Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rick Santorum: running against himself

Rick Santorum: running from himself

Rick Santorum’s national ambitions diminish each time he verbalizes a thought. As a former Senator and candidate for President, media review of his political positions is scrutinized to the nth degree.  Recent exhortations by him have turned many heads the wrong way. Santorum’s Satan comments, whether taken out of context or not, introduce a certain level of negativity and nervousness in minds of potential supporters. His internet postulations denoting what he believes a person can view in cyberspace speak to a whole new set of government controls. Under a Santorum presidency the Chief Executive will determine which websites are permitted, others he will “crackdown” on. Though his references were to stop the proliferation of porn, next step potentially could inhibit viewing  sports on certain days, liberal talk shows ( perhaps not a bad idea), news shows and more. Rick is autocratic: it is his way or no way. Watching Santorum and his family pray after a debate may have made many uncomfortable with his openly religious displays. Morality for the Senator shifts as time moves forward. He has a trail of speeches and writings indicating he is still looking to solidify his personal beliefs as exemplified by his change from pro-choice to pro-life stance. Higher education is not for everyone only those he feels should take the plunge. Numerous uncertainties surround the personal and professional life of Rick Santorum which should give people pause when considerations swing towards his candidacy. His delegate count is presently less than half of Mitt Romney, yet he pursues his presidential goals as though a chance still exists for him to overcome the odds. Perhaps his accumulated delegate count at the time of the Republican Convention will earn him a second place position on the November ballot. If not, Santorum will return to his lobbying activities and the multi-million dollar cottage in which he now resides. This is one candidate who should stay in the private sector.  Mark Davis MD, author of Demons of Democracy.

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