Harassed By
The Maryland Board of Physicians Send Us Your Story
revealing the outrageous conduct of the Maryland Board of Physicians against
this author, Mark Davis MD, to numerous colleagues time has come to hear the
stories of others who have been harassed by this corrupt Board. Medical
licenses are now dangled in front those who do not kowtow to this morally
unprincipled administrative entity whose members are political appointees and
its director is a certifiable loon. Earning a medical degree and stressed
through years of postgraduate training should be enough to allow licensure
unless an extreme roadblock is discovered precluding such an event. This Board
has taken steps to sidestep Comar regulations and Maryland law to go rogue
against those it licenses. Fabrication of standards of care is an art form for
this corrupt Board and its assigned lawyers from the Attorney General’s Office.
Many aspects of this author’s story are posted on medicalboardusa.com. Have
your story published on this national site so others can benefit from your
experiences. To contact Dr. Mark Davis
use the email: platomd@gmail.com
Thanks to all those who have already brought forward their personal