Monday, December 3, 2018



Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) is an exam forced on physicians who have been out of practice for a defined period of time. This exam is also given to physicians when their fund of knowledge comes into question. Boards of Medicine provide minimal direction in the contents of this exam. The Federation of State Medical Boards, the creator of the SPEX, does not provide much assistance to help potential examinees pass this test. Therefore, it is up to the physician to seek help to prepare for this very unfair exam. Many aspects of this exam’s contents reflect back to our medical school training decades ago. Books on the market are generally antiquated or do not represent the exam’s true contents. With the latter stated this was Dr. Davis’ rationale to create a concise course to help those confronting this exam to have an improved chance of receiving a passing grade.

Failing the SPEX test two, three or more times is common. Physicians contact Dr. Davis frequently to help them raise their level of awareness to this unfair test’s contents. Though the Federation of State Boards changes this test’s format frequently, its core contents remain the same. More than 12 medical subjects are represented with questions that challenge the examinee’s intellect and memory. Certain styles of questions are presented which an examinee would never expect to see on this exam. This course covers areas most important to the test taker and provides an extensive overview of this exam prior to the examinee sitting for it.

Dr. Mark Davis is intimately familiar with the Special Purpose Examination having mentored numerous physicians towards a passing grade. Dr. Davis has accrued his knowledge of the SPEX by interactions with many who have taken this test and direct inspection of the exam’s contents. Do not go blind into this exam.

The fee is 199 dollars for this course, which is approximately 2 hours in length. Scheduling can be done by contacting the email site:     Thank you. Mark Davis, MD

Monday, November 26, 2018

Final Directives The Legal Ethical and Moral Journey to Death

               Final Directives: The Legal Ethical and Moral Journey to Death

Government has no heart or soul. Its sole purpose is conformity to legislative and judicial agendas. Step outside of these two realms then the consequences become toxic and untenable. Final Directives: The Legal Ethical and Moral Journey to Death, brings the reader into a domain displaying government’s intrusive hand when a person’s last days are upon him or her. Lacking clear medical directives, during the most sensitive time in one’s life, overzealous prosecutors and judges become the final arbiters whether you live or die. Through a multitude of medical cases this e-book exemplifies why people should detail whether they want to be kept alive by extraordinary means. One case in the book explains why a grieving family was forced by a state government to continue extraordinary therapies though the patient was declared brain dead. This case eventually was ruled upon in the Supreme Court, surprisingly against the family.

In another case a person approaching his hundredth year was kept alive after his brain death was confirmed. Sadly situations, such as the latter case, could have been averted. This e-book discusses the most current means available to make a person’s final wishes known. There are forms, protocols and formats accepted by each state, if utilized, that gives the patient the ultimate authority over his or her body. There are many excellent lawyers in each state who will help families with the legalities of end of life issues. Allow Final Directives: The Legal Ethical and Moral Journal to Death to illuminate a subject too often discussed in the shadows of society. This interesting and excellent read is written by a physician, Mark Davis MD who has counseled hundreds of families facing the death of a love one. Learn how to avoid the emotionally wrenching situations written in this book. Thank you for supporting this effort to make the public aware of this vital issue.

Doctor Mark Davis writes extensively on health care, science and politics.

To contact him:

Final Directives is sold by Amazon and other e-book sites.

Monday, October 1, 2018


                                  CRUCIFIXION OF BRETT KAVANAUGH

By Mark Davis, MD Journalist, Author, Media Advisor and Science Tutor

One more time in history a crucifixion of a righteous man is occurring for all the World to see. Brett Kavanaugh has been set upon by numerous demons, we call Democrats, to side tract his rightfully earned ascendency to the Supreme Court. In the final hours of the nominating process an incendiary bomb was thrown into the mix by the devil’s helpers themselves. Senator Diane Feinstein received notification from a person claiming to have been sexually abused by Judge Kavanaugh 36 years ago. Under psycho therapy Dr. Ford recalled painful moments of a sexual assault, during her high school years, who she believes was caused by Brett Kavanaugh. Though she claims others in the room that night visualized the assault all of her so-called witnesses either deny being in such a place or do not recall the event. Without corroborating evidence Dr. Ford contacted Senator Feinstein who sat on this information until the very last moment. Why? Because all other efforts to block Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination failed. Once Feinstein leaked Dr. Ford’s communication more concocted abuse stories emerged against Judge Kavanaugh. None of these revelations came with corroborating evidence.

Dr. Christine Ford’s well-rehearsed testimony before Congress failed the smell test. As further information leaked out a multitude of nontruths are being attributed to her. These include but are not limited to claustrophobia which keeps her from flying, not true. Her friends will not confirm her story, though she stated they would. When asked who is funding all aspects of her assault on Judge Kavanaugh she noticeably hesitated providing quasi answers to that question. We now know her lawyers and other political operatives are providing the funding. Worse she cannot remember exactly where the potential sexual attack took place nor the day, date, time, address and who brought her to the location in question. In plain speech the accuser can remember who attacked her in a vivid manner yet no other facts around it. Either Dr. Ford is a pawn in this inquisition of Judge Kavanaugh or a willing participant who has ulterior motives for coming up with her concocted story 36 years after the fact, if indeed the action so describe occurred.

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is undergoing a present-day crucifixion, by some of the nastiest people in the Senate. None of these demons could hold up under the scrutiny given him. Our Great President nominated Judge Kavanaugh after he was reviewed and approved by numerous legal groups, who gave him sterling ratings. Sadly, the circus inflicted on Judge Kavanaugh is not over. A seventh FBI review is underway. Maryland authorities have indicated they would review all materials generated by the FBI and others if Dr. Ford swears out criminal warrant for actions her mind perceived happened. This could be the ace the Democrats are holding back for the last minute. No matter what the outcome a righteous man has been tarnished for eternity. May God condemn all those who brought this horrible action against Brett Kavanaugh and bless those who tried to soften its impact on him and his family.

Mark Davis, MD: Author, Media Advisor, Science Tutor and Journalist

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Maryland's Health Department Corrupt Then and Now Article One Doctor Lois Leonard

Series: Corruption in The Maryland Board of Physicians

              and The Maryland Health Department

Maryland’s Health Department Corrupt then and now Article One Doctor Lois Leonard

By Mark Davis, MD Journalist, Author, Media Consultant

Decades may pass yet corrupt government entities linger. Unaccountable to no one their appointed soldiers march through time with the venomous bite of institutionalized authority destroying the very framework they are supposed to oversee. One such designee was Doctor Lois Leonard. Her horrific death from cancer in 1993 does not excuse her of actions in which she was involved several years earlier.

Doctor Leonard was empowered to cite nursing homes for inadequacies in nursing and physician care by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (now the Maryland Health Department). No medical or surgical case was too complex for Doctor Leonard to critique. Doctor Leonard’s questionable reviews came under scrutiny when she cited the Poplar Manor Nursing Home.

Mark Davis MD purchased the Poplar Manor Nursing Home with 12 investors, most of them Doctors, in August of 1989 after being the facility’s medical director for 8 years. Amongst the investors were two surgeons who provided the surgical care to the home’s residents. They were responsible for a range of treatments including decubitus care. Additionally, the facility enlisted the aid of a neurologist, an endocrinologist, offsite care with a cardiologist, two podiatrists visited regularly, a dermatologist and several other medical consultants. Dr. Leonard believed she was capable of critiquing this collective set of professionals. Antithetically she turned out to be a CHARLATAN, hired by the Maryland Health Department, which was more worried with its public image than the people they claimed to help. Carol Benner, Dr. Leonard’s immediate supervisor, bathed in the glow of the negative reports her Doctor and staff generated, by releasing these reports to the media before the nursing home in question received them, in this case Poplar Manor. Worse Benner’s office was aware Poplar Manor was on a track to lose its certification as a viable nursing facility, yet withheld this information from the prospective owners, though requested by their attorneys prior to sale.

Poplar Manor was under siege by the Health Department’s division of Long-Term care from the day it transferred ownership. Documentary evidence has come into the possession of this journalist displaying clearly Poplar Manor was in the Health Department’s sights for closure. Perhaps the reason Ms. Benner’s office withheld this documentary evidence was the prior ownership included Phillip Greene, a former high ranking official in the Maryland Health Department. Once Mr. Greene received his money for the facility in August of 1989 Dr. Leonard and her team came in full force placing the facility on a 90 track to closure. We can only venture a guess how deep the relationship was between the government officials managing the nursing home review and Mr. Greene.

Maryland Department of Long-Term care refused, several times, to provide Dr. Leonard’s resume. In a case filed with the United States District Court of Maryland, Civil No. MJG-93-1242 Dr. Leonard provided an affidavit to the court. In that affidavit it was clear why her credentials were withheld. Dr. Leonard did not have the abilities or training to survey the physicians she was tasked with reviewing. She did not have the appropriate skills in Internal Medicine or Surgery even for the most basic review. In more restrain tones she was a shill for the Maryland Office of Long-Term care. On her written and or oral word nursing homes, such as Poplar Manor, were forced to close. In the event a physician filed a complaint regarding Dr. Leonard’s dubious reports, more shills would follow behind her, as was the case with Poplar Manor.

Obsessed with closing Poplar Manor Dr. Leonard fabricated several reports claiming the care in the facility was horrific. To justify her baseless reviews two more shills were brought in from University of Maryland to cover her tracks, Drs. Timothy Keay and George Taler. Neither physician had the intensity of training to perform in depth nursing home reviews. Their actions will be discussed in article 2 of this series along with material misrepresentations made by them.

Dr. Lois Leonard’s fraudulent reports display a person who was not qualified to place a band aid on a patient. Yet these reports gave the State of Maryland ammunition to close Poplar Manor Nursing Home after state operatives fleeced its bank accounts, forced the dismissal of nearly 200 employees, displaced 157 nursing home residents and crushed the careers of many including this author. Ironically after the state fed false news reports to the media, in an effort smear its ownership, there were no malpractice suits filed against the home, it’s staff of physicians or this author. The question which this author has the answer to is: Who in the State of Maryland Hierarchy was behind this concerted effort to destroy a viable nursing facility? Follow this series to receive the startling answer.

Mark Davis, MD

Maryland's Health Department Corrupt Then and Now Article One Doctor Lois Leonard

Series: Corruption in The Maryland Board of Physicians

              and The Maryland Health Department

Maryland’s Health Department Corrupt then and now Article One Doctor Lois Leonard

By Mark Davis, MD Journalist, Author, Media Consultant

Decades may pass yet corrupt government entities linger. Unaccountable to no one their appointed soldiers march through time with the venomous bite of institutionalized authority destroying the very framework they are supposed to oversee. One such designee was Doctor Lois Leonard. Her horrific death from cancer in 1993 does not excuse her of actions in which she was involved several years earlier.

Doctor Leonard was empowered to cite nursing homes for inadequacies in nursing and physician care by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (now the Maryland Health Department). No medical or surgical case was too complex for Doctor Leonard to critique. Doctor Leonard’s questionable reviews came under scrutiny when she cited the Poplar Manor Nursing Home.

Mark Davis MD purchased the Poplar Manor Nursing Home with 12 investors, most of them Doctors, in August of 1989 after being the facility’s medical director for 8 years. Amongst the investors were two surgeons who provided the surgical care to the home’s residents. They were responsible for a range of treatments including decubitus care. Additionally, the facility enlisted the aid of a neurologist, an endocrinologist, offsite care with a cardiologist, two podiatrists visited regularly, a dermatologist and several other medical consultants. Dr. Leonard believed she was capable of critiquing this collective set of professionals. Antithetically she turned out to be a CHARLATAN, hired by the Maryland Health Department, which was more worried with its public image than the people they claimed to help. Carol Benner, Dr. Leonard’s immediate supervisor, bathed in the glow of the negative reports her Doctor and staff generated, by releasing these reports to the media before the nursing home in question received them, in this case Poplar Manor. Worse Benner’s office was aware Poplar Manor was on a track to lose its certification as a viable nursing facility, yet withheld this information from the prospective owners, though requested by their attorneys prior to sale.

Poplar Manor was under siege by the Health Department’s division of Long-Term care from the day it transferred ownership. Documentary evidence has come into the possession of this journalist displaying clearly Poplar Manor was in the Health Department’s sights for closure. Perhaps the reason Ms. Benner’s office withheld this documentary evidence was the prior ownership included Phillip Greene, a former high ranking official in the Maryland Health Department. Once Mr. Greene received his money for the facility in August of 1989 Dr. Leonard and her team came in full force placing the facility on a 90 track to closure. We can only venture a guess how deep the relationship was between the government officials managing the nursing home review and Mr. Greene.

Maryland Department of Long-Term care refused, several times, to provide Dr. Leonard’s resume. In a case filed with the United States District Court of Maryland, Civil No. MJG-93-1242 Dr. Leonard provided an affidavit to the court. In that affidavit it was clear why her credentials were withheld. Dr. Leonard did not have the abilities or training to survey the physicians she was tasked with reviewing. She did not have the appropriate skills in Internal Medicine or Surgery even for the most basic review. In more restrain tones she was a shill for the Maryland Office of Long-Term care. On her written and or oral word nursing homes, such as Poplar Manor, were forced to close. In the event a physician filed a complaint regarding Dr. Leonard’s dubious reports, more shills would follow behind her, as was the case with Poplar Manor.

Obsessed with closing Poplar Manor Dr. Leonard fabricated several reports claiming the care in the facility was horrific. To justify her baseless reviews two more shills were brought in from University of Maryland to cover her tracks, Drs. Timothy Keay and George Taler. Neither physician had the intensity of training to perform in depth nursing home reviews. Their actions will be discussed in article 2 of this series along with material misrepresentations made by them.

Dr. Lois Leonard’s fraudulent reports display a person who was not qualified to place a band aid on a patient. Yet these reports gave the State of Maryland ammunition to close Poplar Manor Nursing Home after state operatives fleeced its bank accounts, forced the dismissal of nearly 200 employees, displaced 157 nursing home residents and crushed the careers of many including this author. Ironically after the state fed false news reports to the media, in an effort smear its ownership, there were no malpractice suits filed against the home, it’s staff of physicians or this author. The question which this author has the answer to is: Who in the State of Maryland Hierarchy was behind this concerted effort to destroy a viable nursing facility? Follow this series to receive the startling answer.

Mark Davis, MD

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Final Directives The Legal Ethical and Moral Journey to Death

                Final Directives: The Legal Ethical and Moral Journey to Death

Government has no heart or soul. Its sole purpose is conformity to legislative and judicial agendas. Step outside of these two realms then the consequences become toxic and untenable. Final Directives: The Legal Ethical and Moral Journey to Death, brings the reader into a domain displaying government’s intrusive hand when a person’s last days are upon him or her. Lacking clear medical directives, during the most sensitive time in one’s life, overzealous prosecutors and judges become the final arbiters whether you live or die. Through a multitude of medical cases this e-book exemplifies why people should detail whether they want to be kept alive by extraordinary means. One case in the book explains why a grieving family was forced by a state government to continue extraordinary therapies though the patient was declared brain dead. This case eventually was ruled upon in the Supreme Court, surprisingly against the family.

In another case a person approaching his hundredth year was kept alive after his brain death was confirmed. Sadly situations, such as the latter case, could have been averted. This e-book discusses the most current means available to make a person’s final wishes known. There are forms, protocols and formats accepted by each state, if utilized, that gives the patient the ultimate authority over his or her body. There are many excellent lawyers in each state who will help families with the legalities of end of life issues. Allow Final Directives: The Legal Ethical and Moral Journal to Death  to illuminate a subject too often discussed in the shadows of society. This interesting and excellent read is written by a physician, Mark Davis MD who has counseled hundreds of families facing the death of a love one. Learn how to avoid the emotionally wrenching situations written in this book. Thank you.

Doctor Mark Davis writes extensively on health care, science and politics.

To contact him:

Final Directives: The Legal Ethical and Moral Journey to Death is available on Amazon and through most other e-book distributors.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Beaten in Court Maryland Board of Physicians Hides Their Loss from the Public

Beaten in Court Maryland Board of Physicians hides their loss from the Public

Absent from this once great newspaper, the Baltimore Sun, was the win by Doctor Mark Geier against the Maryland Board of Physicians (Board) in the Circuit Court for Montgomery County (case# 371761 civil division). In his Opinion Judge Ronald Rubin sliced and diced the Board of Physicians for breach of medical privacy, for providing an array of false testimony to the court, failing to preserve emails, providing false witness concerning these emails and utilizing the Board’s legal machinery to deprecate a physician in the public domain.

Judge Rubin stated in his opinion: “If their (referring to the Board) testimony were to be believed, which the court does not, it is the worst case of collective memory amnesia in the history of Maryland government and on par with the collective memory failure on display at the Watergate hearings.” Judge Rubin was not aware of the Board’s history of corruption through suppressing evidence, utilizing legal chicanery and cherry-picking regulations to remove unpopular physicians from practice.

Baltimore Sun archives contain a series of articles hostile to Doctor Mark Geier. Yet not one word of the Board’s defeat in the Montgomery County Circuit Court. Beyond the archives this intrepid reporter attempted to contact several editors at the Baltimore Sun for an explanation why Judge Rubin’s opinion was not published on or about December 2017. Silence was the only answer I received. Perhaps this selective reporting is business as usual between a State of Maryland administrative agency and a newspaper that should have folded long ago.

Judge Rubin’s toxic decision against the Board is now on appeal in the Maryland Court of Special Appeals. Fourteen members of the Board, the Board’s lead attorney and its chief investigator were ordered to pay a total of 2.5 million dollars to Dr. Geier and his family. The current court, where this appeal is to be heard, is well-known for falling on the sword for the Board of Physicians. Facts do not matter to the Appeals’ judges only political loyalties and agendas. This court is well known for legislating from the bench.

A majority of physicians in Maryland are not aware of the Board’s irreverent behavior, as noted by Judge Rubin. Baltimore Sun’s blackout of this case is both sad and expected for this left ring rag. Worse none of the major radio stations covered this trial or Judge Rubin’s final opinion. Therefore, it is a moral imperative to inform the public, especially the physician community, the Maryland Board of Physicians is tainted from the top down requiring inspection, realignment and reconstruction by those empowered to do so. More to come.

Mark Davis, MD

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Maryland Board of Physicians More Corrupt than Ever

                    Maryland Board of Physicians More Corrupt than Ever

Maryland Board of Physicians (Board) has chronically subverted State law, regulation and procedure to manipulate outcomes of the medical licensing process. Integrity, honesty and propriety have been forsaken to sanction as many physicians as possible. Under the canopy of Maryland State authority abusive practices have been utilized by the Board to deny physicians due process, cherry pick regulatory structure and undeservingly deny medical licensure. Medical Boards should never stand independently from those who empower them. Instead rigorous review is necessary, on a frequent basis, to keep them from abusing their authority. With great consternation I note there are no checks and balances by any Maryland State authorities compelling this Board to be honest and forthright in their decisions. In recent contacts with Maryland’s Health Secretary and the Maryland Health Department’s Inspector General this author was literally told to go to Hell when he brought certain inequities concerning the Board to their collective attention.  There is a positive note. One Maryland court has caught the Board in a vicious act towards a formerly licensed physician.

Doctor Mark Geier was stripped of his medical license for his unpopular views on autism and his nonconventional treatments for this disease. Dr. Geier’s perspective on autism did not follow the path of mainstream medicine. As the Maryland Board of Physicians moved through its various phases of removing Dr. Geier’s license they did something not unusual for this body, they openly deprecated him. Public humiliation of physicians who fall from grace is common for this corrupt body. Personal and derogatory information concerning Dr. Geier and his family were placed online for all to see on or about 2012. Dr. Geier and his family sued the Board for extraordinary breach of privacy, humiliating him and his family in the public domain and sundry other vengeful tactics the Board used to discredit him. In a case filed against the Board of Physicians and its various members, administrators, lawyer/lawyers and investigators by Dr. Geier the Board was unable to hide its corrupt practices in its own testimony before the court. Judge Ronald B. Rubin, of the Montgomery County Maryland Circuit Court, found in favor of Dr. Geier and his family in his opinion released on or about December 2017. Judge Rubin’s opinion is stunning in the sense that most Maryland judges would rather impale themselves rather than ruling against the Board of Physicians. Judge Rubin’s toxic opinion against the Board echoes the verbiage of many physicians who have been trashed by this administrative entity. His opinion, in part, is contained in the next paragraph.

Judge Ronald Rubin sided with the Geiers and awarded them 2.5 million dollars. He ordered 14 Board members, the Board’s lead attorney and the lead investigator to pay out of their own pockets sums ranging from $10,000 to $250,000 each, depending on their net worth. In his Order Judge Rubin noted there was a significant breach of medical privacy against the Geiers. He accused the Board and its staff of failing to preserve emails related to this case and noted those who testified for the Board pleaded ignorance when confronting the email issue. Quoting Judge Rubin: “If their testimony were to be believed, which the court does not, it would be the worst case of collective amnesia in the history of Maryland government and on par with the collective memory failure at the Watergate hearings.” Judge Rubin’s complete opinion will be published in a separate article. This toxic opinion against the Board of Physicians was kept from the eyes and ears to tens of thousands who have a stake in Board function and its apparent abuse of authority.

While researching this significant news piece I noted the Baltimore Sun archives did not have a reference to this legal case and its extraordinary opinion against the Board. Performing a search on the net produced an equally disappointing result. With that stated I sent emails to several Baltimore Sun editors questioning the lack of coverage on this important case. No one ever returned an answer. The Sun ran full coverage when Dr. Geier’s life was being pulled apart. Yet when a significant court action against the Maryland Board of Physicians brought by the Geier’s was won by the plaintiff, the silence by the Sun was deafening. Baltimore Sun is the lap dog for the State of Maryland and its agencies. Specifically, it has been covering up for the Board’s corruption and members of the Maryland Attorney General’s Office for decades. Perhaps time has come to challenge the integrity of a once credible news source.

Please review articles concerning the Maryland Board of Physicians and its outrageous behaviors on Significant news will be posted there and on many media sites in the near future, which at the minimum, will shake the foundations of this corrupt Maryland State administrative entity.

Mark Davis, MD

Friday, July 27, 2018



Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) is an unfair test of a physician’s knowledge. Much to the test’s presentation dates back to your medical school days. When told the test is required for licensure a physician quickly finds the exam’s content is decades removed from the material he or she had previously learned. This complex exam of 336 questions, at last count, covers more than a dozen subjects which may be foreign to many burdened with the task of sitting for discouraging test. Federation of State Medical Boards, the creator of this exam, publishes literature on the SPEX which at best provides a minimal overview of this test. Physicians find out quickly their lack of knowledge when confronting this test. Market literature on SPEX is antiquated and very few people tutor on this test.

Mark Davis, MD provides extensive tutorials to help potential examinees move towards a passing grade. The failure rate is extremely high and the test’s expense is enormous. Dr. Davis’ provides current information on this exam which covers the range of subjects the test taker may encounter. Medical licensing Boards provide little to no help when requesting a licensee to take this unfair exam. The job of the SPEX tutor is to enlighten examinees’ minds and provide appropriate direction to help them retain and or obtain their medical licenses.

To contact Dr. Mark Davis please use the email:

His fees are competitive and his knowledge of the SPEX is invaluable.  

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Failed SPEX Time for a Special Purpose Exam Tutor

                                  Failed SPEX Time for a Special Purpose Exam Tutor

Failing SPEX sadly has become a common event amongst test takers. The Special Purpose Examination was designed to fail. Contrary to the Federation of States Boards’ information sheets SPEX questions are far from standard medical practice. Most clinicians have narrow medical specialties where they would not encounter the information embedded in this extensive exam. Much of the literature on the market for SPEX is antiquated. These books, flashcards and videos have not kept up with this test’s broad contents. Failing SPEX is not only a stigma to the physician the price to take the exam is extremely expensive.

In my experience as a SPEX tutor I have accumulated a vast array of information that is reflected in current exams. Few can walk into this exam and expect to pass. After hearing the woes of many who failed I began to gather information from former test takers, open sources of information and a multitude of medical references which relate to this unfair and difficult test. As a SPEX tutor I can direct potential examinees in current question content, subject matters and how to prepare for this test in the most expeditious matter.

To contact Doctor Mark Davis directly there are two ways: 1)  

or  410-569-7676

Monday, June 4, 2018



State Boards of Physicians are requiring more doctors to take the SPEX (Special Purpose Examination) than ever before. This exam is unfair to practicing physicians and has a failure rate requiring physicians to take the test two, three or more times. According to Federation of State Board literature, that concoct this exam, physicians reading general literature during the course of their practices should have no problem passing. The latter statement is far from the truth and misrepresents the true nature of this exam. SPEX covers more than 12 subjects and touches upon areas of subject matter that many physicians have not seen since their medical school days. Medical Boards generally do not provide guidance or information to help their physicians through this exhausting exam. For those of you who have been picked out of a literal hat to take this exam there is help.

Mark Davis MD is well versed in the contents of this exam. Dr. Davis has helped many in their studies towards a passing grade. Physicians who have come under his tutelage had previously utilized improper study material on the market that was either outdated and or completely outside the contents of the SPEX test. Dr. Davis will review the subject matter of this exam with the prospective test taker and discuss specific questions that have appeared on prior exams. Look for his book on Amazon why Tutors are all important to help pass the SPEX. To contact Dr. Mark Davis: 410-515-7858 or or through 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


         Harassed By The Maryland Board of Physicians Send Us Your Story

After revealing the outrageous conduct of the Maryland Board of Physicians against this author, Mark Davis MD, to numerous colleagues time has come to hear the stories of others who have been harassed by this corrupt Board. Medical licenses are now dangled in front those who do not kowtow to this morally unprincipled administrative entity whose members are political appointees and its director is a certifiable loon. Earning a medical degree and stressed through years of postgraduate training should be enough to allow licensure unless an extreme roadblock is discovered precluding such an event. This Board has taken steps to sidestep Comar regulations and Maryland law to go rogue against those it licenses. Fabrication of standards of care is an art form for this corrupt Board and its assigned lawyers from the Attorney General’s Office. Many aspects of this author’s story are posted on Have your story published on this national site so others can benefit from your experiences.  To contact Dr. Mark Davis use the email:  Thanks to all those who have already brought forward their personal stories.

Friday, May 18, 2018



Many students have a disinterest in science topics taught in current school curriculums.  Therefore their grades lag behind and overall performance is affected. As a science tutor who has taught people from the elementary years of school to the postgraduate level many times these students need individual motivation to bring their grades up and their interest in science even higher. My job as a general science tutor is to clarify current work students are learning in school and enhance their abilities to absorb more information.

To contact Dr. Davis for fees, scheduling or questions: or 410-515-7858         

Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Maryland prefers Foreign Physicians over their American Trained Counterparts 

Forty thousand strong Maryland’s physicians are under the purview of a corrupt medical board named the Maryland Board of Physicians. This corrupt Maryland state entity exuberantly embraces foreign physicians over those trained in American Medical Schools. Many American physicians who considered practicing medicine in Maryland have sought refuge in other state jurisdictions because of the harsh environment established by this very unprincipled Board. Both in licensing and sanctions most foreign physicians brought before this unscrupulous and dishonest Board of Physicians are either accepted quickly into flock or sanctioned in the most minimal way. Those who sit on this Board have been blinded by lawyers who work for this entity and or by lawyers from the Maryland Attorney General’s Office. Every time a physician is sanctioned to maximum, that is a medical license revocation, the Board administrators put another notch in their proverbial noose. The evidence is obvious if you review those sanctioned each year. American trained physicians’ cases are taken into court more frequently that their foreign counterparts. Why? Because this unsaintly entity bends the rules for foreign physicians and those of invigorated cultures.

Political correctness has been taken to the extreme. Recent contact I had with the Maryland legislature and other state administrative entities display very little oversight is given to this so called independent Board. The legislative committee I contacted and other Maryland state departments believe this Board is pure and should go untouched by them. Corruption has entered the fray in the Maryland Board of Physicians processes and procedures. Damage to physicians’ reputation, families and more are the outcome of false sanctions initiated again doctors. Many physicians have suffered by the hands of this corrupt and dishonest entity. Please review some of the articles on and read for yourself how one physician was mercilessly treated by Maryland’s Board of Physicians.

Mark Davis MD

Monday, May 7, 2018



American students are no longer at the top of their game when it comes to the sciences. Too many lag behind because emphasis on the sciences in the classroom has been demeaned for other subjects. In some educational jurisdictions science is given no emphasis. Colleges and Universities will report that in many cases their PHD programs in the sciences are filled with foreign students. Have you ever wondered why Google seeks people from outside the country to fill their vacant science positions? Americans simply are disinterested in pursuing science careers en masse giving way to our colleagues from abroad. With that stated in the event your child needs a help moving through the sciences in grades K-12 and or has precocious talents that need to be nurtured hire a general science tutor.

Dr. Mark Davis tutors a wide spectrum of subjects in the sciences and is here to provide individual and or small group science sessions to enable students to improve their grades and or awaken an interest in science within them.

Contact: for questions, scheduling or fees.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

                            FAILED SPEX TRY A TUTOR WHO HAS INSIGHTS                                                              INTO THIS TEST’S QUESTIONS

Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) was created to test for skills from those out of practice for years or from those whose competency is in doubt. In reality this exams fails its own test because it neither reflects current practice modes in its 336 questions nor does it test for competency in the practitioner’s specialty field. Written by a politically active organization, the Federation of State Medical Boards, you pay an outrageous fee to take an exam designed to fail. No one knows how examinees fail every year. Yet we do know that many examinees fail 2, 3 or even more times. A SPEX tutor, who has firsthand knowledge of question types and contents should be your initial stop to help guide you to pass this complex and very unfair examination. Please contact Dr. Mark Davis who tutors this exam. Widely respected for the help he has given many physicians, Dr. Davis is here to help you.

Email: for questions, fees and scheduling

General Science Tutor Available

General Science Tutor seeks students from Grades K-12 hide this posting

General Science tutor available to mentor students through astronomy, chemistry, human physiology, physics, biology and teach science study skills. Doctoral level tutor seeks students in grade levels K-12. All tutoring is performed in English and invites students from anywhere in the United States. Fee is $85 per person for each session, maximum of 3 people if you have a group. All tutoring is performed by phone, Skype or in person if you live in northern Maryland. To reach the tutor to set a schedule please contact him by email: or 410-515-7858

Science Tutor for Grades K-12 Available fro Immediate Mentoring


Many students have a disinterest in science topics taught in current school curriculums.  Therefore their grades lag behind and overall performance is affected. As a science tutor who has taught people from the elementary years of school to the postgraduate level many times these students need individual motivation to bring their grades up and their interest in science even higher. My job as a general science tutor is to clarify current work students are learning in school and enhance their abilities to absorb more information.

To contact Dr. Davis for fees, scheduling or questions: or 410-515-7858         

Thursday, May 3, 2018


                                 FIRE MUELLER AND ROSENSTEIN NOW

Chaos has come to the American Presidency. Donald Trump has allowed the current judicial circus to continue too long. Special Counsel Robert Mueller has stepped far beyond his mandate to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election. Clearly a witch hunt too many people have suffered during  Mueller’s inquisition. Prosecutorial misconduct is rampant and no one is being held accountable.  Congressional committees are being stonewalled by Rod Rosenstein for information concerning this massive probe of the President. Rosenstein’s appointment of Mueller appears to be questionable. Worse, his reasons for doing so appear partisan in nature. One of the best Oval Office occupants in a generation President Trump must assert leadership to bring this inquisition to a conclusion immediately. Firing Mueller and Rosenstein is the proper action in light of their illicit activities. Warned not to fire Mueller both sides of the political isle should examine their motivations for cautioning Trump on a decision which is long overdue. In the event Congress attempts to impeach DT they should know tens of millions have his back. Time is now to fire Mueller and Rosenstein. Please comment if you agree or believe otherwise.

Mark Davis, MD  

Monday, April 30, 2018

Radio Guest Mark Davis MD Available to Discuss Politics Healthcare and Science

Mark Davis MD


Radio Guest Mark Davis MD Available to Discuss Politics Healthcare and Science

Washington is in chaos. Forces in and outside the government are seeking to make Donald Trump a one term president. Business as usual has come to a complete halt as politicians fear the new player in town. Leadership has finally come to our Capital City and the political vermin are scrambling to get out of the way. Politics has taken a new twist where America finally focuses on its own needs instead of others.  The only collusion out there is in the deluded minds of an opposing party which continues to live in fugue state because they lost the

2016 election. Doctor Mark Davis brings his unique knowledge to bear on current issues whether politics, health care or science he always keeps the audience enthralled.

Author, journalist, physician and radio consultant Dr. Mark Davis MD has been on numerous radio programs discussing Politics and Science to Health care and Current Events. Dr. Davis’ writes for many media platforms to elucidate and extend on the most important issues of the day. His Books Demons of Democracy, Obamacare Dead on Arrival a Prescription for Disaster and many others describe how government has failed to provide cogent programs to help the very people they are required to serve. Dr. Davis is hated by lawyers yet loved by the public for exposing the indecencies in this professional group. He is available to be a guest on your program. Please contact Doctor Davis by email or phone.


Sunday, April 22, 2018

                                Maryland Saturated with Crime Drugs and Corruption

Geographically Maryland’s beauty has few competitors. Behind this topographical treasure lies a reckless government which has driven this state into the desperate times it finds itself. Opioid use has risen exponentially in the last decade. Prescribed like candy by various physician controlled entities few states have more deaths from this class of drugs than Maryland. Grim statistics cannot be hidden by the pleasant smiles of corrupt politicians. Several thousand went to their graves last year as our state representatives carried on business as usual. As legislative efforts failed in Annapolis to rein in this crisis emergency rooms could not find enough body bags to manage the overflow. With the approval of Marijuana this gateway drug will bring health facilities to their knees.

Legalizing Marijuana based on quasi research displaying this substance has medicinal value displays how moronic the political class is in this corrupt state. Worse outlets to sell this chemical garbage were given over to a group of well- connected political elitists.  This entitled class was provided with dispensing licenses utilizing the excuse they will bring to market a purer product than those who have not coughed up donations to their campaigns. As I have advised physicians on the radio and in my articles Maryland Marijuana laws are a minefield for physicians. Liability will be placed on the heads of physicians once accidents, deaths and criminality related to this drug occur. As of this writing most Maryland physicians are hesitant to prescribe this Class One drug.

Maryland’s newest problem is a synthetic version of Marijuana which has been introduced into the state. Laced with poison, that causes a person to bleed profusely, numerous hospitalizations have been reported around state. As usual the most vulnerable are affected. Adding to this problem is the vast number of people dying from alcohol, drugs exclusive of opioids and chemicals favored by the addicted class, as reflected in the daily emergency room census of each acute care facility. Kudos to acute care health personnel who have done a magnificent job in the face of great odds inflicted on them by wayward politicians, a medical board that does not properly oversee its physician hoard and a pharmaceutical industry that pumps this crap into the state.

In a circuitous way many profit by the massive drug and alcohol problem left uncontrolled by a government that supports this catastrophe. A vast social-welfare system would be undercut if these addicting chemicals were to leave the scene. No doubt there are pockets full of money that do not want Maryland cured of these ills. Therefore politicians discuss the drug problem openly yet few move to correct it. Corruption is solidly embedded in Annapolis and the administrative entities it empowers. The answer is simple. Until we remove the scum who sit on the high seats in Maryland deaths will continue to mount and the next one could be one of our loved ones.

Mark Davis MD 

Friday, April 20, 2018


Patient healthcare has changed dramatically. Diagnostics and therapeutics have taken giant leaps in the last several decades. Unfortunately the personal side of medical practice has changed, in many cases, for the worse. Health Insurance Companies encourage medical practitioners to reduce medical/surgical intervention where they can to save a dollar. This is done in the name of quality of care. Physicians may be penalized by hospitals and insurance companies for ordering too many therapeutic interventions, laboratory tests and procedures. America has been flooded with physicians whose training and experiences may not be up to par. As a result of these factors and many others medical mistakes are made, some of which have horrible outcomes. A forensic medical record reviewer can ferret out and define any perceived mistake, provide an explanation for that mistake and direct the patient who to contact for rectification of the problem. Mark Davis MD has reviewed thousands of medical records in his career and is available to review yours. Please contact Dr. Davis by email: or through his website for expedient attention to any question you have. Thanks. Mark Davis MD
Credentials: Retired Internal Medicine Physician fully cognizant of the legal
and medical systems who his available to help people uncover medical mistakes.


Patient healthcare has changed dramatically. Diagnostics and therapeutics have taken giant leaps in the last several decades. Unfortunately the personal side of medical practice has changed, in many cases, for the worse. Health Insurance Companies encourage medical practitioners to reduce medical/surgical intervention where they can to save a dollar. This is done in the name of quality of care. Physicians may be penalized by hospitals and insurance companies for ordering too many therapeutic interventions, laboratory tests and procedures. America has been flooded with physicians whose training and experiences may not be up to par.  As a result of these factors and many others medical mistakes are made, some of which have horrible outcomes. A forensic medical record reviewer can ferret out and define any perceived mistake, provide an explanation for that mistake and direct the patient who to contact for rectification of the problem. Mark Davis MD has reviewed thousands of medical records in his career and is available to review yours. Please contact Dr. Davis by email: or through his website for expedient attention to any question you have. Thanks. Mark Davis MD

Wednesday, April 18, 2018



Before purchasing flash cards, antiquated books, irrelevant lecture series and other SPEX support systems check with a tutor who has inner workings of this unfair and complex test. Many of our best physicians have taken this test and failed. Failure rates are a closely guarded secret yet it is known physicians have taken this test multiple times and continued to fail. Mark Davis MD has interacted with many who have taken this extensive exam. Dr. Davis can steer a potential examinee in the right direction in his/her studies. Study paraphernalia could be a waste of study time because they can misdirect the efforts of those who purchase such materials. Dr. Davis has tutored an array of people by providing to them type of question content to expect, subject matter to direct the examinees efforts and overall content of this exam. Medical Boards and the Federation of State Boards do not provide much information to help potential examinees. In many cases Medical Boards do not provide any information relevant to this exam.

Dr. Mark Davis is available to help with your studies and guide you towards a passing grade. Please contact Dr. Davis at:

Sunday, April 15, 2018


SPEX Questions ask a Tutor who knows the Special Purpose Examination

Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) is complex, difficult and unfair to those required to take it. Many people who contact me have already been in practice for decades when their respective medical boards issue them an order to take the SPEX. State Medical Board’s provide little to no information on this test. Federation of States Medical Boards does a very poor job in their literature describing this extensive test. Books on the market are generally antiquated and not in tune with the 336 questions on this exam. Going into this exam without guidance has been to the detriment of many physicians.  Failure rate is very high with many candidates taking this exam  multiple times. Hire a tutor who knows this test through the feedback he receives and his intrinsic knowledge of this exam. To contact Mark Davis, MD:  Fee is hourly and paid through Paypal.                                                       

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

SPEX: Prepare Properly with a Review by Mark Davis MD

SPEX: Prepare Properly with a Review by Mark Davis MD

Forced to take the Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) by your state medical board, prepare yourself with someone knowledgeable in this exam, Mark Davis MD. Through interactions with a multitude of examinees Dr. Davis has a bank of current information which can help potential test candidates with their studies. Dr. Davis’ review encompasses question content and subject matter on current exams. SPEX is a complex exam consisting of 336 questions taken in sections over a one day time period. This exam’s fail rate is very high and state medical boards do not provide candidates with information helpful to pass this exam. In a sense the SPEX is designed to fail because the exam requires a bank of information not in a physician’s general readings or continuing education courses. Examinees have failed this exam, in some cases, 3 or more times. With an extraordinary cost both in time to prepare and test entry fee a SPEX an examinee should advantage him or herself with the latest information available.  Most books on the market are outdated and should be purchased cautiously. Enable yourself with someone familiar with the mechanics of this exam, Dr. Mark Davis. To contact Dr. Davis;

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Blighted Corrupt and a Regulatory Nightmare Maryland has seen better days

Blighted Corrupt and a Regulatory Nightmare Maryland has seen better days

Maryland is a distressed state. Submerged in crime, drugs, onerous taxes and legislated efforts to control every action of its population, the Old Line State needs realignment. Baltimore, Maryland’s largest City, has the unique distinction of having the most murders in the country, based on population size. Opioids deaths reach into the thousands with the rate continuing to rise. Recently legislated efforts to put Marijuana in the hands of a large segment of the populace will only add to the addiction crisis. To complete the State’s nightmare the government, along with its Governor who ran on a Republican platform yet acts like a Democrat, are choking businesses with onerous taxes and socialistic style legislation. Maryland is a mess. Every segment of the State needs mending. The quick answer to Maryland’s problems is to blame the federal government and President Trump. Yet, the true nature of Maryland’s problems, are home grown. They are caused by feckless politicians who ignore their decompensating state to keep the flood of entitlements flowing.  Taxes, crime and bad legislation are on the increase as Maryland victimizes its businesses to keep the cash streaming into State coffers.

Nobility is not a trait of Maryland administrative entities. Honor left these cauldrons of deceit decades ago. Managed by political appointees merit has left the stage leaving behind an obnoxious stench of social conformity. Medical care is has suffered throughout the Maryland by an influx of lesser trained foreign physicians. Worse the Maryland Board of Physicians is managed similar to the Politburo of the old Soviet Union whose Executive head is nothing less than deranged in actions and words. Along with a corrupt Medical Board the State Government is pushing to keep Obamacare alive by levying high fees on insurance companies to assure a free ride for the entitlement crowd. Paradoxically those fees will be passed down to those of us who already pay extremely high insurance rates. For the illicit entries into this country Maryland has a gift for you. Once you acquire your illegal driver’s license the State intends to automatically register you to vote in order to keep the Democrats in power for eternity plus a week. Maryland’s dishonest government, from border to border, is a liberal’s dream and a nightmare for private businesses and those who work outside the government. In the event you are considering a move to this state think twice and see a Psychiatrist.  Maryland has nothing to offer except left wing courts, untenable crime, outrageous taxes and oppressive regulations that keep your pockets thin while fattening those of politicians and their political appointees. Remember this reporter told you so.

Mark Davis MD

Monday, April 2, 2018



Contacted by many physicians who have failed the Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) Dr. Mark Davis has helped them direct their studies to achieve a passing grade. The test is a cheat in the sense that much of the information contained in its questions are “not” drawn from day to day practice or current literature. In fact many questions would require a physician to consult their medical school notes from decades ago. SPEX literature on the market is antiquated, many times inapplicable to the current exam and specious in nature. Dr. Davis will review current questions both in content and format, direct the examinee in his/her studies and delve deep into the tests subject matter. Medical Boards do not help examinees prepare for this difficult exam. Federation of State Medical Boards, the originator of the SPEX, is also delinquent in this area. Studying with Dr. Davis is productive, bears fruit and brings the medical license you seek that much closer.

Contact: Mark Davis MD at

Fees: Dr. Davis’ fee is a based on an hourly rate and paid through Paypal.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018



Special Purpose Examination is a complex test given by the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB). This exam is designed to fail. Too many of our colleagues sit for this test two, three or more times. Antiquated literature on the market misdirects potential examinees with questions that do not come near the substance on this unfair exam.  SPEX is unfair because much of its subject matter is not incurred in daily practice or found in general medical readings as claimed by the FSMB. SPEX mentoring evolved to direct potential test takers towards the proper subject matter to study. Current question content is heavily reviewed enabling the potential examinee to direct his/her studies in a more efficieint matter. Dr. Mark Davis comes in contact with many who have recently taken this test to keep the information he provides current and up to date.

Please contact Dr. Davis to schedule time for SPEX test review at Dr. Davis' fee is based on an hourly rate.

Monday, March 26, 2018

SPEX is revenge from Medical Boards for Lapsed Licenses

SPEX is revenge from Medical Boards for Lapsed Licenses

Special Purpose Examination (SPEX) is a test constructed in hell to punish physicians who were either forced from practice or allowed their licenses to lapse. Constructed by the politically active Federation of State Medical Boards, this test’s contents covers more than a dozen subjects. Federation officials claim general medical reading should allow one to sit for this test and pass, untrue. The failure rate is extremely high with many examinees taking this test two, three or more times. Medical Boards provide no insights or preparation to enable physicians to pass this strenuous examination. Literature provided by the Federation concerning SPEX is misleading and provides minimal help to the potential examinee. Books, pamphlets and test question material on the market are out of date, as most physician find out after their first failing grade. This is where a SPEX tutor/mentor is very helpful.

SPEX tutors/mentors can guide the potential examinee in their studies, both by reviewing question content and current test subject matter. Studying for this exam takes much effort and preparation time. With the help of a SPEX tutor/mentor, such as the author of this article, those efforts will move in the proper direction. Looking for help to prepare for this arduous exam please contact Dr. Mark Davis, MD who has helped many physicians in their quest to pass SPEX.

Dr. Davis can be reached at:  Dr. Davis fee is charged out by the hour and well worth the expense, as expressed by SPEX examinees who utilized his services.