State of Disunion Speech:
more of the same
President Obama’s speech
before Congress and the American Public on January 28th contained
the same rhetorical nonsense he has repeated year after year. His push to
maintain the entitlement economy was especially egregious. Introduced as the
President of the United States, the tepid audience response set the tone for
the night. President Obama wasted no time spinning his ideas to take America
further from the prosperity it deserves. Each section of his speech
concentrated on enhancing employees’ opportunities and financial status over
those who create jobs. Pushing for a federal minimum wage of 10.10 per hour his
uninitiated mind could not conceive the impact this would have on the business
community. On education he called for more opportunities for students. These
are code words to enhance the wallets of teachers. School districts already spend
too much on education with results that are close to appalling. Especially noteworthy were the President’s
comments on Obamacare. His emphasis that
three million people had signed up for Obamacare was a reflection of the
sophistry he utilized throughout his long winded diatribe. Many people were
shifted from state and federally subsidized programs to the Exchanges where
more subsidies were awaiting them. His statement that many were youthful who
took up the reins of Obamacare was another fabrication. Calling for ideas from
the Republican side of the aisle to improve his legacy program continued his
stream of misrepresentations. Republicans have offered hundreds of ways to
amend Obamacare, he has yet to act on any of them. Looking straight into the
camera his vocalizations of America’s job picture were especially disturbing. Job programs were one part of his broader
initiative to reduce the huge number of jobless Americans. Thousands of job
programs are already on the books, unfortunately there are no jobs available to
take these people in. More money to help businesses was a secondary element of
his plan. The President claimed many
companies have availed themselves of federal funds to enable their businesses.
Try to obtain a business loan, banks will send you away knowing the reason for
your visit. Who has received these loans is anyone’s guess. Countless
misrepresentation, fabrications and outright fibbing marked the President’s
State of the Disunion Speech. Ironic as it sounds President Obama believes his
prior initiatives have helped America move forward. The reality is he has set
us back five years. Mark Davis, MD President of Healthnets Book Services and
Davis Book Reviews.
and Author of the
book lawyers hate, Demons of Democracy and the most recent release, Obamacare:
Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster.