Thursday, June 28, 2012

American Democracy: the day the music died

American Democracy: the day the music died

America’s epitaph was released today by a Supreme Court that is out of touch with reality. Inherent to their decision that favored the Obama Administration’s viewpoint on health care was a lack of insight concerning the contents of legislation that is now known as Obamacare. It appears that the justices did not spend the time necessary to digest the intricacies of a document that could confound the intellect of the best minds. The high court’s opinion that Congress has a right and a duty to force an American citizen to purchase a product and or service gives this body a new mandate to coerce other purchases. Several hundred pages of convoluted legalese encompassed the nine judges varied opinions. Some of their writings read as though copied from a book Stalin and Mao would have approved. In the event the justices had read through the 2700 pages of this monstrous health legislation they would have seen that Obamacare undermines the economy, removes freedom of choice us from the health care environment, allows more sanctions and penalties than health initiatives and provides a thousand new ways for lawyers to enrich themselves. The mega mind we call Chief Justice said the following, “It is not our role to forbid it or pass upon its wisdom or fairness.” What is your role Justice Roberts?  To let stand legislation that will force closure of thousands of small businesses, allow the government to determine who lives and who dies, open the flood gates to tens of thousands of lawsuits, force health providers to provide less services or be sanctioned and give free health care to tens of millions who could and should pay their own way. America was kicked in the backside today by black robed individuals who will not be affected by their own rulings. Had that been the case the vote would have been 9-0 against this idiotic piece of work.  Worse they reinvented the word “force.”  Tyrannies force people to perform certain acts and functions not democracies. The definition of democracy is fading fast thanks to the power hungry in a party that should have moved into obsolescence a long time ago. America’s Democratic Party equates well with its socialized equivalents in Europe and Asia. To undo the damage caused today, a major cleansing of Washington must be performed this November via the ballot box. Vote right because the left will give you more of the same. Mark Davis MD, author of the book that predicted much of the strife now occurring, Demons of Democracy.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cultural Martyrdom: Obama's path to reelection

Cultural Martyrdom: Obama’s path to reelection

Joe McCarthy chased the shadows of communism in the mid twentieth century. From his delusional Senate pulpit hundreds of careers were interrupted and or destroyed by his accusations that subversives were rampant throughout the government, private industry and Hollywood. Ultimately discredited, he died early in the solitude he created for himself. Joe’s career may have taken a different twist had he survived to confront the Obama Administration. A new breed of politician has moved into the corridors of power in Washington D.C. This new species cares little for the flock who put them in power represented by the oppressive laws and economic strife they have inflicted on the nation. McCarthy would have found many reasons to question the values, patriotism and proclivities of those who believe democracy and constitutional intent is for the other guy not them. Confrontation and division are Obama’s chosen tools to undermine a nation already in flux by his diversionary tactics. Socialism has many shades which are now competing with the remnants of democratic principles that once ruled the playing field. Supreme Court’s recent decision on Arizona’s immigration policy was a mixed blend of liberal and conservative approaches to a long festering problem, which has led to another of Obama’s Anti-American interventions. Left intact in the high Court’s decision was a provision allowing the police to stop potential illegals if there is probable cause. Obama, unhappy with their decision, immediately informed Arizona that it will not cooperate with legitimate law enforcement activities against our guests from the south. ICE and other Federal agencies will be instructed not to respond to Arizona officials in their attempts to manage the state’s vast illegal alien problem.  Obama and his crazed minions essentially told Arizona that his administration will cherry pick which laws to enforce that suit their agenda.  Obama is now on record that he is willing to displace American citizens from jobs, colleges, civil service posts and more in favor of foreigners. Our radical leader has consistently invented schemes to bring about an end to American ideals, traditions and institutions. By his own actions the President has displayed an intense disloyalty to a flag that elevated him to his present position. The White House guest list reads like a who’s who of the left. Radicals, social deviants, mentally deranged individuals, left of the left celebrities and foreign visitors whose loyalties lie somewhere between Marx and Mao have been entertained by Obama at our expense. Joe McCarthy’s downfall was he was born at the wrong time and went after the wrong people. Perhaps an incarnation of this man will have the cojones to challenge the President and his contingent of social thugs on the draconian rules they have put in place. America’s present culture has taken a hit in the last three years by interventions that turn the country away from the Founders intent. More importantly, Obama is introducing new cultural mores that curtail many of the liberties we have taken for granted. Few have come forward to challenge the President’s ambitions to alter America’s social fabric, even fewer perceive the changes coming. This election will determine if the American brand stands or becomes obsolete in the next ten years. Vote right or don’t vote at all this Fall. Mark Davis MD author of Demons of Democracy.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

America's leaderless government

America’s leaderless government

With all the elements of a Where is Waldo scenario in play one can ask: where has President Obama been for the last 42 months. With 100 golf games under his belt, three months can be immediately subtracted from his tenure in office. Factoring in air time between a thousand destinations another four months can be accounted for. Rarely appearing on the weekends for government business, ten more months can be removed from his accountability chart. Vacations, holidays and of course parties summate to another four months away from important concerns of the people. Always the campaigner to collect the big bucks two months could be attributed to this activity. Respect for the office of the president has eroded under Obama because he does not respect it himself. Government business has become secondary to his personal agenda. Faced with the possibility of being a one term Waldo, he has taken every opportunity to use the perks of his office whenever he can. His achievements can be counted on one hand, his detriments on a dozen. Obama’s proclivity to move against the will of the majority so the lesser can bathe in government largesse is evident throughout the country. Yet his entitlement mentality has caused great strife among those who pay the bills. Stagnation is seen in the job market because Obama’s harsh regulatory structure and his cozy relationship with the legal profession suppress any attempt by the private sector to revitalize itself. The President has displayed no leadership to enable the country to move out of its economic doldrums. In the event he is not flying off to George Clooney’s house, he is finding a way to stifle business growth. America will soon be known as the only country that manufactures nothing. Echoed through thousands of news reports are predictions of doom and gloom Obamacare will bring to bear on the population. In some quarters hysteria would be a better description. Recently it was reported that Obama wants a second term to repair the mess he caused in the first. His slogan for his second term is “vote for me and get everything free.” Obama was never ready for prime time, not only does he lack the leadership skills to be president, his intellectual abilities have come into question. America did not elect a leader in 2008. Led by guilt and a sense of fairness Obama was elevated to high office without being fully vetted by a fawning media. Obama’s poor performance is defended daily by a media that sees evil in anything a conservative exhorts. The left cannot hide the government’s own statistics that some segments of the economy have moved to near depression levels of productivity under Obama’s tight grasp. In the event words have any meaning this president is overwhelmed by the challenges of his office. The time has come to show him the door. Vote right in November or do not vote at all. Mark Davis MD, author of the book the lawyers hate, Demons of Democracy.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Obama Administration goes rogue

Obama Administration goes rogue

Obama’s lawless behavior has become evident in the last six days with the release of two Executive Orders which circumvent constitutional intent and function. Congress has already forbid illegal immigrant retention by voting down the Dream Act. With a style that has become all his own Obama stealthily maneuvered around his first defeat using Executive Privilege to accomplish that which was denied him through lawful means, implementing his own Dream Act by fiat. Obama muddied the waters even further this week by asserting Executive Privilege a second time. Eric Holder, the worst Federal Attorney General in American history, has been withholding documents from Congress that could implicate him and even the President in the Fast and Furious debacle. Though Holder promised to deliver these year old requests in the last few days apparently he was purposely stalling for Obama to arrange a cover up which came this morning. Executive Privilege has been used by many presidents under varying circumstances, yet it has never been asserted within minutes of contempt charges being filed against the chief guardian of democracy, the Attorney General himself. Obama and his minions are running scared or they would never have waited until the 11th hour to act. The question on everyone’s minds is: What is in the documents the President and Eric Holder refuse to deliver to congressional investigators. Your intrepid reporter smells another Watergate scandal brewing which could undo this already failing presidency. Obama’s rogue behavior extends far beyond these newest deviations from the rule of law. His legislations, mandates and executive edicts have kept thousands of lawyers busy churning paper in an attempt to protect the intricate fallacies built into each one. Obama’s monstrous health legislation is illicit for more reasons than just the mandate now before the Supreme Court. It breaks new boundaries to control people’s lives on an unprecedented scale. Obama never managed a lemonade stand, yet he manages one of the largest economies in the World and now your health as well. His arrogance is so profound that he levied veiled threats against the Supreme Court if they do not vote his way. Worse he is planning to implement parts of the legislation in the event he loses in the high Court. Will this take the form of a series of Executive Orders, no one knows. From all resources available few if anyone in Obama’s life has said “No” to him, until now. His solution, turn a no into a yes through Executive Orders. Obama’s rogue behavior will only intensify in a 2nd term. Vote right in November or don’t vote. Mark Davis MD author of Demons of Democracy.

Portion Control: Why the Millenium Diet is superior to the rest

PORTION CONTROL: Why The Millenium Diet is superior to the rest

     Central to any regimented diet program is the ability to control intake. Utilizing calories to construct meal plans is awkward, time consuming and usually does achieve the desired results. Weight loss programs that institute portion limitations within the structure of their regimens are far superior to those that depend on calorie counts to achieve their goals. In order to provide the best guidance to a dieter knowing the difference between portion size and serving size is a must. Portions are the amount of food on your plate. Servings are a predetermined amount of food measured by common methods such as cups, teaspoons or other measuring devices. Common to most dieters is their portion sizes are larger than their physical requirements. The body will only burn a percentage of food intake, the rest is stored in areas dieters would rather not discuss. For many supersizing their portions is occurring in and outside their favorite eateries. To support this thesis a quick trip to your local hamburger establishment will confirm that every third meal served is supersized. Usually this means the fries and the soda move from regular to enormous proportions doubling the caloric content of an already calorie intense meal. Recently a controversy in New York City made national headlines. Mayor Bloomberg decided he was going to interject his two cents concerning the City’s major obesity problem. His methodology sodas and other drinks dispensed from restaurants cannot exceed 16 ounces. This mandate met with a furor within the confines of New York and stirred a national debate. Should the government use its powers to limit your food intake, the legal challenge is yet to play out. Portion size is the control point where obesity starts and the mayor is on the right path, yet personal choice should not be micromanaged by any government agency. Precluding government interference, there are hundreds of diet programs in existence, but few have made the grade because they are too cumbersome manage.  Weight Watchers uses a point system which attaches numbers to foods and foods groups. This approach does not preclude eating unhealthy foods as long as they equate to the point allocations in their diet regimen. Programs based on caloric estimations alone tend not to be as successful as those utilizing visual cues to estimate serving sizes. The Millenium Diet has been very popular because it emphasizes serving size based on a select group of foods to encourage expeditious weight reduction.

      Presently most commercial food containers, boxes or bags are labeled both in ounces and grams. Serving sizes are also clearly marked with one caveat who does these portions apply to, a 250 pound male or a 110 pound female. The latter information is not available so it is not as valuable as the weight measures. An average cereal bowl is 12 ounces, one cup measure is 8 ounces, a tablespoon ½ ounce and a teaspoon 1/6 of an ounce. With these measures a diet regimen can enumerate portion sizes in a logical manner. To enable those who frequent restaurants comparative measures by visual cues is extremely helpful to limit portion size. A slice of bread or ½ of a bagel comes close to the size of an index card. One half cup of cooked rice or pasta is close in volume to a billiard’s ball. One quarter cup of raisins, apricots or nuts approaches an average size egg. A cup of peas and carrots or green vegetables displaces the volume of a baseball. Four to six ounces of meat or fish is defined by the palm of your hand with a thickness of ½ inch. Three ounces of meat or fish can be compared to a normal deck of cards. Two tablespoons of nuts, seeds or rice is close in volume to a ping pong ball. A teaspoon of margarine is a size of one die. Imperfect as these crude measures are they have worked for millions to reduce weight and maintain it. Avoid double portions, supersizing, seconds, double scoops or triple scoops. Buffets are an anathema to the dieter, stay away. Diets constructed with portions as the central core of their regimens are the most successful I have seen over a three decade period. Pre-portioned mail order programs may be helpful in one sense but many times contain foods that are unhealthy. For a very successful program that emphasizes portion control in rational format review, The Millenium Diet, The Practical Guide for Rapid Weight Loss. This program was built on the experiences of thousands of dieters over a ten year period. Whichever regimen you decide make sure it is adaptable to your lifestyle, economically sound and has a long history that it works.  Mark Davis MD,

Bill Maher: another Obama celebrity groupie

Bill Maher: another Obama celebrity groupie

Neither proper decorum nor the publishers of this news site would permit me to express appropriate outrage at Bill Maher’s recent verbal assaults on Governor Romney’s religion and candidacy for president. Perhaps Bill Maher is a victim of shaken baby syndrome or some other traumatic event in which he incurred neurological damage otherwise his outbursts should not go unaddressed. Atheism is well known to Bill Maher who claims to be a devout immoralist. Mormonism challenges people to be better human beings. Family values are at the core of many of its teachings. Romney’s life reflects one of strength, much of it drawn from his success as a father, husband and community leader. Atheism teaches hate, weakness, moral lassitude, denigration of others and most important the denial of the obvious, the existence of God.  Atheism is more than a cult, it is a disease which has deeply affected Bill Maher’s mind. As a devout Obama supporter he trusts that the government will do a better job managing healthcare than the present system. Bill forgot that he was quoted, in reference to the swine flu vaccine, that he did not trust the government, especially with his healthcare. Obamacare’s tentacles will affect the wealthy elite such as himself in manners he cannot conceive.  His obvious hatred for family and women strongly represents itself in a lifestyle replete with inconsistent relationships, abandonments and inability to understand the value of the family unit. As a political pugilist, he believes Obama has a more profound sense in managing the economy than a man who has an exceptional record as governor and extremely successful business leader. Maher’s attempt to stir controversy during this election cycle could be seen in his many recent irrational comments. Accusing Matt Drudge’s website of racism by referencing several pictures of black men without their accompanying stories displays his own desperation for recognition. Maher took the photos out of context to strengthen his aspersions against a conservative news site. Bill Maher’s career never got off the ground. Overpaid for his political punditry, Bill’s HBO show is watched by few and liked by even fewer. In essence he has done society a favor by not procreating, the World will be better off without more of the same from a man who is going nowhere fast. Mark Davis, author of Demons of Democracy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Maryland's children: overmedicated and overdiagnosed

Maryland’s children: overmedicated and over diagnosed

Tens of thousands of Maryland children are being forced to take psychotropic and mood enhancing drugs for diagnoses that border on the edge of medical malpractice. Falsely labeled with titles such as ADD, ADHD, Autism and its various equivalents, physicians are shoveling these drugs to children at alarming rates. Misdiagnosis, over diagnosis, diagnoses of convenience and other more egregious reasons to provide children with these poisons are commonplace within the confines of Maryland and beyond. From the elite institutions to the corner family physician each has played a role in destroying the minds of these kids. Psychiatrists, family physicians, internists and an entire spectrum of other physicians do not give a second thought to providing these medications, never considering the short or long term consequences to those most vulnerable. Those who are supposedly experts in these psychiatric modes rapidly admit they do not know the causes of the symptoms derived from these ailments. Justification for dispensing of these drugs varies with behavior problems at the top of the list. Parents, educators, social workers, juvenile counselors, judges and sundry others claim there is marked improvement is grades, attitude and social compliance with daily aspects of living when children are maintained on these neurological therapies never exploring other reasons for these behaviors. Children who are disinterested in school, keep to themselves, are introverted, are so called special kids and other creative labels by the psych-pharmaceutical industry have had therapies concocted to save these kids from their own worst behaviors. Many children are being maintained on three or more of these drugs. Kids on medical assistance and or living in foster homes are pumped full of these mind altering medications with a higher frequency than those not represented in these two groups. Even more alarming Autism rates are at incredible levels in Maryland compared to the rest of America and even the World. Statistics on the World stage indicate an incidence of 1 to 2 cases per thousand, in Maryland 1 per 80 is the most recent numbers fresh from our friends in the government. Perhaps Maryland has slipped into a quantum corridor existing outside the rest of humanity or maybe our physicians are better at misdiagnosing than the rest of the world. Drugs entrenched in the bloodstreams of our kids that are legally overprescribed have familiar names: Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta, Dexedrine and other amphetamine derivatives combined with their psychotropic counterparts the emphatic changes on children’s behavior is dramatic. Normal variants of youthful behavior have been redefined by a society that bathes in drugs, legal or otherwise. Media has reported that the panel that defines and refines psychiatric diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders has a profound involvement with pharmaceutical corporations. Claims that nearly 100% of the 170 member group is attached in some manner to this industry are unconfirmed, yet intriguing. Maryland’s Board of Pharmacy has not weighed in on this subject. Worse, the Maryland Board of Physicians has remained distant and detached on this subject. They have promulgated no rules, regulatory structure or entertained studying this significant problem affecting tens of thousands of children. Instead they chase physicians for paper compliance issues or fabricate standards of care to sanction and even revoke medical licenses. This is a tragedy in the making and should be addressed immediately. Perhaps the Maryland State Legislature should act, because their own administrative authorities have failed to take the lead, especially since the state is paying to poison these children who have been left behind. Mark Davis MD, President of Healthnets Review Services.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Maryland: Is it the next Wisconsin

Maryland: Is it the next Wisconsin

Scott Walker had a tremendous victory in Wisconsin on June 5. He retained his governorship overcoming union thugs, orchestrated protests by the entitlement crowds, a smear campaign, rowdy civil servants, and a bevy of left wing politicians including Maryland’s intrusive Governor. Their collective message was clear we have rights you don’t. Governor Walker inherited a state dripping in red ink caused by zealous raids on the state treasury by those who were riding high at the taxpayer’s expense. Walker introduced a new concept into a state ruled by a mobocracy, fiscal responsibility, something lacking in Maryland. During Governor Walker’s brief tenure the deficits quickly abated utilizing sensible accounting practices and logical regulatory structure to bring Wisconsin back from economic oblivion. Civil servants will now have to pay for a small portion of their benefits. Expansive state pensions will not be so expansive anymore. Unions will not be able to extort dues from civil servant, now it is voluntary. Other measures are in the works that relinquish union grasp on every dollar that goes into state coffers. Martin O’Malley brought shame to Maryland by participating in event that was sending Wisconsin into bankruptcy. Deficit spending was O’Malley’s message to anyone who would listen to his dry rhetoric.  Perhaps the powerful in the Free State will learn from the recent tragedy that unfurled in Wisconsin, you cannot spend what you don’t have. Every time O’Malley and the Bushes feel the need to spend more on state workers, Maryland deadbeats and programs to nowhere they stick it to the taxpayer. Perhaps it is time for the taxpayer to stick to them. Vote these ancient wrecks out office and bring some conservative blood back into Maryland body politic. As I noted in Demons of Democracy lawyers have no special training or intellectual abilities to take on the task on managing governments either at the state or national levels, O’Malley and Obama respectively prove this thesis. Maryland’s continued assault on the taxpayer is exemplified by the recent special session of the Legislature. Where is the reduction in expenses, they don’t exist! O’Malley and the Bushes survive in their elected positions because the entitlement crowd and those sustained at the taxpayer expense continually return them to Annapolis. Perhaps a referendum to limit state expenditures should be put to a vote. Maryland’s leaders are incapable or unwilling to curtail bloated programs that feed the indolent, lazy and undeserving. Wisconsin was a wakeup call to the nation. Sadly Maryland is still in a coma. Mark Davis author of the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival.

Monday, June 4, 2012

John Edwards’ Crimes against Humanity

John Edwards’ Crimes against Humanity

Lust may have been John Edwards’ ultimate downfall, yet tragic circumstances he inflicted on others through his court performances will carry greater weight in the eyes of God. Edwards’ masterful presentations before dumb down juries garnered him and his clientele tens of millions. Deceit, misrepresentation and theatrics by him turned faultless doctors into vilified wretches. Frivolous medical malpractice suits were Edwards’ specialty. His creativity in the courtroom had no moral bounds. Children born with cerebral palsy were suddenly the fault of a physician who presided over their birth. Flawed science was presented in a clever fashion blended with a histrionic bent that charged juries emotions to grant the funds he sought. People no long committed suicide on their own, now psychiatrists were at fault. Risky surgeries that did not always find their way to positive results found themselves presented to eager juries waiting to bring down those bad doctors whose only crime was their acceptance of the case. Edwards’ war on the medical profession created a health care crisis in North Carolina unparalleled in the History of the Tar Heel State. Malpractice insurance rates had a meteoric rise during the peak of Edwards judicial performances. As a result many medical specialists abandoned their perches to save themselves from the victimization that frequented North Carolina courtrooms under Edwards’ jurisdiction. Stories emerged that emergency patients could not obtain appropriate care in a timely manner, resulting in the worst outcomes. Women in labor found local health units and hospitals without obstetric support forcing them to travel extreme distances to deliver their newborns, some never finishing the journey. John Edwards has no conscience about the negative effects he had on the Tar Heel State’s health system. His interest was twofold: bleed insurance companies dry and destroy as many physicians’ careers as possible. John and his deceased wife were both adamant supporters of Obamacare, as long as they did not have to participate in its tenets. Mrs. Edwards publicly stated the virtues of Obama’s monstrous health reforms, while running to the best hospital in the nation to treat her cancer, Massachusetts General. Duke University could have provided the same or better care for her, but you know elitists. Crimes not measured by John Edwards recent trial, reflect poorly on a legal system long overdue for an overhaul. The Department of Justice never wanted to find Edwards guilty. Instead they wanted a show trial to display even the most powerful are not above the law. Edwards’ crimes are not one of passion but one of a ravenous greed which made him a multi-millionaire at the expense of the health of thousands. Proper decorum would not allow me to express my true feelings about the detriment this lawyer has done to the innocent. Edwards is now free to perform more legal miracles, who will he victimize next? Mark Davis MD author of Demons of Democracy, a book that documents the evils of the legal system and its former sentinels.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Unfit for duty: the president who never was

                         Unfit for duty: the president who never was

America faces the worse crisis it has confronted in decades. This is a crisis of leadership. President Obama’s blatant mismanagement of the Executive Branch has touched every institution and industry in America. His inability to grasp the intricacies of his job is so profound even the casual observer wonders whether we have a president or a house sitter in the White House. Forty One months of draconic policies that benefit the few over the majority clearly displays his warped sense of governing. Reelection time has come which is giving his prior supporters a reason to pause and reconsider their involvement with a candidate who is directionless and lacking a moral center. Generations of dumb down Americans will be in his pocket because of their monthly entitlement checks have been enhanced under his tutelage. Obama’s Administration has mercilessly pounded away at management in favor of unions so they are a sure bet to vote for him. A greater question is will the Afro-American community come out again in force to back a man who has not kept any of his promises to them. Within the last several weeks Obama’s acceptance of gay marriage has cause many black church leaders to reexamine their support for him. More of them are seeing the empty suit the rest of us have noted over the last three years. Presently Obama has gone around the country lying to his followers at every stop. Meetings with thousands of college students, offering them loan debt reduction or even forgiveness for votes, has not had much discussion in any media. Obama comfortably moves through the celebrity populous who support him because like him these are people of means not substance. Utilizing disingenuous diatribes Obama and his minions have constructed a litany of half-truths they are spreading amongst anyone who will listen concerning his prior accomplishments. Obama has set many records during his presidency including but not limited to: 1) most golf outings in the history of the presidency during one term, 2) most vacation days per days served, 3) most miles flown on Air Force One in the shortest time in office, 4) most parties in the White House, 5) Trillions spent that did little more than feather his own nest and 6) most activities in office that would be considered criminal under other circumstances. Mr. Obama has taken full advantage of his office in every sense possible without consideration for those he was elected to serve. It is now time to retire this person, who is an inhabitant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue not a president. Mark Davis MD author of the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival.