Public Information Request
to the Maryland Board of Physicians Drop Dead
Marylander’s have lost
control of their government. Administrative agencies, exemplified by the
Maryland Board of Physicians, hide behind carefully crafted regulations
enabling these public entities to keep their perversions and malicious behaviors
hidden from the public. Reminiscent of pre Glasnost days, before the Soviet
empire tumbled, physicians requesting information on hearings and
administrative assaults from this corrupt entity, meet a stone wall when making
a Public Information Access Request. Citing lawyer-client privilege, immunity, exemptions
from state law and more the Board of Physicians disables physicians’ lives, at
will, then jumps behind a veil of secrecy. Most recently this physician requested
records from the Board of Physicians, for a bogus hearing he participated in
during the month of December in 2016, the reply in legalese: Drop Dead.
Lawyers employed by
Maryland Attorney General’s Office run cover for Board of Physicians’ members. To
protect themselves the Medical Board engages these lawyers to perform two tasks:
First, prosecute the maximum number of physicians they can to keep their
sanction numbers high and secondly to protect themselves when physicians seek
redress from their illicit actions. When
a Maryland physician’s career is injured or terminated by the corrupt Board of
Physicians, this administrative entity encourages doctors to take them to
court. Why? In the greatest majority of cases Maryland’s left leaning courts
side with their administrative departments, no matter where the facts fall.
This Board cares little about facts only results. A few physicians thrown under
the proverbial rug, who cares.
The Soviet Union has been gone
for nearly 3 decades, yet its corrupt Star Chamber type tactics still survive.
Maryland has adopted these processes within the structure of its regulations to
suppress any rebuke it receives from a citizen. The laws of Maryland give
preferences to some while others meet blunt force authoritarianism. Maryland’s
complex legal system buries many. Some, like myself, just refuse to roll over
and play dead. The next chapter will play out soon on a legal battlefield.
Mark Davis MD