Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lawyers: the real Demons of Democracy


Demons of Democracy: the book lawyers hate


Acquisition of legal services is as close as your yellow pages. Thousands of advertisements by suited individuals claiming expertise in a wide variety of subjects are audaciously portrayed as saviors in this resource. Yet their portrayals as self-redeemers contain an underlying deception that jumps off the page when you review the gamut of expertise presented. The enumeration of qualifications is long and very untrustworthy even to the superficial observer. Demons of Democracy exposes that most of these ads are pure fiction and those behind them have minimal abilities to perform the tasks presented. More than a million lawyers roam the range of America’s legal landscape starving for the next case. Law schools, except for a few, do not prepare the student for the realities of 21st century America. Their minds are entrenched with basic subject matter, yet they are never provided the depth of training they will misrepresent to the public a few years later. Would you trust your life savings to someone with a 3 credit course in estate planning or allow someone with a 2 credit course in tax preparation to manage your portfolio of stocks? The answer to both of these questions would be no if you knew better. Unfortunately lawyers mislead people to believe they have a level of erudition which is not borne out by their education, training or experience. Most are burnt out social science majors who had no idea where to plant their feet after college. Law school or driving a cab was the logical alternatives for these individuals. Demons of Democracy discusses the profound ignorance of many who wear the badge as a member of a once esteemed profession. Demons examines the methodologies that are employed by tens of thousands of reprobates in suits to undermine every aspect of American culture and the institutions that made it strong. This creative resource notes that most functions performed by lawyers in the states are provided by government functionaries in other countries at pennies on the dollar. Our society is most noteworthy for criminalizing normal human behaviors by an overreaching governmental structure that lauds itself on jailing as many people as possible. Who benefits most, that’s right your corner lawyer. Demons of Democracy provides the rationale why lawyers should not manage complex organizational structures such as the Executive branch of our federal bureaucracy, just look at the present results. This is the last book lawyers would recommend, but the first one that should be on your reading list. Mark Davis MD author of the aforementioned book and the forthcoming work Obamacare: Dead on Arrival. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition, join, comment and debate.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Obama's dilemma: continue the charade or come clean

Obama’s dilemma: continue the charade or come clean


Three scandals, concurrently, are plaguing the Obama Administration: the Benghazi massacre, Internal Revenue Service’s abuse of power and News-gate.
As usual the President has cleverly distanced himself from these horrific abuses by sending subordinates to take the heat from the media and Congressional committees. Benghazi massacre no longer appears to be a sequence of incompetent actions caused by various segments of our government. Evidence emerging from various sources displays that a profound cover up, directed by the White House, is enforce. Deaths of four Americans, which include an Ambassador chosen by the President, still remain a mystery more than 8 months after the tragic incident. Twelve separate explanations, lacking any substantiation, have been expressed by various members of the Administration and the President himself. When the story of an anti-Muslim video didn’t capture the public’s attention, a dozen other variants were introduced in an attempt to explain away this massacre. From the perch of many Obama put the safety of Muslim extremists before those of four Americans. Someone ordered the military not to respond to an ongoing assault in Benghazi, and that person may be in residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. As the Benghazi tragedy continued to swirl through Congressional corridors, abuse of Internal Revenue resources came to light, in the last few weeks. Groups that lean to the right were targeted for audits or even denials of tax exemptions in a frequency well beyond statistical averages, as noted in an Inspector General’s report. Coincidently, the abuse started in March of 2010 when Obamacare was signed into law. An uptick of IRS harassment of these same groups and individuals occurred as the 2012 election approached. Officials, at this egregious tax service, have denied for over a year these occurrences were taking place, when recent evidence surfaced displaying otherwise. In civil tones, IRS officials lied to Congress and the American people. Many believe the intimidation of the right was purposely initiated to keep Barack Obama in power. These revelations came to light 7 months after the 2012 election, when the facts were known 6 months before Obama won a second term. Obama’s henchmen and women had one goal, manipulate the outcome of a presidential election. There is no other explanation, with the facts presently available. Even more insidious than a manipulated election, is an attempt by the White House and Department of Justice to suppress the free flow of information in the media. Unbeknownst to Fox News, the Associated Press and others news organizations of note was the Department of Justice’s quiet acquisition of reporters’ emails, contacts, phone numbers and other information that could be harmful to President Obama’s reelection bid. With various excuses the DOJ quoted national security or some other hypothetical to obtain this information. Reality speaks in other tones, meaning this was another form of intimidation by an out of control Administration that feels empowered to step on the Constitution. Similar to the other scandals and tragedies Obama and his minions have sudden amnesia when approached to explain any aspect of this Administrations overreach. The time has arrived for the President to drop the charades and come clean concerning these three scandals and others from his prior term. White House machinery to cover the President’s tracks is being peeled away daily. Soon, Congressional investigators will find the path that leads to the back door of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. When this occurs, it will be too late for Obama to be contrite before a Nation that made a mistake in 2008 and again in 2012. Mark Davis, MD, President of Healthnets Review Services, www.healthnets, Author of the book, Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Obama: unfit for duty

Obama: unfit for duty


Obama’s Presidency is disintegrating under the weight of numerous scandals that are now plaguing his Administration. As the ringleader of a fanatical group of people, who concocted a sophisticated cover up for the Benghazi massacre, Obama and his minions are now under assault by a Congress that is finally doing its job. New lies and deceitful statements emanate daily from a White House that has no conscience concerning the actions that took place in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. Obama placed the safety of Muslim extremists ahead of four Americans, who could have been saved had he acted appropriately at the time. Our best of the best were told to stand down as bullets and rockets inundated their poorly fortified compound, which became the tomb of the Ambassador and three others. A flood of misrepresentations followed claiming a video was the main reason for the assault, when the World knew otherwise. Recent Congressional hearings have added substance to most of our suspicions that Obama’s position on Benghazi was a fabrication to prevent the truth from becoming known before the 2012 Presidential Election. Information Americans should have had within days of the carnage surfaced when several so-called whistleblowers came forward recently. On fear of reprisal, they provided testimony that was both shocking and tragic which directly contradicted the Administration’s account of the massacre. Inaction by the President on 9/11 and the subsequent cover up should be sufficient to draw an impeachment panel to investigate the potential to bring the President to trial before the Senate. Adding fuel to the proverbial fire, in the last several weeks numerous other scandals have surfaced with equal potential to bring charges against President Obama. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) officials targeted conservative groups, religious organizations and other right wing associations in an attempt to suppress their activities. Daily, more groups are coming forward with stories of intimidation from the IRS, which are reminiscent of activities instigated by the Nixon Administration. These activities come with one caveat, this time they are more widespread. The ultimate reason for hammering conservative groups was to assure an Obama win last year. In the event the latter two scandals were not sufficient, staff from the Department of Justice (DOJ) secretly obtained two months of phone records from various reporters and editors at the Associated Press. This is an unheard of intrusion into the privacy of the media, which will generate more Congressional hearings. Obama’s inability to manage day-to-day operations of the government has been apparent since he took office. Media, blinded by their left wing egos, gave the President a pass on each screw up, by him, that came to light. Worse, a population dependent on Obama for their weekly and month checks looked the other way as the nation sunk further into economic oblivion. How much more depravity and dishonesty will the sensible portion of the population absorb before they demand his removal? Rumblings of impeachment have been reported around the not so quiet halls of Congress. Since recall is not option in the law, then only impeachment can resolve the ultimate problem of removing a wayward President. From this perch I believe these scandals will be whitewashed. Let us hope the latter does not come to pass. Mark Davis MD, President of Healthnets Review Services,,  Author of the book Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Rubio's immigration legislation is Obamacare on steroids

Rubio’s immigration legislation is Obamacare on steroids


Americans should get ready for the newest affliction from Washington D.C. This time it is in the form of immigration legislation. As porous as our borders are presently, this monstrous legislation will enable a deluge of immigrants to flow into this country. Marco Rubio, a Republican Senator from the Great State of Florida, is spearheading the push to move this legislation forward. Commercials have already appeared noting this legislation as a cure-all to all the prior failed immigration laws and policies that preceded it. Three decades ago one of our best presidents, Ronald Reagan, made a concerted effort to stem the flow of illegals from south of the border, it failed. Since then a hodge-podge of remedies have been attempted to bring sanity to the immigration process. They also failed. Senator Rubio has been all over the media touting the virtues of his program that disadvantages American citizens over their illegal counterparts. A version of this pending legislation is revised weekly to keep current with its critics’ analysis. Volumetrically, this bill contains 867 pages with references to more waivers, exemptions and exceptions per page than its big brother, Obamacare. For complexity it contains a dazzling array of tenets that could baffle the most rational mind. With such a variety of paths to by-pass the restrictions in the core bill, one can only extrapolate that it was deviously prepared this way for a reason. According to reports, Rubio claims border control will improve, more sensible approaches to the illegals already on our soil will come into being and future arrivals will be given an easier path to citizenship. From closer inspection of this newest offering from Congress, the antithesis will occur. Illegals will be able to bring their families here with much less effort than before, potentially doubling and or tripling their present numbers. Management of the borders are taken out of the hands of those who perform these heroic actions, and given over to government lackeys to do as they choose. We are told by Rubio that; entitlements will not be available to illegals, that fines will be paid by those who have trespassed on our soil and this illicit populous will be able to stay in this nation with multiple conditions of their heads. Once you absorb this surrealistic presentation, a normal mind would come to the same conclusion as his or her  brethren, that Rubio is full of chicken feathers. This monster should not pass either house of Congress or anywhere near yours. Trillions is the price tag for a legislation that is doomed to fail like its predecessors. Conservative media voices are already lining up to support this egregious bill without understanding its true nature. In the event there is any sensibility left in Congress, this legislation, in its present form, should be defeated and buried in the landfill from which it originated. Rubio is being disingenuous with the American Public concerning the contents of his legislative initiative. As a result, his political career will suffer tremedously. His elementary approach to this complex issue displays he is not ready for primetime. Mark Davis, MD, President of Healthnets Review Services, Author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the group on LikedIn, Government in Transition: join, comment and debate some of the finest minds.

Rubio's immigration legislation is Obamacare on steroids

Rubio’s immigration legislation is Obamacare on steroids


Americans should get ready for the newest affliction from Washington D.C. This time it is in the form of immigration legislation. As porous as our borders are presently, this monstrous legislation will enable a deluge of immigrants to flow into this country. Marco Rubio, a Republican Senator from the Great State of Florida, is spearheading the push to move this legislation forward. Commercials have already appeared noting this legislation as a cure-all to all the prior failed immigration laws and policies that preceded it. Three decades ago one of our best presidents, Ronald Reagan, made a concerted effort to stem the flow of illegals from south of the border, it failed. Since then a hodge-podge of remedies have been attempted to bring sanity to the immigration process. They also failed. Senator Rubio has been all over the media touting the virtues of his program that disadvantages American citizens over their illegal counterparts. A version of this pending legislation is revised weekly to keep current with its critics’ analysis. Volumetrically, this bill contains 867 pages with references to more waivers, exemptions and exceptions per page than its big brother, Obamacare. For complexity it contains a dazzling array of tenets that could baffle the most rational mind. With such a variety of paths to by-pass the restrictions in the core bill, one can only extrapolate that it was deviously prepared this way for a reason. According to reports, Rubio claims border control will improve, more sensible approaches to the illegals already on our soil will come into being and future arrivals will be given an easier path to citizenship. From closer inspection of this newest offering from Congress, the antithesis will occur. Illegals will be able to bring their families here with much less effort than before, potentially doubling and or tripling their present numbers. Management of the borders are taken out of the hands of those who perform these heroic actions, and given over to government lackeys to do as they choose. We are told by Rubio that; entitlements will not be available to illegals, that fines will be paid by those who have trespassed on our soil and this illicit populous will be able to stay in this nation with multiple conditions of their heads. Once you absorb this surrealistic presentation, a normal mind would come to the same conclusion as his or her  brethren, that Rubio is full of chicken feathers. This monster should not pass either house of Congress or anywhere near yours. Trillions is the price tag for a legislation that is doomed to fail like its predecessors. Conservative media voices are already lining up to support this egregious bill without understanding its true nature. In the event there is any sensibility left in Congress, this legislation, in its present form, should be defeated and buried in the landfill from which it originated. Rubio is being disingenuous with the American Public concerning the contents of his legislative initiative. As a result, his political career will suffer tremedously. His elementary approach to this complex issue displays he is not ready for primetime. Mark Davis, MD, President of Healthnets Review Services, Author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the group on LikedIn, Government in Transition: join, comment and debate some of the finest minds.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Maryland voted very unfriendly by CEOs

Maryland voted very unfriendly by CEOs


One great tragedy that has befallen Maryland is the harsh manner in which the State and its local jurisdictions regard their business community. Apparently, this theme has not gone unnoticed by those who live beyond Maryland’s borders. CEOs from around the nation have ranked Maryland in the bottom twenty percent of states they would do business. State businesses have been overburdened with onerous regulations and taxes, which is at the core of their concerns. To receive business and or professional licenses one must transverse a thicket of regulatory structure that could drive the most rational amongst us insane. In the event a business can satisfy the first hurdle, then financial tributes to state coffers comes next. State government has utilized many hammers to extort money from those who pay the majority of the bills. The Baltimore Sun has a much different view than these CEOs. In an article by Dan Rodricks on May 8, 2013 entitled “Complaining CEOs need to take a hike,” the author’s lack of experience in the business community and his left wing bent jumps off the page. Mr. Rodrick’s quotes irrelevant unemployment statistics, per capita incomes and other data not germane to the initial premise of his article. In Mr. Rodrick’s left wing world journalists and Maryland’s left of the left government knows more about the business community than CEOs who manage multiple companies. Why did Mr. Rodrick veer away from the State’s multiple levies, high taxes, fees etc., when discussing Maryland’s business environment? Because it detracts from his pointless diatribe that Maryland enables businesses not disables them. Unemployment insurance levies, workmen’s compensation assessments, personal property taxes, licensing fees, environment costs and more are close to the highest in the nation. Maryland’s businesses face another phony assessment called a rain tax, which will be selectively be levied in the near future. In the event any business steps out of line tens of thousands of inspectors, reviewers or monitors from hundreds of state administrative boards will descend on your company like locust. The Baltimore Sun failed the public in not reviewing Mr. Rodrick’s work before publishing it. Erroneous in content and completely slanted to make Maryland’s government shine, it challenges the truth on every level. The real test of business bias is easy to uncover, ask those who run businesses their opinions. Apparently, the Sun’s reporters have forgotten basic journalistic techniques. Mark Davis, MD, President of Healthnets Review Services,, Author of the Book Demons of Democracy (the cover has become a collector’s item) and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the group on LinkedIn, Government in Transition, where some of the best minds comment and debate.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Facebook: America's newest fad

Facebook: America’s newest fad


Facebook is America’s newest childish obsession similar to the Hula Hoop and Frisbee. As a low mentality exercise anyone can partake in the few requirements to be successful. To be part of the Facebook billion one must sign up and provide a profile of his or her life. Though this information is supposed to be private, the owners of this social network believe otherwise. Once the participant is within the system he or she can post pictures of children, friends, dogs or whatever comes to mind. Commentary by most on the Facebook pages is usually limited to a sentence or two. Few debate or post something of significance. Other social mediums draw people with a wider range of thought processes, such as LinkedIn. Measurement of success on Facebook pages comes with the number of people who follow and or befriend you in this medium. Perhaps these numbers play well for advertisers, but for the average user they are meaningless. How many people would want to know the last time you had a Big Mac or when your dog was in heat? Very few! Recently the owners of Facebook went public with a stock offering. Those with diminished capacity bought into the company’s propaganda that it was a worthy investment. In the aftermath of the offering thousands took a literal financial bath when its share value fell to nearly half of its initial price. Since then the stock value has been creeping back, yet continues in a very negative range.  Mark Zuckerberg, the young billionaire who brought Facebook to life has decided to allow his social network to be part of the government’s strategic information pool. He has developed a close relationship with the Obama Administration, allowing them quick access to personal information you have posted in your profile or stated in commentary. Zuckerberg’s reward was an amazing tax break ranging into the billions. To the average user his actions are a betrayal of trust. Facebook has become a fad for tens of millions, for others an obsession. Facebook has reinvented social interaction, no doubt. What is missing from this equation is the human element that no cyber bulletin board can replace. Facebook may be around for many years to come but its value to humanity will diminish with time, as a good fad always does. Mark Davis, MD, President of Healthnets Review Services,,  Author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the LinkedIn group, Government in Transition, join, comment and debate with some of the best minds on LinkedIn.

Facebook: America's newest fad


Facebook is America’s newest childish obsession similar to the Hula Hoop and Frisbee. As a low mentality exercise anyone can partake in the few requirements to be successful. To be part of the Facebook billion one must sign up and provide a profile of his or her life. Though this information is supposed to be private, the owners of this social network believe otherwise. Once the participant is within the system he or she can post pictures of children, friends, dogs or whatever comes to mind. Commentary by most on the Facebook pages is usually limited to a sentence or two. Few debate or post something of significance. Other social mediums draw people with a wider range of thought processes, such as LinkedIn. Measurement of success on Facebook pages comes with the number of people who follow and or befriend you in this medium. Perhaps these numbers play well for advertisers, but for the average user they are meaningless. How many people would want to know the last time you had a Big Mac or when your dog was in heat? Very few! Recently the owners of Facebook went public with a stock offering. Those with diminished capacity bought into the company’s propaganda that it was a worthy investment. In the aftermath of the offering thousands took a literal financial bath when its share value fell to nearly half of its initial price. Since then the stock value has been creeping back, yet continues in a very negative range.  Mark Zuckerberg, the young billionaire who brought Facebook to life has decided to allow his social network to be part of the government’s strategic information pool. He has developed a close relationship with the Obama Administration, allowing them quick access to personal information you have posted in your profile or stated in commentary. Zuckerberg’s reward was an amazing tax break ranging into the billions. To the average user his actions are a betrayal of trust. Facebook has become a fad for tens of millions, for others an obsession. Facebook has reinvented social interaction, no doubt. What is missing from this equation is the human element that no cyber bulletin board can replace. Facebook may be around for many years to come but its value to humanity will diminish with time, as a good fad always does. Mark Davis, MD, President of Healthnets Review Services,,  Author of Demons of Democracy and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. Manager of the LinkedIn group, Government in Transition, join, comment and debate with some of the best minds on LinkedIn.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Millenium Diet, The Practical Guide For Rapid Weight Loss

The Millenium Diet, The Practical Guide For Rapid Weight Loss


Few diet books have had the impact the Millenium Diet has had over the last several years. Sold on four continents, this diet book remains an extremely popular means of losing weight. Current literature on weight loss confirms diets, such as the one contained in the Millenium Diet book, are physiologically compatible with the human body. This means the human body will give up its excessive weight more quickly and effectively than other programs. The Millenium Diet’s regimen of elevated protein, moderate carbohydrates and very low fats was specifically designed for expedited weight loss. Based on thousands of patient visits to the author’s weight loss practice, this program has been utilized by people from every field of endeavor. Patients who came to Doctor Mark Davis’ office tried most of the antiquated programs on the market, without success. Many New York publishers continue to push these regimens that are untested clinically and could be harmful in the long term. Their huge investment in these diet books, unfortunately, does not bring the latest research to those who purchase them. The Millenium Diet has been used by untold numbers of people. Reviews by its users can found all over the internet. Recent studies indicate diets that contain elevated protein and restricted carbohydrates have the potential to extend lifespan. Lab animals when fed the regimen described here tend to outlive their littermates by 50% or more. Celebrity driven programs have no scientific basis and make news for a week or two then disappear. The Millenium Diet continues on its trajectory of most requested programs on the market. If your library or local bookstore does not have it, ask them to stock for you. Peer reviewed, easy to implement and adaptable to most lifestyles, The Millenium Diet, The Practical Guide for Rapid Weight Loss is a top pick for your dieting needs. Mark Davis, MD author of the aforementioned book and the forthcoming book, Obamacare: Dead on Arrival, A Prescription for Disaster. If you have trouble obtaining a copy of this book  please contact us at: or