American Democracy: the
day the music died
America’s epitaph was released
today by a Supreme Court that is out of touch with reality. Inherent to their
decision that favored the Obama Administration’s viewpoint on health care was a
lack of insight concerning the contents of legislation that is now known as
Obamacare. It appears that the justices did not spend the time necessary to digest
the intricacies of a document that could confound the intellect of the best
minds. The high court’s opinion that Congress has a right and a duty to force
an American citizen to purchase a product and or service gives this body a new mandate
to coerce other purchases. Several hundred pages of convoluted legalese encompassed
the nine judges varied opinions. Some of their writings read as though copied
from a book Stalin and Mao would have approved. In the event the justices had read
through the 2700 pages of this monstrous health legislation they would have
seen that Obamacare undermines the economy, removes freedom of choice us from
the health care environment, allows more sanctions and penalties than health
initiatives and provides a thousand new ways for lawyers to enrich themselves. The
mega mind we call Chief Justice said the following, “It is not our role to
forbid it or pass upon its wisdom or fairness.” What is your role Justice
Roberts? To let stand legislation that
will force closure of thousands of small businesses, allow the government to
determine who lives and who dies, open the flood gates to tens of thousands of
lawsuits, force health providers to provide less services or be sanctioned and
give free health care to tens of millions who could and should pay their own
way. America was kicked in the backside today by black robed individuals who will
not be affected by their own rulings. Had that been the case the vote would
have been 9-0 against this idiotic piece of work. Worse they reinvented the word “force.” Tyrannies force people to perform certain
acts and functions not democracies. The definition of democracy is fading fast
thanks to the power hungry in a party that should have moved into obsolescence
a long time ago. America’s Democratic Party equates well with its socialized
equivalents in Europe and Asia. To undo the damage caused today, a major
cleansing of Washington must be performed this November via the ballot box.
Vote right because the left will give you more of the same. Mark Davis MD,
author of the book that predicted much of the strife now occurring, Demons of Democracy.