Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Muslimization of the American Mind


Muslimization of the American Mind


In a World full of tensions and suspicions reality confronted a nation on September 11, 2001 that was out of sync with geopolitics. Previously atrocities caused by Muslim terrorists visited borders external to this nation. With the advent of Nine Eleven the American conscious was awakened to the fact Muslim radicals wanted to draw us into a conflict they have been fighting for millennia. Over the ensuing 13 years the psyches of the average citizen have been immersed in the daily reports of death and violence perpetrated by a group waiting to be civilized. Whether we like it or not a radical theocracy is on the move and the U.S. is in their sights. President Obama’s irrational Middle East policies have caused consequences not foreseen by the Administration. Haphazard withdrawal of our troops from the area has exited many to once again use barbaric acts to force religious intolerance on those who want to be left alone. ISIS, a word once equated with an Egyptian Goddess, can now claim a new home within the structure of a terrorist group. World-wide attention has been focused on ISIS’ brutality. Grotesque treatment of anyone who does not run with the ISIS agenda is seen in its culture of damnation. Beheadings, rapes, murders of the aged and the young are their signature achievements, nothing more. These actions can instill fear into any rational mind and have redefined a radicalism that is ravenous for acceptance. Yet America’s complacency rises to pre-World War II levels reinforcing the belief this nation is untouchable by a foe ten thousand miles away. Knowing the latter is not true has not moved the Administration to act in a responsible manner. Collective efforts by the international community, to tread lightly, appears to have emboldened not retrenched this enemy of humanity. Decades ago a minor sub-segment of the Arab community began hijacking jets and commandeering ships. After Nine Eleven entire nations were their new targets. Sadly there is not global condemnation of their hideous acts as the recent decapitation of James Foley displays. Thanks to our wayward President and a fawning media Muslimization of the American mind will continue until they realize the danger this group portends. Our country is starved for leadership which is not present in the current Washington crowd. In the next election consider all factors before voting for people who hate America and everything it stands for.


Mark Davis MD, Author of Demons of Democracy and Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. President of Davis Writing Services:

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tyranny on the Hill

Tyranny on the Hill


Congress should be relieved of all its duties and sent home. Their inability to constrain a wayward President, who mocks them every chance he gets, is reason enough to show them the door. Sixty eight months ago Barack Obama promised hope and change to a populous who believed his demagoguery. Their expectations have fallen to new lows because promises made were not promises kept. Without any delay the President began refabricating every institution and tradition which allowed America to become the power house it is. Following the Tyrant’s Handbook Obama has moved along the boundary between Democracy and tyranny preparing the country for his new vision of America. In the President’s view borders are irrelevant as noted by his ambivalence to protect them. Allowing millions to enter the country, without legitimate authority to do so, reeks of his disdain for the curbs the Constitution places on him. Nevertheless Obama has used every agency of government to force his will on American citizenry. His nonstop efforts to involve the Administration in the complexities of American businesses have driven many companies to seek greener fields overseas. Utilizing the Internal Revenue Service, as a belligerent force to threaten his political foes, has the obnoxious scent of Nixonian style politics. Worse when the bread crumbs of deceit lead directly to the White House Obama acts like a good tyrant and hides behind the rants of others. This is exemplified by each and every scandal that has touched his Administration. Important to a tyrant are the changes he leaves behind as his successive edicts take hold. For Obama his management of America’s deterioration will be a legacy no President previously could claim. Congress’s inaction, allowing Obama a free reign, antithetically makes them equally as guilty of undermining America as the President.  Dictating national policy by use of Executive Orders runs counter to the foundations of Democracy. Worse, standing down as these Orders take hold, displays an ineffectual legislative branch whose unwritten signature stands next that of the President’s.  Tyranny has moved into to every jurisdiction in the nation routed through Washington D.C. Americans have been asleep as their last few rights are being swallowed by a government ravenous to control them. When the last vestiges of Democracy finally fade into the night Americans will remember the good old days when they had the right to vote and speak their minds openly.


Mark Davis MD, Author of Demons of Democracy and Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Impeachment: Political Theater or Moral Imperative

Impeachment: Political Theater or Moral Imperative


Constitutional crises are extremely rare. When one arises the entire nation becomes embroiled in the substance of the problem as it moves through its various machinations. Two contentious issues have come to the forefront challenging the very foundations of our society. President Obama has used his pen to circumvent Congress to bring his personal agenda into fruition. With the stroke of his writing instrument Obamacare has been remodeled into a format not reflective of the law passed in March of 2010. Dramatically more perverse the President has altered immigration laws which have caused a flood of illegals to inundate our southern borders. Ramifications of both actions are slowly filtering throughout the very structure of this nation. For the former access to health care is diminished, for the latter a humanitarian crisis of proportions so great it challenges the sensibilities of a rational mind. Each of the three branches of government has their assigned roles empowered by a document that is keen on bringing balance and order to the nation. Unfortunately the present occupant of the Oval Office uses the Constitution as a doormat instead of a roadmap. President Obama has thrown down the gauntlet challenging those in the legislative halls of Washington D.C. to restrict his anti-constitutional behavior through impeachment proceedings. He may be granted his wish.


Conservatives have taken a beating over the last six years as progressives sought to undermine every institution, industry and tradition that made this nation strong. The scandal plagued White House has now moved into political territory so devastating it cries out to be checked immediately.  Rumors of a pending Executive Order that may provide amnesty to 5 million illegals has percolated throughout the dark corridors of Congress and beyond. Obama may be playing with political dynamite if he goes forward with this scheme. Discussion of impeachment has moved from a whisper to a hum as Republicans continue to deny the inevitable. On July 30th the House of Representatives voted to sue the President for his unlawful use of Executive Orders. The vote was along party lines suggesting the Democrats continue to deny the President is overstepping his authority. A lawsuit, as proposed by the House, could take an extended time period to resolve, potentially ending up on the doorstep of the Supreme Court. Is this merely a delaying tactic in preparation for the trial of President Obama?


Impeachment of the President and other select officials is allowed under Article II Section 4 of the Constitution. During the period this section was written the Founders wanted a means to remove those who exceeded their authority, as established in this great document. In the alternative in the event a high official was falsely accused this section also provided a means for vindication. President Obama has willfully chosen to circumvent Congress by utilizing the privilege of Executive Order. The manner in which he has used this power is in question.

Nullification of laws and or treading on others has brought this presidency to a crossroad in history requiring hard choices Congress has avoided so far. Democrats believe Articles of Impeachment would be political theater to enhance the strengths of a party they distrust. Perspectives of many in the opposing party see impeachment as a moral imperative, nothing less. At this juncture Congress has not displayed its willingness to go down a path only two prior presidents have traveled. Looking forward the outcome of November’s election may determine the fate of a presidency which started with hope and change but may end in disenchantment and despair.


Mark Davis, MD: Media consultant, author and journalist. President of Davis Writing Services.  Author of Demons of Democracy and Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster.