Saturday, August 24, 2013

Maryland needs leaders not followers

Maryland needs leaders not followers


Maryland’s Governor and Attorney General (AG) are running away from their respective offices to move higher on the food chain. Governor Martin O’Malley has his eyes on the White House as Attorney General Douglas Gansler looks towards the State House. Governor O’Malley’s few accomplishments are drowned out by the enormous number of unsolved problems he will leaves in his wake. Violence throughout the state of Maryland, especially in Baltimore City and Prince George’s County, has only received lip service from someone who incessantly brags of his nonexistent achievements. Taking his lead from President Obama, Governor O’Malley will waste several billion dollars or more on green projects to nowhere. Under his mindless tutelage a rain tax now falls across Maryland, the only state in the union to institute such idiocy. Taxes, tolls, assessments and other financial extortions from the state have moved up exponentially to fund O’Malley’s massive entitlement structure. Efficiency is not in the Governor’s vocabulary. His inability to understand business dynamics caused Maryland to be named a business unfriendly state by those in the know. In the event this is the record O’Malley will run on, conservatives will have no fear of him succeeding.


Attorney General’s office sits in prime real estate in the midst of Baltimore City, not in the less expensive state towers on Preston Street. From this perch a panoramic view of Baltimore’s nightly blood bath is evident. Since his installation as Attorney General, Gansler has made no effort to stem the flow of violence surrounding his office or elsewhere in the state. The daily body count attests to the fact that his very liberal agenda, to retain office, excludes the possibility of taking on the true challenges necessary to reduce the death toll. Gansler’s well concocted bio displays his strong push for; nontraditional marriages, health care solutions through the abomination called Obamacare, gun control for victims not victimizers, diversity in state appointments without consideration for merit, baseless green energy projects and numerous other left-wing assaults driving businesses to more friendly environs. Baseless lawsuits against physicians are one of his office’s specialties. Douglas Gansler has intimidated a sufficient number of people to keep his name afloat in the media, not to dissimilar from another cohort Eliot Spitzer, who followed the same path from AG to the Governor’s office in New York. Power hungry people will go to many lengths to stay in positions that give them control over others, Gansler is no different. Recently, Gansler made several gaffes when he insisted his opponent Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown, an Afro-American, has only his race to offer as a justification for seeking the governorship.  This denigrating statement may move many out of his camp for obvious reasons. According to Gansler’s bio Civil Rights are a high priority for him, yet his speeches appear to reflect otherwise.  Both Martin O’Malley and Douglas Gansler have their priorities misplaced. Their motivations for seeking office have less to do with improving living conditions in Maryland than staying in positions of power at all costs. With these two men in charge Maryland has become more blue pushing state coffers into the red. Neither one should be honored with higher office, yet knowing Marylanders they like the status quo. Mark Davis, MD President of Healthnets Review Service and Davis Book Reviews,,,, Author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. To comment please join us on LinkedIn in the group, Government in Transition.

Maryland needs leaders not followers

Maryland needs leaders not followers


Maryland’s Governor and Attorney General (AG) are running away from their respective offices to move higher on the food chain. Governor Martin O’Malley has his eyes on the White House as Attorney General Douglas Gansler looks towards the State House. Governor O’Malley’s few accomplishments are drowned out by the enormous number of unsolved problems he will leaves in his wake. Violence throughout the state of Maryland, especially in Baltimore City and Prince George’s County, has only received lip service from someone who incessantly brags of his nonexistent achievements. Taking his lead from President Obama, Governor O’Malley will waste several billion dollars or more on green projects to nowhere. Under his mindless tutelage a rain tax now falls across Maryland, the only state in the union to institute such idiocy. Taxes, tolls, assessments and other financial extortions from the state have moved up exponentially to fund O’Malley’s massive entitlement structure. Efficiency is not in the Governor’s vocabulary. His inability to understand business dynamics caused Maryland to be named a business unfriendly state by those in the know. In the event this is the record O’Malley will run on, conservatives will have no fear of him succeeding.


Attorney General’s office sits in prime real estate in the midst of Baltimore City, not in the less expensive state towers on Preston Street. From this perch a panoramic view of Baltimore’s nightly blood bath is evident. Since his installation as Attorney General, Gansler has made no effort to stem the flow of violence surrounding his office or elsewhere in the state. The daily body count attests to the fact that his very liberal agenda, to retain office, excludes the possibility of taking on the true challenges necessary to reduce the death toll. Gansler’s well concocted bio displays his strong push for; nontraditional marriages, health care solutions through the abomination called Obamacare, gun control for victims not victimizers, diversity in state appointments without consideration for merit, baseless green energy projects and numerous other left-wing assaults driving businesses to more friendly environs. Baseless lawsuits against physicians are one of his office’s specialties. Douglas Gansler has intimidated a sufficient number of people to keep his name afloat in the media, not to dissimilar from another cohort Eliot Spitzer, who followed the same path from AG to the Governor’s office in New York. Power hungry people will go to many lengths to stay in positions that give them control over others, Gansler is no different. Recently, Gansler made several gaffes when he insisted his opponent Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown, an Afro-American, has only his race to offer as a justification for seeking the governorship.  This denigrating statement may move many out of his camp for obvious reasons. According to Gansler’s bio Civil Rights are a high priority for him, yet his speeches appear to reflect otherwise.  Both Martin O’Malley and Douglas Gansler have their priorities misplaced. Their motivations for seeking office have less to do with improving living conditions in Maryland than staying in positions of power at all costs. With these two men in charge Maryland has become more blue pushing state coffers into the red. Neither one should be honored with higher office, yet knowing Marylanders they like the status quo. Mark Davis, MD President of Healthnets Review Service and Davis Book Reviews,,,, Author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. To comment please join us on LinkedIn in the group, Government in Transition.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Elysium: scifi socialism wrapped in contemporary issues

Elysium: scifi socialism wrapped in contemporary issues


Matt Damon reached for the stars in his new scifi flick Elysium. Instead he fell to Earth, with a loud thud, as the story line was revealed. Set in the year 2154, with a post-apocalyptic Los Angeles as its backdrop, Damon must fight his way through two worlds for his own survival and the rest of humanity. Wealthy elites live on a gigantic space platform named Elysium, while the rest of Earth’s population lives in the ruins below. Twenty-second century Los Angeles is populated with millions of Hispanic individuals who have reclaimed a city once under their auspices. Very little work is available except for a few giant corporate structures managed by the Elysium hierarchy. Damon’s female interest has a child who is in her last days of life. With our hero facing his own demise from an industrial accident, the clock is ticking for both to get to Elysium where cures are available.  Numerous obstacles are placed in the path of the protagonist Damon before he can achieve passage for himself and others to the elites floating abode. Jodi Foster is engaging as the Defense Secretary in Elysium. Contemporary social themes overburden this film’s  futuristic settings begging the question, did the White House edit this film. A war between the rich and poor is continually emphasized. Climate change is creatively worked into some of the scenes. Yet, the most provocative theme is sophisticated medical services are only ordained for the rich, sound familiar. Director Neill Blomkamp, denies in numerous interviews, that Elysium was intended to showcase America’s current problems. Any other interpretation would be antithetical to the evidence before the audience. Damon’s performance is flat, as though he was forced to perform in a venue out of his league. Half-hearted direction makes the interplay between the actors lame and uninteresting. As an avid fan of scifi, I would wait until this one comes to cable. It has very little future. Mark Davis, MD author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. President of Healthnets Review Services and Davis Book Reviews. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition. Please comment here.

Elysium: Scifi socialism wrapped in contemporary issues

Elysium: scifi socialism wrapped in contemporary issues


Matt Damon reached for the stars in his new scifi flick Elysium. Instead he fell to Earth, with a loud thud, as the story line was revealed. Set in the year 2154, with a post-apocalyptic Los Angeles as its backdrop, Damon must fight his way through two worlds for his own survival and the rest of humanity. Wealthy elites live on a gigantic space platform named Elysium, while the rest of Earth’s population lives in the ruins below. Twenty-second century Los Angeles is populated with millions of Hispanic individuals who have reclaimed a city once under their auspices. Very little work is available except for a few giant corporate structures managed by the Elysium hierarchy. Damon’s female interest has a child who is in her last days of life. With our hero facing his own demise from an industrial accident, the clock is ticking for both to get to Elysium where cures are available.  Numerous obstacles are placed in the path of the protagonist Damon before he can achieve passage for himself and others to the elites floating abode. Jodi Foster is engaging as the Defense Secretary in Elysium. Contemporary social themes overburden this film’s  futuristic settings begging the question, did the White House edit this film. A war between the rich and poor is continually emphasized. Climate change is creatively worked into some of the scenes. Yet, the most provocative theme is sophisticated medical services are only ordained for the rich, sound familiar. Director Neill Blomkamp, denies in numerous interviews, that Elysium was intended to showcase America’s current problems. Any other interpretation would be antithetical to the evidence before the audience. Damon’s performance is flat, as though he was forced to perform in a venue out of his league. Half-hearted direction makes the interplay between the actors lame and uninteresting. As an avid fan of scifi, I would wait until this one comes to cable. It has very little future. Mark Davis, MD author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. President of Healthnets Review Services and Davis Book Reviews. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition. Please comment here.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

America: will its present form of government survive

America: will its present form of government survive


A RINO virus is quickly moving through the Republican ranks in the Congress. One by one the conservative contingent of the Senate and the House of Representatives are falling ill to this contagion. With few exceptions, their voices are unified with their opponents, when antithetical tones should be heard. Democrats believe there are more than enough votes to pass pending immigration legislation. Whispers from Republican leadership bear out the latter statement. All appearances suggest the two-party system has been redefined under Obama’s disharmonious leadership. Some even believe the parties have merged on many levels. President Obama has been able to sidestep most issues that are toxic to his presidency, surprisingly with major assistance from the Republicans. Originally Congressional committees moved aggressively to ferret out detriments emanating from the Administration, these so-called scandals have been reduced to quiet supplication on requests for data from the reigning regime. No one in Congress has been able to overcome Obama’s intricate administrative machinery to keep him at bay from moving on his very open socialist agenda. Government’s balance has been thrown towards the Executive branch, as though we are on a war footing against ourselves. Founders of this nation looked towards the future as they finished the Constitution. They were aware that too few strengths embedded in government structure would render Democratic principles useless. Yet, they were wise enough to know that too much would bring us full circle, similar to the egregious monarchy America had recently casted off. Unfortunately, they could not foresee a time when the Constitution would be usurped by a renegade government. This self-serving entity has absconded with the country’s wealth and robbed the nation of its most valuable resource, educated people. Government intervention has caused a decline in every major institution in American in the last four years except for one, the entitlement industry. Exponentially growing yearly, our newly merged political party is spending America into destitution lathering recipients with the largesse from others’ labors. Why? To maintain their power base. With the population moving towards 320 million, America’s central core of power no longer represents the electorate in entirety. A government structured around one person as President does not make sense as it did during the birth of this nation. President Obama has proven this premise over and over again. Additionally, 535 people in both legislative branches fail to reflect the wishes of those who put them in office. This obvious fact cannot be refuted. One review of the legislative agenda from the last 4 years is evidence enough. A Constitutional committee should study these issues because America is no longer the country millions have died to preserve. Mark Davis, MD: author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. President of Healthnets Review Services and Davis Book Reviews., To comment please post to our group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition.

America: will its present form of government survive

America: will its present form of government survive


A RINO virus is quickly moving through the Republican ranks in the Congress. One by one the conservative contingent of the Senate and the House of Representatives are falling ill to this contagion. With few exceptions, their voices are unified with their opponents, when antithetical tones should be heard. Democrats believe there are more than enough votes to pass pending immigration legislation. Whispers from Republican leadership bear out the latter statement. All appearances suggest the two-party system has been redefined under Obama’s disharmonious leadership. Some even believe the parties have merged on many levels. President Obama has been able to sidestep most issues that are toxic to his presidency, surprisingly with major assistance from the Republicans. Originally Congressional committees moved aggressively to ferret out detriments emanating from the Administration, these so-called scandals have been reduced to quiet supplication on requests for data from the reigning regime. No one in Congress has been able to overcome Obama’s intricate administrative machinery to keep him at bay from moving on his very open socialist agenda. Government’s balance has been thrown towards the Executive branch, as though we are on a war footing against ourselves. Founders of this nation looked towards the future as they finished the Constitution. They were aware that too few strengths embedded in government structure would render Democratic principles useless. Yet, they were wise enough to know that too much would bring us full circle, similar to the egregious monarchy America had recently casted off. Unfortunately, they could not foresee a time when the Constitution would be usurped by a renegade government. This self-serving entity has absconded with the country’s wealth and robbed the nation of its most valuable resource, educated people. Government intervention has caused a decline in every major institution in American in the last four years except for one, the entitlement industry. Exponentially growing yearly, our newly merged political party is spending America into destitution lathering recipients with the largesse from others’ labors. Why? To maintain their power base. With the population moving towards 320 million, America’s central core of power no longer represents the electorate in entirety. A government structured around one person as President does not make sense as it did during the birth of this nation. President Obama has proven this premise over and over again. Additionally, 535 people in both legislative branches fail to reflect the wishes of those who put them in office. This obvious fact cannot be refuted. One review of the legislative agenda from the last 4 years is evidence enough. A Constitutional committee should study these issues because America is no longer the country millions have died to preserve. Mark Davis, MD: author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. President of Healthnets Review Services and Davis Book Reviews., To comment please post to our group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition.

Friday, August 2, 2013

A presidency on the edge

A presidency on the edge


Prior to President Nixon’s resignation on August 8, 1974, he presented to the American public, an elaborate series of lies to affirm his innocence in the Watergate scandal. Nixon’s message resonated with many of his followers, yet it was insufficient to overcome the depleted trust the electorate had placed in him. As impeachment proceedings moved forward in Congress members of his own party convinced him to step aside for the good of the nation. He pondered their request for a period of time and came to the conclusion his support in Congressional circles was eroding quickly. The rest is embedded in his resignation letter to Congress and the American people. Thirty-nine years ago this month marks the anniversary of the only President in American history to resign from office. Nixon never could have conceived of an Obama presidency with a multitude of scandals, each one worse than Watergate. Yet, America has once again arrived at the crossroads of history where a sitting President has maligned the office for which he was elected. President Obama has done everything in his power to obfuscate the investigations into his scandalous behavior. Through a series of deceptions and misrepresentations the President and his subordinates are attempting to lead investigators away from the truth. Nixon was involved in one incident, with the break in to the Democrat offices in the Watergate tower. Obama’s Administration has obstructed nearly three hundred conservative groups from receiving tax exempt status, disallowing donors their constitutional rights to express themselves through these groups. Present information suggests that the orders for these actions by the IRS lead directly into the White House. This scandal pales in comparison to the four deaths and eventual cover up in the Benghazi debacle. The lies and deceit from the White House, concerning Obama’s mismanagement of this massacre, could leave one breathless. Obama’s open discourse to incite race hatred and violence is sufficient enough to question his ability to lead. With a bevy of other scandals under investigation, directly caused by the Administration’s faux pas, perhaps the time has come for Congress to move ahead with impeachment proceedings. Violations of civil and potential criminal law are suggested by the Administration’s actions. In the last few days President Obama called these scandals phony and noted they are political ploys to block the people’s work that needs to be performed in Washington. On the contrary, Mr. President, Congress is performing the people’s work by undertaking and detailing potential crimes that may have occurred under the auspices of your office. The shadow hanging over the White House needs to be lifted before the actual curtain falls permanently. Many of the investigations underway are coming to fruition, perhaps the President should rethink his stance on the very problems his Administration has caused. If not, there could be a change in leadership long before Obama’s term expires. Mark Davis, MD President of Healthnets Review Services and Davis Book Reviews.,, Author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition. Debate this and other current issues with us on this site.

A presidency on the edge

A presidency on the edge


Prior to President Nixon’s resignation on August 8, 1974, he presented to the American public, an elaborate series of lies to affirm his innocence in the Watergate scandal. Nixon’s message resonated with many of his followers, yet it was insufficient to overcome the depleted trust the electorate had placed in him. As impeachment proceedings moved forward in Congress members of his own party convinced him to step aside for the good of the nation. He pondered their request for a period of time and came to the conclusion his support in Congressional circles was eroding quickly. The rest is embedded in his resignation letter to Congress and the American people. Thirty-nine years ago this month marks the anniversary of the only President in American history to resign from office. Nixon never could have conceived of an Obama presidency with a multitude of scandals, each one worse than Watergate. Yet, America has once again arrived at the crossroads of history where a sitting President has maligned the office for which he was elected. President Obama has done everything in his power to obfuscate the investigations into his scandalous behavior. Through a series of deceptions and misrepresentations the President and his subordinates are attempting to lead investigators away from the truth. Nixon was involved in one incident, with the break in to the Democrat offices in the Watergate tower. Obama’s Administration has obstructed nearly three hundred conservative groups from receiving tax exempt status, disallowing donors their constitutional rights to express themselves through these groups. Present information suggests that the orders for these actions by the IRS lead directly into the White House. This scandal pales in comparison to the four deaths and eventual cover up in the Benghazi debacle. The lies and deceit from the White House, concerning Obama’s mismanagement of this massacre, could leave one breathless. Obama’s open discourse to incite race hatred and violence is sufficient enough to question his ability to lead. With a bevy of other scandals under investigation, directly caused by the Administration’s faux pas, perhaps the time has come for Congress to move ahead with impeachment proceedings. Violations of civil and potential criminal law are suggested by the Administration’s actions. In the last few days President Obama called these scandals phony and noted they are political ploys to block the people’s work that needs to be performed in Washington. On the contrary, Mr. President, Congress is performing the people’s work by undertaking and detailing potential crimes that may have occurred under the auspices of your office. The shadow hanging over the White House needs to be lifted before the actual curtain falls permanently. Many of the investigations underway are coming to fruition, perhaps the President should rethink his stance on the very problems his Administration has caused. If not, there could be a change in leadership long before Obama’s term expires. Mark Davis, MD President of Healthnets Review Services and Davis Book Reviews.,, Author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition. Debate this and other current issues with us on this site.