement are resulting in New York authorities on the lookout for anyone given antianxiety or psychotropic pharmaceuticals who also own guns.  In the specific case, the gun owner’s doctor did “not” report his patient as dangerous to others or himself, then where did the authorities obtain the data on him? Electronic Medical Records (EMR), another program forced on health providers, makes access to drug data easily accessible. Physicians, pharmacies, insurance companies and more leave trails of information in the cyber space waiting for government agents to seize it at their leisure. Due process was not a concern to those who authored the Safe Act. Apparently, Governor Cuomo does not want to confiscate guns from the large number of judicial officers, politicians and celebrities who take these medications. Similar to a good socialist, Cuomo’s agenda is being selectively enforced. Could this be the model legislation for other states and even the federal government to follow, stay tuned. Government is coming for your weapons, no doubt. Let us hope the courts turn aside these artful legislative fiascos and solidify our rights given to us by our founders. Mark Davis MD, President of Healthnets Review Services,,, Author of the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription For Disaster and Demons of Democracy. Manager of the LinkedIn group, Government in Transition, in the event you want to comment.

Prescribed antianxiety drugs: gun confiscation comes next

Prescribed antianxiety drugs: gun confiscation comes next

Twenty percent of America’s adult population are prescribed psychotropic and or antianxiety pharmaceuticals for a variety of reasons. Among this group are; politicians, judges, governors, lawyers, celebrities, talk show hosts, policemen, former and present military personnel and an array of people from every walk of life. Within the latter enumeration, gun-ownership is prevalent amongst a large wedge of these citizens, and perhaps some noncitizens. Unbeknownst to the denizens of New York State, their governor rushed through anti-gun legislation that tramples on the Civil Rights of individuals. New York State’s newest deviation from personal liberty comes in the form of the New York Safe Act. Governor Cuomo was intent on confiscating guns from as many law-abiding residents as possible. Structured as legislation to reduce gun violence, instead this law hammers those who have done nothing more than have the misfortune of living under the reign of this dubious leader. Deep within its many pages was hidden a section that mandates confiscation of weapons and the permits allowing their use if the owner has been prescribed “any type” of psychotropic drug. New York authorities began selectively enforcing this twisted piece of legislation on or about April 1 of this year. An unsuspecting target, who had no prior criminal record or previous conflict with law enforcement, found his Second Amendment rights usurped because a physician believed he needed an antianxiety medication. The immediate question arose: How did the government find out he was taking this medication? Do you remember the HIPPA regulations forced on us by President Clinton and subsequently reinforced during the Bush regime? Specifically embedded in HIPPA rules is a small phrase noting, “protect the public’s health and well-being.” The ramifications of this single statement are resulting in New York authorities on the lookout for anyone given antianxiety or psychotropic pharmaceuticals who also own guns.  In the specific case, the gun owner’s doctor did “not” report his patient as dangerous to others or himself, then where did the authorities obtain the data on him? Electronic Medical Records (EMR), another program forced on health providers, makes access to drug data easily accessible. Physicians, pharmacies, insurance companies and more leave trails of information in the cyber space waiting for government agents to seize it at their leisure. Due process was not a concern to those who authored the Safe Act. Apparently, Governor Cuomo does not want to confiscate guns from the large number of judicial officers, politicians and celebrities who take these medications. Similar to a good socialist, Cuomo’s agenda is being selectively enforced. Could this be the model legislation for other states and even the federal government to follow, stay tuned. Government is coming for your weapons, no doubt. Let us hope the courts turn aside these artful legislative fiascos and solidify our rights given to us by our founders. Mark Davis MD, President of Healthnets Review Services,,, Author of the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription For Disaster and Demons of Democracy. Manager of the LinkedIn group, Government in Transition, in the event you want to comment.

Monday, April 8, 2013

After America: Obama's dystopian vision

After America: Obama’s dystopian vision


America is dying, the numbers speak for themselves. Ninety million people no longer participate in the workforce. One third of the population is receiving survival aid from state and federal coffers. Millions have flooded into this country displacing citizens from jobs that should be theirs. One sixth of the economy has been hijacked by a health program which is nothing more than a giant Ponzi scheme waiting to fail. Businesses continue to fail at record levels, with foreclosures on homes continuing to mount. President Obama sits on his perch in the White House bemused by the economic catastrophes that his actions and or inactions caused. Proposed corrective measures emanating from his office do not include cutting back on the regulatory structure that suppresses job formation. Instead, he suggests Congress should add new and more expansive taxes to the pool of levies that recently went into effect in January. Obama believes taking money from productive Americans and transferring it to the entitlement crowd will somehow improve the economy. Obama continues on a destructive path to dismember the country with minimal hindrance from the opposing party. His expenditure of billions on projects that do little more than burn-up cash, display a profound ineptitude for finding solutions that work. Failure is Obama’s greatest achievement in office. There is no doubt that his Congressional henchmen want the same for the country. Vice President Biden’s call for a New World Order with an emphasis on economics reflects the President’s sentiments exactly.  In an Obama world America always comes in second. Recently the Executive branch announced its forthcoming budget. Within its fabric are potential regulations to limit yearly financial input into retirement plans with maximum caps on total accumulations. Any capitalization that exceeds Obama’s set thresholds would be seized through special levies. In other words Obama will dictate how much money you are allowed to spend during your Golden years. Is this the country the Founders perceived for us over two centuries ago? No one from those early days of the Federation of states could have conceived a leader coming to power worse than the monarch they sent packing via the Declaration of Independence.  Obama’s dystopian vision of America is the antithesis of Jefferson’s, Franklin’s, Madison’s and other patriots who risked everything, so the fruits of their labors could live on in the Democracy they founded. Obama’s hate for America is obvious and his willingness to undermine the nation plays out in each action he takes. 2017 is rapidly approaching. Those who lean left will regret the dissolution of this once great country, they helped destroy. Those on the right side of the line will contemplate why they didn’t take a stronger stance against an Administration bent on leaving the nation in ruins. Mark Davis MD, President of Healthnets Review Services, Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition.  Join, comment and debate this issue and many others.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

America's greatest Ponzi scheme: Obamacare

America’s greatest Ponzi scheme: Obamacare


Legitimatized by a signature from President Obama on March 23, 2010 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), more commonly known Obamacare, is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme. Costs originally estimated at 900 billion dollars have ballooned to several trillion and growing steadily. In order to feed this monstrous creation, taxpayers are forced to pay more each year to sustain this leviathan. Eventually the costs become unsustainable and the program implodes, leading the country into economic oblivion. Signs that the government is struggling to implement Obamacare have already appeared. State insurance exchanges, to help small businesses, will not be initiated until 2015. Medicaid costs are seeing a meteoric rise in states that are expanding their pools of patients. Much of this funding will originate from cash derived from a series of new taxes cleverly being exacted on anyone and everyone who pays into the Federal Treasury. Do you remember Bernard Madoff, who was convicted of one of the largest Ponzi schemes in the history of Wall Street, Obamacare is exponentially worse. Congressional Budget Office (CBO), originally released projections noting Obamacare’s fiscal attributes were sustainable based on the elements of the legislation passed by Congress. Within months of PPACA becoming law, the CBO’s miscalculations became apparent. New estimations of the horrific mistake inflicted on the nation would be in the trillions. Did the CBO lie to make this leviathan more palatable to a nation? We may never know. Over a dozen new taxes have taken effect as of January 1, 2013. Every medical procedure, diagnostic methodology and therapeutic venture will cost more as these fees are dumped on top of already expensive health costs. Sticker shock is moving through the nation as patients find their pharmaceutical bills have doubled a few months into the new-year. One report notes that a popular anti-cholesterol drug, Crestor, jumped from $400 to $900 for a few month supply. Obamacare, as presently formatted, would be considered a criminal construct, if not sanctioned by this rogue government. Over the next 12 months there will be a deluge of legal cases filed against many aspects of PPACA. This Ponzi scheme is in for hard times. In the event it is not stopped by the courts, natural economic forces could erode its very base. Mark Davis MD,, President of Healthnets Review Services, author of the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition, join, comment and debate current issues.

America's greatest Ponzi scheme: Obamacare

America’s greatest Ponzi scheme: Obamacare


Legitimatized by a signature from President Obama on March 23, 2010 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), more commonly known Obamacare, is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme. Costs originally estimated at 900 billion dollars have ballooned to several trillion and growing steadily. In order to feed this monstrous creation, taxpayers are forced to pay more each year to sustain this leviathan. Eventually the costs become unsustainable and the program implodes, leading the country into economic oblivion. Signs that the government is struggling to implement Obamacare have already appeared. State insurance exchanges, to help small businesses, will not be initiated until 2015. Medicaid costs are seeing a meteoric rise in states that are expanding their pools of patients. Much of this funding will originate from cash derived from a series of new taxes cleverly being exacted on anyone and everyone who pays into the Federal Treasury. Do you remember Bernard Madoff, who was convicted of one of the largest Ponzi schemes in the history of Wall Street, Obamacare is exponentially worse. Congressional Budget Office (CBO), originally released projections noting Obamacare’s fiscal attributes were sustainable based on the elements of the legislation passed by Congress. Within months of PPACA becoming law, the CBO’s miscalculations became apparent. New estimations of the horrific mistake inflicted on the nation would be in the trillions. Did the CBO lie to make this leviathan more palatable to a nation? We may never know. Over a dozen new taxes have taken effect as of January 1, 2013. Every medical procedure, diagnostic methodology and therapeutic venture will cost more as these fees are dumped on top of already expensive health costs. Sticker shock is moving through the nation as patients find their pharmaceutical bills have doubled a few months into the new-year. One report notes that a popular anti-cholesterol drug, Crestor, jumped from $400 to $900 for a few month supply. Obamacare, as presently formatted, would be considered a criminal construct, if not sanctioned by this rogue government. Over the next 12 months there will be a deluge of legal cases filed against many aspects of PPACA. This Ponzi scheme is in for hard times. In the event it is not stopped by the courts, natural economic forces could erode its very base. Mark Davis MD,, President of Healthnets Review Services, author of the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition, join, comment and debate current issues.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Obama's Roving Eyes

Obama’s Roving Eyes


Does Barack Obama have the proverbial seven-year itch? Recent news reports describe a President whose eyes are wandering from the nest. Vacations without his spouse, behind the scenes arguments with his other half and verbal dalliances with other women suggest Obama has more than Michelle in mind for the future. Actress Kerry Washington has reportedly been flirtatious with the President and Mrs. Obama has taken notice. There are reports Kerry has been banned from White House functions by Michelle. More recently the President requested Ms. Israel, Yityish Aynaw, be invited to one of the many parties he would attend while in the Holy Land. Further news about their personal discussions have been muted. This week Obama flew to the left coast to raise funds for the Congressional races of 2014. During his journey, he commented that California’s Attorney General is “the best looking attorney general.” He has since apologized to her. Perhaps Michelle’s right cross had something to do with his apology. Since attaining the Executive Office, the President has been photographed looking at more than a few female backsides. This all could be a coincidence, part of a mid-life crisis or something more profound.  The Obamas’ domestic relationship may have disintegrated into a business relationship where she sticks around until after the President’s second term then splits with a handsome payoff. We may know sooner than later because the President’s roving eyes appear to be on the march. Mark Davis, MD

President of Healthnets Review Services,, Author of the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on a Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster, Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Immorality: American style

Immorality: American style


President Obama has masterfully dismembered the Republican Party. Members of the House and Senate who oppose Obama’s overreach into Americans’ pockets, have been artfully out-maneuvered in nearly every attempt to return this country to fiscal sanity. Republicans have been searching for a common center to regroup the various ideologues in the Party, without much success. Meanwhile the President continues to hone his message that Republicans are detached from the realities of poverty by emphasizing their message supports only the rich. Utilizing the most basic themes, class and race warfare, President Obama has successfully driven a divide between those with heavy wallets and others who feed from them. Obama’s actions are a contradiction-in-terms when examining his less than motivating speeches. Misrepresentations are the key to his circumlocution. His willingness to use rhetoric that is beneath dirt to lay-waste to the Republican Party is essential for him to retain power. Republicans are lost in the environs of indifference to the challenging issues of the times. Recent exhortations by more youthful members of the Party display a profound dissension between the seasoned and the newcomers. Republicans journey into darkness began when they failed to counter the enormous number of distortions in the media concerning their stance on issues. The Democrat Machine spewed lie after lie how a Republican controlled White House would starve and or even kill people  by removing the well-endowed social nets popularized by them. Republicans countered with a feeble defensive posture, instead of taking the offense. The results were a lost election, yet worse, a lost party. Morality is not a word than can be found in the Democrat lexicon. Paradoxically, it is found throughout the Republican script. Immorality, that nondescript word with many meanings, purchased an election for those who were not ready for primetime. President Obama has no misgivings concerning the path his reelection took. He is unable to see the distinction between the latter two concepts, coincidentally he governs in a similar manner. In order for the Republicans to rise again from the ashes of defeat and indifference, they must return to the concrete foundations that brought them to power over 150 years ago. Until that time comes, the Democrats will continue to strengthen their base, as the Republicans slip further into oblivion. Mark Davis, MD. President of Healthnets Review Services,, Manager of the LinkedIn group, Government in Transition, join, comment and discuss current issues.

Immorality: American style

Immorality: American style


President Obama has masterfully dismembered the Republican Party. Members of the House and Senate who oppose Obama’s overreach into Americans’ pockets, have been artfully out-maneuvered in nearly every attempt to return this country to fiscal sanity. Republicans have been searching for a common center to regroup the various ideologues in the Party, without much success. Meanwhile the President continues to hone his message that Republicans are detached from the realities of poverty by emphasizing their message supports only the rich. Utilizing the most basic themes, class and race warfare, President Obama has successfully driven a divide between those with heavy wallets and others who feed from them. Obama’s actions are a contradiction-in-terms when examining his less than motivating speeches. Misrepresentations are the key to his circumlocution. His willingness to use rhetoric that is beneath dirt to lay-waste to the Republican Party is essential for him to retain power. Republicans are lost in the environs of indifference to the challenging issues of the times. Recent exhortations by more youthful members of the Party display a profound dissension between the seasoned and the newcomers. Republicans journey into darkness began when they failed to counter the enormous number of distortions in the media concerning their stance on issues. The Democrat Machine spewed lie after lie how a Republican controlled White House would starve and or even kill people  by removing the well-endowed social nets popularized by them. Republicans countered with a feeble defensive posture, instead of taking the offense. The results were a lost election, yet worse, a lost party. Morality is not a word than can be found in the Democrat lexicon. Paradoxically, it is found throughout the Republican script. Immorality, that nondescript word with many meanings, purchased an election for those who were not ready for primetime. President Obama has no misgivings concerning the path his reelection took. He is unable to see the distinction between the latter two concepts, coincidentally he governs in a similar manner. In order for the Republicans to rise again from the ashes of defeat and indifference, they must return to the concrete foundations that brought them to power over 150 years ago. Until that time comes, the Democrats will continue to strengthen their base, as the Republicans slip further into oblivion. Mark Davis, MD. President of Healthnets Review Services,, Manager of the LinkedIn group, Government in Transition, join, comment and discuss current issues.