John Edwards’ Crimes against
Lust may have been John Edwards’ ultimate
downfall, yet tragic circumstances he inflicted on others through his court
performances will carry greater weight in the eyes of God. Edwards’ masterful
presentations before dumb down juries garnered him and his clientele tens of
millions. Deceit, misrepresentation and theatrics by him turned faultless
doctors into vilified wretches. Frivolous medical malpractice suits were Edwards’
specialty. His creativity in the courtroom had no moral bounds. Children born
with cerebral palsy were suddenly the fault of a physician who presided over
their birth. Flawed science was presented in a clever fashion blended with a
histrionic bent that charged juries emotions to grant the funds he sought. People
no long committed suicide on their own, now psychiatrists were at fault. Risky
surgeries that did not always find their way to positive results found
themselves presented to eager juries waiting to bring down those bad doctors
whose only crime was their acceptance of the case. Edwards’ war on the medical
profession created a health care crisis in North Carolina unparalleled in the
History of the Tar Heel State. Malpractice insurance rates had a meteoric rise
during the peak of Edwards judicial performances. As a result many medical specialists
abandoned their perches to save themselves from the victimization that frequented
North Carolina courtrooms under Edwards’ jurisdiction. Stories emerged that
emergency patients could not obtain appropriate care in a timely manner,
resulting in the worst outcomes. Women in labor found local health units and
hospitals without obstetric support forcing them to travel extreme distances to
deliver their newborns, some never finishing the journey. John Edwards has no
conscience about the negative effects he had on the Tar Heel State’s health
system. His interest was twofold: bleed insurance companies dry and destroy as
many physicians’ careers as possible. John and his deceased wife were both
adamant supporters of Obamacare, as long as they did not have to participate in
its tenets. Mrs. Edwards publicly stated the virtues of Obama’s monstrous
health reforms, while running to the best hospital in the nation to treat her
cancer, Massachusetts General. Duke University could have provided the same or
better care for her, but you know elitists. Crimes not measured by John Edwards
recent trial, reflect poorly on a legal system long overdue for an overhaul.
The Department of Justice never wanted to find Edwards guilty. Instead they
wanted a show trial to display even the most powerful are not above the law. Edwards’
crimes are not one of passion but one of a ravenous greed which made him a
multi-millionaire at the expense of the health of thousands. Proper decorum
would not allow me to express my true feelings about the detriment this lawyer has
done to the innocent. Edwards is now free to perform more legal miracles, who
will he victimize next? Mark Davis MD author of Demons of Democracy, a book
that documents the evils of the legal system and its former sentinels.
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