Maryland’s poverty of
Deception is the Democrats
greatest tool to stay in power. Maryland’s leadership is well rehearsed in this
art form. Millions of Marylanders receive support from state coffers. Tens of
thousands more maneuver through state offices as civil servants who are bathed
in cash and benefits from the same source. Where does this largesse ultimately
come from? Private enterprise fuels this
entitlement engine and it is running low on fuel. Maryland’s budget has
expanded beyond the ability of its citizens to accommodate its voracious needs.
O’Malley and the two Mikes have no shame but to ask Marylanders to pay even
higher taxes to feed this hungry beast. Recently the Governor announced a few
cuts in his bloated budget, but a closer look ferrets out the truth. His efficiencies
were window dressing only and he knows it. Worse, O’Malley’s public relations
campaign noting Maryland is an excellent place to establish and or maintain a
business is nothing less than ludicrous. My recent discussions with business
leaders and owners presented a clear picture why many are fleeing the Free
State. Unemployment levies on private businesses have had a meteoric rise in
the last few years. Personal property assessments have been vigorously increased.
Worker’s compensation charges to employers float somewhere in the stratosphere.
Sundry other taxes, assessments, levies, licensing fees, administrative costs,
environment burdens and more create a harsh business climate, the antithesis to
the Governor’s advertised message. To ensure that the state extorts its fair
share of private businesses’ profits a mobile battalion of officials from the
Comptroller’s Office supplemented by dozens of lawyers from the Attorney
General’s domain fan out across Maryland to intimidate those who don’t pay up.
In the event you cannot pay your business license, driver’s license, auto/truck
registration and other licenses/certificates from the state will not be
reissued. O’Malley does not have the ability to take the appropriate economic
steps to bring fiscal sanity to Maryland. Entitlements need to be slashed by
the billions, but the Governor wants to continue their expansion on the backs
of the working poor. Few in Maryland are appropriately means tested to receive
state freebies. Others are simply chronic loafers or in present terminology
deadbeats. Maryland’s welfare state will soon reach a tipping point. The state
is so desperate that it has the State Police risking their own lives to give
out low level speeding tickets. On April 27th Maryland’s finest were
out in force on Route 95 meeting and or exceeding their citation quota. Police
are now tax assessors, who would have thought up such a scenario but democrats who
are hungry to stay in power. Governor O’Malley takes pride in deceiving state
resident’s, it covers his blatant inability to manage a state headed for
economic failure. Soon there will not be enough paying in to manage this
entitlement behemoth. When that happens O’Malley will look to Washington for
help but Obama will be collecting his retirement entitlements in luxury back in
his country of birth. Mark Davis author of Demons of Democracy.
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